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    新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/河大考研辅导班:2021 河南大学考研最新消息:英语二大作文押题1、“肥胖人口”问题 Several factors, to my way of thinking, can be easily found to account for(解释) the phenomenon among which I would like to name three most significant ones as follows. (以下)At the first place(首先), obesity(肥胖) is closely related to sugar intake(摄糖量). Sugar can add calories to everything you eat.Second, fast food restaurants are scattered all over the country. As we all know, fast food is high in calories(热量) and fat.Third, computers and games have bad effect on obesity, but their effect is less pronounced.It's a good idea to limit your computer, games and TV time to less than two hours a day.To conclude, such a trend will probably develop more dramatically in the future.2、食品安全问题 There is no denying that food safety is related to people's health and basic livelihood. (毫无疑问食品安全和人们的健康和基本生活息息相关)However, many producers tend to adopt poor-quality raw materials(质量低劣的原材料) to lower costs, resulting in poor-quality products prevailing in our society, which not only poses threats to people's health(给人们的健康带来威胁), but also wreaks havoc on the economic development and social stability. (阻碍了经济发展和社会稳定)Particularly,when the authorities concerned fail to give direct control and supervision(监控), these profit-driven companies are unlikely to shoulder social responsibility.3、大学生就业难问题 The job market for college graduates is getting tighter. (大学毕业生的就业市场越来越激烈。)To begin with, with the social competition(社会竞争力)becoming keener, college graduates should be well-equipped with practical experience(实践经验) which suits the demand of 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/society.Otherwise, they will find no place for themselves. Unfortunately, the majority of them lack adequate practical ability and operational skills.(操作技能)What is more, another reason is connected with their attitude towards employment.(就业态度) A large number of graduates put earnings above anything else. They aim at the well-paid positions in foreign corporations(外企高薪) or big banks and set a high standard for their monthly salary.Since they won't accept any other low-paid jobs, many employment opportunities have been lost.4、人口老龄化问题 What is clearly displayed in the table is the trend of the population ageing in China.China is and will continue to be an aging society(老龄社会), which will require the government to spend more on age - related programs, such as health care.After what we have discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that effective measures must be taken to relieve the burden brought by the aging population.热高分热文Directions Write an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should1)interpret the table, and2) give your commentsYou should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)What is clearly displayed in the table is the trend of the population ageing in China. In 2010, the population aged 60 and over was 178 million,' accounting for 13. 26% of the entire population. 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/In2014, it increased to 212 million(15. 5%). In 2030, it will reach 371 million (25. 3%). In 2050, it is expected to be 440 million (34%), which means that one out of every three is older than 60.From the table we can conclude that China is and will continue to be an aging society, which will require the government to spend more on age - related programs, such as health care(医疗). It will also impose great burden to millions of families, as many young couples are the only child of their families and will have to provide for four seniors.After what we have discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that effective measures must be taken to relieve the burden brought by the aging population. First and foremost(第一),the government and the mass media should encourage more enterprises to provide age related services.Furthermore, the government should rethink and adjust its family planning policy to reverse the aging trend. Only through the joint efforts of the whole society, (通过全社会的共同没努力)can we resolve the problem of population ageing perfectly.译精彩翻译表格清楚地显示了中国人口的老龄化趋势。2010 年,老龄人口为 1.78亿,占总人口的 13. 26%。2014 年,老龄人口增长至 2.12 亿(占总人口的 15. 5%)。2030 年,老龄人口将达到 3.71 亿(占总人口的 25. 3%)。2050 年,老龄人口预计将达到 4.4 亿(占总人口的 34%),这意味着每三个人当中将会有一位老年人。从表格中可以看出,中国已经进入并将持续成为老龄社会。老龄社会要求政府提高在与老龄相关的项目上的投入,例如医疗保健。老龄社会还会增加数百万家庭的压力,因为很多年轻夫妇都是独生子女,必须赡养四位老人。经过上述讨论,我们可以稳妥地得出结论:必须采取有效措施去缓解老龄人口增加带来的压力。首先,政府应该鼓励更多企业提供与老龄相关的服务。此外,政府还应该重新审视并调整计划生育政策,去扭转老龄化趋势。只有通过整个社会的共同努力,我们才能完美地解决人口老龄化的问题。


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