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    考试科目:外国语言文学综合考试 1 / 82017 年暨南大学外国语言文学 808 外国语言文学综合考试入学考试试题(B 卷)*学科、专业名称:外国语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学研究方向:各研究方向 考试科目名称:808 外国语言文学综合考试考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 I. Multiple choices. There are 20 questions in this part. Choose the best answer to each question. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. Both linguistics candidates and literature candidates must do this part. (20%) 1. The Statue of Liberty was given to America by _ as a gift. A. France B. Spain C. Italy D. Britain 2. The famous poem A Red, Red Rose was written by _. A. Wordsworth B. Byron C. Burns D. Keats3. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in _. A. the United KingdomB. the United Kingdom and the United States of America C. the United States of America D. all the English-speaking countries 4. Big Ben is a famous _ in London. A. statue B. bridge C. hotel D. clock 5. The longest river in Britain is _. A. the Severn River B. the Clyde RiverC. the Thames River D. the Potomac River 6. The General Election in Britain is held every _ years. A. three B. four C. five D. six7. The capital of New Zealand is _. A. Auckland B. Christchurch C. Wellington D. Dunedin 8. Samuel Johnson is most famous for _. 考试科目:外国语言文学综合考试 2 / 8A. A Dictionary of the English LanguageB. UlyssesC. Paradise LostD. Wuthering Heights9. The worlds largest freshwater lake is Lake _. A. Superior B. OntarioC. Huron D. Michigan 10. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a well-known policy called _ to save the economic situation in the 1930s. A. the Open Door Policy B. the Big StickC. Good Neighbor Policy D. the New Deal11. _ is the only president ever to resign in the history of the United States of America. A. John K. Kennedy B. Richard Nixon C. Dwight D. Eisenhower D. Bill Clinton12. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas in _. A. 1861 B. 1963 C. 1929 D. 197213. Utopia was written by _. A. Thomas Moore B. Thomas More C. Thomas Paine D. Francis Bacon14. _was the first permanent English colony in North America and was named after the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth I.A. Philadelphia B. PennsylvaniaC. Virginia D. Georgia15. The famous patriotic saying “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” is attributed to _. A. Patrick Henry B. William WordsworthC. Thomas Paine D. Nathan Hale 16. In the history of Britain, the Norman Conquest took place in _.A. 449 B. 1066 C. 1476 D. 161617. Washington D. C. is named after _.考试科目:外国语言文学综合考试 3 / 8A. the U. S. president George Washington B. Christopher Columbus C. both George Washington and Christopher Columbus D. neither of them18. The _refers to the events in Britain in 1688 when the Roman Catholic James II was removed as king without resistance and replaced by his daughter Mary and her husband William III. A. Glorious Revolution B. Boston Tea PartyC. Constitutional Monarchy D. Louisiana Purchase 19. _ was the only Prime Minister in Britain who won the Nobel Prize for literature. A. Margaret Thatcher B. John Major C. Winston Churchill D. David Cameron 20. The following were the founding fathers of the United States of America except_. A. George Washington B. William PennC. Thomas Jefferson D. Benjamin Franklin II. Fill in the blanks with proper answers. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. Both linguistics candidates and literature candidates must do this part. (20%)1. _, as a design feature of language, refers to the fact that language has two levels of structure or patterning, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. 2. In pronunciation, the p in peak is different from the p in speak in that the first p is_. 3. The word unhappy has three morphemes, namely, un-, hap, and -y, of which hap is a _ morpheme, while un- and -y are _ morphemes. 4. A statement is said to be _ if the speaker unnecessarily says the same thing twice using the same or different words.考试科目:外国语言文学综合考试 4 / 85. _ means that the meaning of one sentence is contained in that of another.6. _ are words which refer to things, qualities, states, or actions and which have stable lexical meanings or semantic contents.7. An _ is a group of syntactically related words where none of the words is functionally equivalent to the group as a whole.8. _ is a word formation process by means of joining two or more words to form a new word.9. _ is the description of the system and patterns of speech sounds in a particular language.10. _ aims to preserve imagined standards of language use by insisting on norms of usage and criticizing violations of these norms.11. is the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, whose masterpiece The Canterbury Tales is one of the most famous works in all literature.12. “Shall I compare thee to a Summers day?