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    新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/经验谈:考研英语大作文答题思路及技巧分享网友版范文(网友原话:“原创内容,欢迎互相学习,进步!恕我浅薄,如过错误欢迎指正。”)2010 考研英语作文范文:From the picture above,we can see a spical “hotpot“ ,which contains many unique ingredients,stand for “LAO SHE“,“KONG FU“,“Decompostion“ and some things to that effect.At the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there extremely prominent,which can be brielf interpreted by this way:culture “hotpot“ is not only good tasting but also strongly good for ones health. A bit exggerating picture is,however,through careful observation,we may discover that behind this strange senario,what the cartoonist intends to show us is extremely obvious:the significance of integration between Chinese culture and other countries culture.With the implementation of the Chinas reform and opening up,an emerging tendency is that more and more foriegners are getting fascinated with our Chinese culture.They come to China to learn 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/Chinese language,taste delicious Chinese foods,make friends with Chinese people, and etc.All these make them pretty comfortable and agreeable.At the same time,however,this phenomenon also stirred a heated dated in our society,so,how to render the other countries culture be more compatible with our Chinese culture has caused wide public concern.As far as I am concerned,before giving my opinion I think we should take closely look at the cultures function widely.Policymakers should be more aware of that culture integration not only benefits to our making a further development but exerts a great contribution to the world peace.2009 考研英语作文范文:As is vigorously shown in the photo,we can see some people sitting in front of their disks and being absorbing in controlling their computers.The expressions in their faces look pretty agreaable.However what the picture intrigue me is that they were separated from each other by a spider web,which is the metahpor of the internet web.At the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:internet contributes to both connecting 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/and isolating each other.A bit exaggerating the picture is,but from observation seriously,we may find that what the cartoonist intends to show us is extremely obvious:the correct attitude towards the using of internet.With the science and technology development,more and more people,espically youngsters are using internet now.With the internet,they will not bother to go to the laboray,when they want to search for some specific references.All the things entail them to do is sitting in front of the computer,and clicking the mouse.The information ranged from social science to the medicial science are all avaliable on the internet.They could also use some unique voice functions to contact with friends promptly.Thanks to the internet.it is the internet has changed our life style pattern.We are obliged to admit the fact that internet has made itself increasingly become the indispensable ingredience of our daily life.It do much convenience to us.However,some people now are worry about the inproper using of the internet,which may generate tremendously side effects.For one thing,using excessively internet in front of the table with less body motion will strongly do harm to health.For the another,using internet desparately will hamper our face-to-face comnunication.People sooner or later will find they were alienated from each other gradually.新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/To my opinion,owning to it has got both positive and side effects,I think we should upright our attitude towards the using of internet first.The internet no more than a servant to our life.we should be the host of ourself rather than being the slaver of the internet.2008 考研英语作文范文:In the cartoon above,two men combined with each other catch my eye intriguingly.Both of them lacked a leg,however they were running repidly and left their sticks behind. At the bottom of the picture,two sentences stand there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:“both of us got one leg,nevertheless,we can integrate into an organiztion,so that we can go everwhere we want.“A bit instructive the picture is.It is not difficult to deduce that what the cartoonist intends to show us is the interdependence among the people.It goes without saying that each person has got his own fault.However the way,which people treat with their own shortcoming vary from person to person.Some people show over passionate attitudes towards their fault.Unfortunately,this uncorrect attitudes will strongly exert negative influences on their behaviors and feelings.They 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/will be pessimistic about everything they encounter,and can not withstand the pressure imposed on them,even put an end to their life.While,other people often show gratitude to everything and accept the fact that they are not perfect.They reckon that although they have got their own shortcoming,they can come to resort to their friends for help and supplement with each other,then everything will be much easier.From this,shortcoming can transfor into advantage.Just as the saying gose:“many hands make light thing.“In my opinion,I think we should put ourselves down to the earth and do not complain about what we were suffered.The crucial point is what can we do to make up for our shortcoming and make our life smooth in the unpleasant situation.One of best way to overcome our shortcoming is that people come together and combine with each other,just like what cartoonist want to convey us.2007 考研英语作文范文:The saying,“Being confidence of oneself will exert extremely benign influences on ones final success“,which is widely shared by many people.In the picture above,however,a goalkeeper and a football player has done a bad example for us.As is the picture distinctly shown that 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/both of them strongly overestimated their opponent,at the same time,they do personally believe that in the presence of such a robust opponent,they seem to become extremely small and never can they combat the opponent,who are just in front of them.A bit exaggerating the picture is,but an instructive one.It is a not tough task for us to deduce that the message,which the cartoonist intends to convey us is the magnitude of the confidence.I boldly guess that many people have got a same experience that we always incline to overestimate the difficulty we encountered.However,some social experts suggest that,the attitude we treated with the difficulty will exert considerable influences on our behaviors.An investigation conducted by this year dramatically exposes that people with passionate attitudes towards the difficulty seem to be lost in the end.While people who are full confidence in themselves always achieve the final success.This finding has stirred a heated debate among the people.So how to deal with the difficulty with the correct attitude?As far as I am conserned,I reckon the crucial point is that we should upright our attitude towards the difficulty and be more confidence in ourselves,then confront it with all our passion and brightness.We should 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/brand this instructive experience in our mind,difficulty is not as strong as what it surposed to be.2006 考研英语作文范文:At the first glance,I am strongly intrigued by these two men above the pictuce,how fashion they are.However,on careful observation,I changed my mind.A man in the left picture had a name,which is the famous football stars name-Beckham, written on his face.While in right piture,I am extremely starled by the man who had spent 300 RMB on the haircut,merely attempt to make his hair like the Backhams style.I do not know whether to laugh or to cry.A bit exaggerating the picture is,nevertheless,behind the strange senario the message which the cartoonist intends to show us is distinctly obvious:dont follow the trend blindly.Nowadays,many young people incline to be influenced by some successful man who had achieved big triumphes.These people are in all filds arranged from moive star to businessman.Some youngsters are under the impression that as long as they follow by these mens behaviors or appearances,they will achieve the goal,too.Nevertheless,some expert studyed in socail phenomenon 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/suggest that this superficial outlook will have a dramatically vicious bearing on youngsters.For one thing,they improperly take their cue from these successful men without paying any considerable attention to their study may lead them to be legged.For the another,some of them just see the splendid appearances these successful men presented in front of the public and have little idea about what they had suffered and experienced behind the scene.Fortunately,this emerging tendency has caused wide public concern.For my part.I strongly reckon we should penetrate the phenomenon to learn the things truth and do not dwell on such a superficial outlook.We should correct our attitude towards the goal what we want to achieve.These successful man who had substantial experiences can be our incentive to acomplish the final success.Then we can transfor potential into practice and bring dream into the reality.


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