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    考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 11 页 第 1 页 2016 年暨南大学 706 外语水平研究生入学考试试题(A 卷)*学科、专业名称:外国语言文学 研究方向:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学考试科目名称:外语(英)水平考试 考试科目代码:706考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.1. The Olympic Games were watched by _ billions of people around the world.A. virtually B. literally C. deliberately D. appropriately2. In a materialistic and _ society peoples interest seems to be focused solely on monetary pursuit.A. adaptive B. addictive C. acquisitive D. arrogant3. I found it difficult to _ my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children. A. intensify B. reconcile C. consolidate D. amend4. Both dog's diet and structure are _ to those of the human being, and so it has been the subject of countless demonstrations and experiments.A. comparable B. comparative C. equal D. contrary5. We need one hundred more signatures before we take the _ to the governor.A. plea B. petition C. patent D. claim6. Due to sluggish market conditions, the factory's workforce has _ from over 4000 to a few hundred.A. proclaimed B. dwindled C. repressed D. indulged7. Like most other American companies with a rigid _, workers and managers have strictly defined duties.A. vitality B. jurisdiction C. hierarchy D. bureaucracy8. It is required that during the process, great care has to be taken to protect the _ silk from damage.A. sensitive B. sensible C. tender D. delicate考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 11 页 第 2 页 9. Poverty and domestic violence make it easy for her to trust that bad things will happen and take this _ happiness away.A. adversary B. vulgar C. fragile D. superfluous10. The industry has pumped _ amounts of money into political campaigns, making it less and less likely that politicians will deal with the issue sensibly.A. potential B. substantial C. massive D. traditional11. The university has sought to _ a special fund for physically disabled students.A. administer B. compliment C. perform D. institute12. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into _ ones.A. tragic B. vulnerable C. turbulent D. suspicious13. Bad traveling conditions had seriously _ their progress to their destination in that region.A. tugged B. demolished C. hampered D. destroyed14. When cooperating with the American specialists in the States, I _ myself of the opportunity to improve my English.A. availed B. allowed C. deprived D. indulged15. The structure of this animal's brain gives no _ that it is any more intelligent than others.A. indication B. index C. hint D. implication16. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than _ in the public mind today.A. exists B. exist C. existing D. existed17. He told us how he dealt with the self-interest of countries to bring them into a kind of international accord _ everyone seemed to benefit.A. where B. which C. that D. what18. Rarely _ occur without a corresponding physical ailment.A. chronic mental fatigue B. is chronic mental fatigue C. does chronic mental fatigue D. chronic mental fatigue does19. Minoan civilization _ rapidly after a huge volcanic eruption; Crete was eventually overrun with people from mainland Greece.A. declining B. declined C. was declined D. to decline20. The phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive _ avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens imposed by employment rules, healthcare costs and pension plans.A. but B. while C. and D. whereas考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 11 页 第 3 页 21. Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements - usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen. They are different _ their elements are arranged differently.A. in that B. so that C. such that D. except that22. The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is _ an anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.A. everything except B. anything but C. no less than D. nothing more than23. Annic Jump Cannon, _ discovered so many stars that she was called “the census taker of the sky”.A. a leading astronomer who B. who, as a leading astronomer, C. was a leading astronomer D. a leading astronomer, 24. Used only for wall surfaces that are exposed to view or require a decorative effect, _.A. the exactness in shape, size, and color of face brick B. face brick must be exact in shape, size, and color C. must be face brick which is exact in shape, size and colorD. the shape, size, and color must be exact of face brick25. Nearly all trees contain a mix of polymers that can burn like petroleum _ properly extracted.A. after B. if C. when it D. is26. Playwright Lillian Hellman's dramas are marked by their intelligent and _.A. weaved tight plots B. plots are tightly woven C. tightly woven plots D. weaving of tight plots27. Even at low levels, _.A. the nervous system has produced detrimental effects by lead B. leads detrimental effects are producing the nervous system C. lead produces detrimental effects on the nervous system D. the detrimental effects produced by lead on the nervous system28. When Jane fell off the bike, the other children _.A. were not able to help laughter B. could not help but laughing C. could not help laughing D. could not help to laugh29. Founded around 1075, the Acoma Pueblo is considered _ settlement in the United States.A. the oldest continuously occupied B. occupied continuously the oldest C. the oldest occupied continuously D. continuously the oldest occupied30. _ debate and discussion, opposing ideas are presented in an attempt to persuade people.A. Both B. Although both C. That both D. In both考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 11 页 第 4 页 Part II. Proof-reading and Error Correction (10 points )Directions:Proofread the given passage as instructed. The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: For a wrong word Underline the wrong and write the correct one in the blank provided on the answer sheet. For a missing word Mark the position of the missing word with a “ ” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided on the answer sheet. For an unnecessary word Cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided on the answer sheet. Some people say love makes the world go around. Others say it is not love; its money. Since the truth is that it is energy that makes the world go around. Energy is the currency of the ecological system and life becomes possible even when food is converted into energy, which in turn is used to seek more food to grow, to reproduce and to survive. In this cycle all life depends. It is fairly well known that wild animals survive from year to year by eating as many as they can during times of plenty, the summer and fall, storing the excess, usually in the form of fat, and then using these reserves of fat to survive during the hard time in winter when food is scarce. But it is probably less well known that even with their stored fat, wild animals spend less energy to live in winter than in summer. A good case in point is white-tailed deer. Like most wildlife, deer reproduce, grow, and store fat in the summer and fall when there is plenty of nutritious food available. A physically mature female deer in the good condition who has conceived in November and was given birth to two fawns during the end of May and first part of June, must search for food for the necessary energy not only to meet her bodys needs but also to reproduce milk for her fawns. The best milk production occurs at the same time that new plant growth is available. This is good timing, because milk production is an energy consuming processit requires a lot of food. The cost can be met unless the region has ample food resources.