/Thou art more lovely and more : /Rough winds do shake the darling buds of Maie,/And Summers lease hath all too short a date.”13. Of all the romantic poets of 18th century, is the most independent and the most original, and his representative works include Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experiences and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.14. With the publication of William Wordsworths Lyrical Ballads in collaboration with S. T. Coleridge, _ began to bloom and found a firm place in the history of English literature.15. The 18th century in English literature is an age of prose, not because the poetry is very bad, but because the prose is very good. The supreme master in the first part of the century is Jonathan Swift, who is known chiefly for his novel _.16. Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter is a story about a woman named _ living in seventeenth - century Boston, then a puritan settlement.考试科目:外国语言文学综合考试 5 / 817. As an American poet of nature, _ (1874-1963) had obvious affinities with romantic writers, notably Wordsworth and Emerson. He saw nature as a storehouse of analogy and symbol, but he had little faith in religious dogma or speculative thought.18. The title of Hemingways novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was taken from a poem of the 17th century English poet _.19. The publication in 1922 of _s The Waste Land, the most significant American poem of the twentieth century, helped to establish a modern tradition of literature rich with learning and allusive thought. 20. Early in the 1920s the most prominent of the new American playwrights, _, established an international reputation with such plays as The Emperor Jones, Anna Christie and The Hairy Ape. III. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. Both linguistics candidates and literature candidates must do this part. (10%)Section A: Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False. If it is true, write T and if it is false, write F. 1. According to Chomsky, performance refers to an ideal speaker's knowledge of his language as manifest in his ability to produce and understand a theoretically infinite number of sentences. 2. Ambiguity involves expressions with more than one normal interpretation. 3. Deep structure is the abstract syntactic representation of a sentence, that is, an underlying level of structural organization displaying all the factors that govern how a sentence should be interpreted. 4. The variant pronunciations of a phoneme are called allomorphs. 5. Blending is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. Section B: Identify the author and indicate the genre of each of the following works.1. “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”考试科目:外国语言文学综合考试 6 / 82. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 3. The Sound and the Fury 4. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”5. Man and Superman IV. Choose SIX from the following terms and explain them briefly. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (30%) 1. productivity2. antonymy3. diachronic studies 4. co-articulation5. endophora 6. proposition 7. dramatic irony8. Puritanism9. Shakespearean sonnet10. The Jazz Age11. The Aesthetic Movement12. free verseV. Answer the following questions: Section A for linguistics candidates and Section B for literature candidates. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40%)Section A:1. What is the relationship between cohesion and coherence? 2. Give an immediate constituent analysis of the following ambiguous sentence: We would like to attract more intelligent students.3. How do you understand conceptual metaphor?4. Illustrate the difference between denotation and connotation with examples.Section B:考试科目:外国语言文学综合考试 7 / 81. In what way does “The Raven” reflect Edgar Allen Poes literary theory?2. Based on A Farewell to Arms, discuss Ernest Hemingways writing technique.3. Based on Jack Londons The Sea Wolf, discuss the typical features of American Naturalism.4. How does Percy Bysshe Shelleys “Ode to the West Wind” reflect the spirit of the English Romanticism?VI. Choose ONE of the following questions and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (30%)1. What is grammaticality? What might make a grammatically meaningful sentence semantically meaningless? (for linguistics candidates) 2. Analyze the theme, poetic form and rhetorical devices of the following poem and develop it into an essay with no less than 200 words (for literature candidates). On His BlindnessWhen I consider how my light is spentEre half my days, in this dark world and wideAnd that one talent which is death to hide, Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bentTo serve therewith my Maker, and presentMy true account, lest he returning chide;“Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?”I fondly ask; but Patience to preventThat murmur, soon replies, “God doth not needEither mans work or his own gifts; who best Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His stateIs kingly. Thousands at his bidding speedAnd post oer land and ocean without rest:They also serve who only stand and wait.”考试科目:外国语言文学综合考试 8 / 8


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