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    新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/经验谈:考研英语大作文答题思路及技巧分享2005 考研英语作文范文:In the above picture,we can see an old man shranking like a ball and people round him are all his own children,however none of them is preparing for assuming the responsibility for treating their elder father well.Each of them are posing a defending posture and about to kick his father from his part.Treating our elder parents well is one of the excellent virtues in China and this virtue had been shared by many people for thousands of years.Unfortunately,I feel bitterly disappionted to see such a pity senario.These four children had done a bad example for us and it is not a tough task for us to deduce that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is distinctly obivious:we are under the obligation to take care of our elder parents.Nowadays,with the implementation of the Chinas reform and opening up,our material circumstances has been enormously enhanced,in the meantime,some people has lost many benign virtues.People become indifferent to other people,even to their elder 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/parents.They are under that impression that they should get rid of the responsibility for looking after their parents and just do well to themselves.Some of them even consider their parents as an obstacle which may in turn hamper their hot persuiting of comfortable life.Some experts,however,suggest that this wrong attitude towards elder parents will have a vicious bearing on both their parents and themselves.For one thing,when we are young,parents show their all love to us and provide us a splendid environment as possible as they can.Nevertheless,their own situation will get bad,owning to their grown children do not intend to take care of them.For another,these people who do not want t*sponsibility do a bad example for their own children.As the expectation,their children will treat them accordingly.In my pinion,I strongly condemn the behavior,which these people in the picture above presented us.We should refect on the relationship between parents and ourselves.They should not be seen as a burden imposed on us and taking care of them is our obligation which can be not shirked.Furthermore,I reckon that some government department concerned should formulate some regulation promptly,any people who shirk the responsibility will be strictly punished.新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/2004 考研英语作文范文:In the above picture a yong man who participated in running race has reached his destination.On careful observation we can see two direction signs on the road,one followed by another promptly,stands for repectively the ending and the begining.At the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:destination is just a new beginning.Furthermore we can see the expression in the young mans face looks pretty happy.A tremendously instructive the piture is and it is not difficult to deduce that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is extremely obvious:correct the attitude towards the relation bewteen the ending and the beginning.Nowadays,there is an emerging tendency is that many people always show impatience when they achieved their goal.Many of them even are under the impression that as long as they achieve the goal which they are fascinated with, they could boast about it once for all.Some experts studyed in social phenomenon,however,suggested that these people failed to cope with the relationship bewteen the ending 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/and the beginning well.Unfortunately,this uncorrect attitude will exert a dramatically vicious bearing on our behavior which may in turn hamper our achieving a further goal.While,peole who take the ending as a new beginning seem to always achieve the final goal.In my opinion,I reckon that we should correct attitude towards the relationship between the ending and the beginning first.We should consider the ending as a brand-new beginning and always set a new goal then pursuit it.From this we can make continuous progresses.2003 考研英语作文范文:From the pictures above,we can see two basins of flowers,which are in the different situations.One is protected by a shelter and the flower is blossoming splendid against the raining background.While,another,which is left the shelter,is extremely fading in the rain.On careful observation,we can also see a sentence stands there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:Never can flowers in the greenhouse survive in the wind and rain.A bit exaggerating the picture is,but an instructive one.It is a not tough task for us to deduce from the strange scenario that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is distinctly obvious:parents who over-spoil their 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/children will exert vicious effects on them.With the implementation of one-child policy,parents are getting more and more treasure their chidren.However,the way which parents show love to their children vary from person to person.Some parents prepare every thing for their children,some even instead of their children and make desision for them.They provide an extremely benign environment for their children and fear to see any injures may happen upon thier children.Nevertheless some experts investgated in social phenomenon pionted out:these parents seemed to pretty love their children,however,the way these parents treated their children will have a negative bearing on their childrens future life.Actually,children are deprive of their own right to do every thing in their own accord.It will hamper childrens innovation and the ability of competition in the long run.To my opinion,I think,for one thing,parents should not put the cart before the horse and be more confidence in their children,leave to their own devices for them to do their own things.For another,it is extremely advisable for children to put themselves under to the earth and accumulate more experiences related to the future life.They should 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/accept the fact that sooner or later their parents will leave them for a independent life.2002 考研英语作文范文:In the pictuce above,we can see a pretty American gril wearing in traditional Chinese costume.From her smile expression in the face,we can safely deducethat she is strongly fond of this traditional Chinese costume,which is the metaphor of the Chinese culture.On careful observation,it is not difficult for usto infer that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is extremely obvious:culture from different countries can be integrated well.With the implementation of the Chinas opening up and reform policy,More and more foreigners come to China.They are getting increasingly become interestedin our unique culture.They learn Chinese language,taste Chinese food,make friends with Chinese people and some things to that 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/effect.All these make thempretty comfortable and agreeable.Recently,however,a heated debate was stirred among the Chinese people,they argue that how to cope with the culture from thedifferent countries?Some people believe that the foreign cultures can not be compatible will with our culture,they in turn may hamper our own culturesmaking further development.So they should be limited.While other people reckon that culture from different countries can supplement to each other and make ajoint progress.So they should be encouraged.In my oppinion I strongly agree with the later partys statement.Culture from different countries should supplement to each other rather than conflictingand we should take closely look at the cultures funtcion widely.Coping with them properly will not only benefit to our making 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/further development but alsoexert contribution to the world peace.2001 考研英语作文范文:From the Picture above,we can see an oil lamp lighting against the dark background and the lamp is designed to be a smile face.At top of the picture, a sentence stands there strongly intrigue me,which can be briefly intrepeted by this way:Love is the lamp of light.The more darker the background is,the more brightness the lamp will show.It is not difficult for us to infer that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is extremely obvious:love can warm peoples heart.With the implementation of the Chinas reform and opening up,our material circumstances have enormously enhanced.However,some benign virtures which were shared by people for thousand of years are not forgotten.Such as helping people who are in the vicious situation,endow money to the childrens who can not go to school just owing to lacking of tuition and some things to that effect.It is widely accepted by many people that although they are not acquainted at all,they can help with each other.They reckon that even a small 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/contribution will inspire people in the bad situation to cheer up.Now our country is preparing for establishing the harmonious socity which entails people take the initiative in contributing to the society.From this,the final goal is in the not distance future.For my opinion,the socity which people treated with each other friendly and do a favor for one in the vicious situation will be a good place to live.We should prepare for extending our hand to people who are in need and we should believe if we are in the same scenario,they will do accordingly.


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