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 11 页 第 5 页 Part III. Cloze (20 points):Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. You are required to read the passage and fill in each bank with a word from the word bank, and change the form where necessary. Do not use any of the words in the bank more than once. base reduce limit compare date represent synonymhomonym pronounce indicate proportionate restrict exceed varietycontrast approximate compose symbol recombine exist varydevelop complicated majority minorityThe Chinese writing system is one of the oldest known written languages. Some of the earliest examples of ancient Chinese writing _1_ back to over 4000 years ago. The first characters to be developed were pictographs, or pictures of objects. The symbol for “sun” looked like a sun, and the symbol for “tree” looked like a tree. When symbols for more _2_ concepts were needed, an _3_ character with the same pronunciation was used to _4_ the pronunciation of the word. The written language therefore _5_ according to the sound of the words, not just their meaning. There are some pictograph and ideograph characters, but about 90 per cent of characters have a phonetic element. Each character is _6_ of elements that can be recombined to form new words _7_ on its meaning or sound. For example, the element 木(tree )can be _8_ with other elements to form the word for “forest” (based on its meaning) or the word for “bathe” or “wash” (based on its sound). Each character can have a number of different pronunciations that also _9_ different meanings. The _10_ of characters change only the tone pitch, but there are also many characters that have several very different_11_. As Chinese has a relatively _12_ number of sounds in its phonemic system, there are also many _13_ - words that have the same sound but different meanings. Chinese character elements can be recombined in lots of ways and the number of possible new characters is_14_. It is thought the total number of characters ever used _15_ 100,000. Average dictionaries contain about 10,000 characters, two thirds of which are rarely used. It is said that a Chinese speaker needs _16_ 3,000 characters to read and understand 99 per cent of modern texts. There are many different _17_ of spoken Chinese and it is common for speakers of Chinese to be able to speak several _18_ of the language. They are, however, all _19_ by the same written script. This _20_ with English where the systems of spoken and written language are more tightly connected. This is one major difference between Chinese and Western concepts of language.Part IV. Reading Comprehension (30 points) Directions: In this section, there are three passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage 1 考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 11 页 第 6 页 Robert Capa is a name that has for many years been synonymous with war photography. Born in Hungary in 1913, Capa was forced to leave his native country after his involvement in anti-government protests. After his arrival in Berlin, he had first found work as a photographer. He later left Germany and moved to France due to the rise in Nazism. In 1936, Capa went to Spain and it was here over the next three years that he built his reputation as a war photographer. It was here too in 1936 that he took one of his most famous pictures, The Death of a Loyalist Soldier. One of Capas most famous quotes was If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough. And he took his attitude of getting close to the action to an extreme. His photograph, The Death of a Loyalist Soldier is a prime example of this as Capa captures the very moment the soldier falls. However, many have questioned the authenticity of this photograph, claiming that it was staged.When World War II broke out, Capa was in New York, but he was soon back in Europe covering the war for Life magazine. Some of his most famous work was created on 6th June 1944 when he swam ashore with the first assault on Omaha Beach in the D-Day invasion of Normandy. Capa, armed only with two cameras, took more than one hundred photographs in the first hour of the landing, but a mistake in the darkroom during the drying of the film destroyed all but eight frames. It was the images from these frames however that inspired the visual style of Steven Spielberg's Oscar winning movie Saving Private Ryan. When Life magazine published the photographs, they claimed that they were slightly out of focus, and Capa later used this as the title of his autobiographical account of the war.Capas private life was no less dramatic. He was friend to many of Hollywoods directors, actors and actresses. In 1943 he fell in love with the wife of actor John Austin. His affair with her lasted until the end of the war and became the subject of his war memoirs. He was at one time lover to actress Ingrid Bergman. Their relationship finally ended in 1946 when he refused to settle in Hollywood and went off to Turkey.In 1947 Capa was among a group of photojournalists who founded Magnum Photos. This was a co-operative organization set up to support photographers and to help them to retain ownership of the copyright to their work.Capa went on to document many other wars. He never attempted to glamorize war though, but to record the horror. He once said, “The desire of any war photographer is to be put out of business.“Capa died as he had lived. After promising not to photograph any more wars, he accepted an assignment to go to Indochina to cover the first Indochina war. On May 25th 1954 Capa was accompanying a French regiment when he left his jeep to take some photographs of the advance and stepped on a land mine. He was taken to a nearby hospital, still clutching his camera, but was pronounced dead on arrival. He left behind him a testament to the horrors of w


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