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    杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸2018 年 考试科目代码 723 考试科目名称 综合英语 (本考试科目共 16 页,第 1 页)杭 州 师 范 大 学2018 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题考试科目代码: 723 考试科目名称: 综合英语 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。I. Cloze(每小题 1 分,共 30 分)Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with one word. Its first letter is given as a clue.Speed and comfortPeople travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go (1) b_ land, sea, or air. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial (2)s_, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you (3) t_ sleep. During the day, sleep comes (4) i_ snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are (5)l_ enough to get a sleeper, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your passport when you (6) c_ a frontier. Inevitably you arrive (7) a_ your destination almost exhausted. Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read. On motorways you can, at least, travel fairly safely at (8) h_ speeds, but more often than (9)n_, the greater part of the journey is spent (10) o_ narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded (11) w_ traffic. By comparison, ferry trips or cruises offer a great variety of civilized comforts. You can stretch your legs (12) o_ the spacious decks, play (13) g_, meet interesting people and enjoy good food - always assuming, of course, (14) t_ the sea is calm. If it is not, and you are likely to get seasick, no form of (15) t_ could be worse. Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time. Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice up to a third of their (16) h_ for the pleasure of travelling by sea.Aeroplanes have the reputation of being (17) d_ and even hardened 杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸2018 年 考试科目代码 723 考试科目名称 综合英语 (本考试科目共 16 页,第 2 页)travellers are intimidated by them. They also have the disadvantage of being the most (18) e_ form of transport. But nothing can match them for (19) s_ and comfort. Travelling at a height of 30,000 feet, far above the clouds, and at over 500 miles an hour is an exhilarating experience. You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind (20) o_ the journey, for an aeroplane gets you (21) t_ your destination rapidly. For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the (22)f_. The real escapist can (23) w_ a film and sip champagne on some services. But even when such refinements are not (24) a_, there is plenty to keep you occupied. An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. You soar effortlessly over high mountains and (25) d_ valleys. You really see the shape of the (26) l_. If the landscape is hidden from view, you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky. The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to (27) p_ you from reading or sleeping. However you decide to spend your (28) t_, one thing is certain: you will arrive at your (29) d_ fresh and uncrumpled. You will (30) n_ have to spend the next few days recovering from a long and arduous journey.II. Reading Comprehension (每小题 2 分,共 60 分)Directions: There are 6 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the choice we would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large city. I have managed to convince myself that if it weren't for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in some sleepy village buried in the county. But how realistic is the dream?Cities can be frightening places. The majority of the population lives in massive tower blocks, noisy, dirty and impersonal. The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up. All you can see from your window is sky, or other blocks of fiats. Children become aggressive and nervous-cooped up at home all 杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸2018 年 考试科目代码 723 考试科目名称 综合英语 (本考试科目共 16 页,第 3 页)day, with nowhere to play; their mothers feel isolated from the rest of the world. Strangely enough, whereas in the past the inhabitants of one street all knew each other, nowadays people on the same floor in tower blocks don't even say hello to each other.Country life, on the other hand, differs from this kind of isolated existence in that a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of small villages together. People have the advantage of knowing that there is always someone to turn to when they need help. But country life has disadvantages too. While it is true that you may be among friends in a village, it is also true that you are cut off from the exciting and important events that take place in cities. There's little possibility of going to a new show or the latest movie. Shopping becomes a major problem, and for anything slightly out of the ordinary you have to go on an expedition to the nearest large town. The city-dweller who leaves for the country is often oppressed by a sense of unbearable stillness and quiet.What, then, is the answer? The country has the advantage of peace and quiet, but suffers from the disadvantage of being cut off: the city breeds a feeling of isolation, and constant noise batters the senses. But one of its main advantages is that you are at the centre of things, and that life doesn't come to an end at half-past nine at night. Some people have found (or rather bought) a compromise between the two: they have expressed their preference for the “quiet life“ by leaving the suburbs and moving to villages within commuting distance of large cities. They generally have about as much sensitivity as the plastic flowers they leave behind they are polluted with strange ideas about change and improvement which they force on to the unwilling original inhabitants of the villages.What then of my dreams of leaning on a cottage gate and murmuring “morning“ to the locals as they pass by. I'm keen on the idea, but you see there's my cat, Toby. I'm not at all sure that he would take to all that fresh air and exercise in the long grass. I mean, can you see him mixing with all those hearty males down the farm? No, he would rather have the electric imitation-coal fire any evening.1. We get the impression from the first paragraph that the author _.A. used to live in the countryB. used to work in the cityC. works in the cityD. lives in the country杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸2018 年 考试科目代码 723 考试科目名称 综合英语 (本考试科目共 16 页,第 4 页)2. In the author's opinion, the following may cause city people to be unhappy EXCEPT _.A. a strong sense of fearB. lack of communicationC. housing conditionsD. a sense of isolation3. The passage implies that it is easy to buy the following things in the country EXCEPT _.A. daily necessitiesB. fresh fruitsC. designer clothesD. fresh vegetables4. According to the passage, which of the following adjectives best describes those people who work in large cities and live in villages?A. Original.B. Quiet.C. Arrogant.D. Insensitive.5. Do you think the author will move to the country?A. Yes, he will do so.B. No, he will not do so.C. It is difficult to tell.D. He is in two minds.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Hawaii's native minority is demanding a greater degree of sovereignty over its own affairs. But much of the archipelago's political establishment, which includes the White Americans who dominated until the second world war and people of Japanese, Chinese mint Filipino origin, is opposed to the idea.The islands were annexed by the US in 1898 and since then Hawaii's native people have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups. They make up over 60 percent of the state's homeless, suffer higher levels of unemployment and their life span is five years less than the average Hawaiians. They are the only major US native group without some degree of autonomy.杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸2018 年 考试科目代码 723 考试科目名称 综合英语 (本考试科目共 16 页,第 5 页)But a sovereignty advisory committee set up by Hawaii's first native governor, John Waihee, has given the natives' cause a major boost by recommending that the Hawaiian natives decide by themselves whether to re-establish a sovereign Hawaiian nation.However, the Hawaiian natives are not united in their demands. Some just want greater autonomy within the state as enjoyed by many American Indian natives over matters such as education. This is a position supported by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), a state agency set up in 1978 to represent the natives' interests and which has now become the moderate face of the native sovereignty movement. More ambitious is the Ka Lahui group, which declared itself a new nation in 1987 and wants full, official independence from the US.But if Hawaiian natives are given greater autonomy, it is far from dear how many people this will apply to. The state authorities only count as native those people with more than 50 percent Hawaiian blood.Native demands are not just based on political grievances, though. They also want their claim on 660,000 hectares of Hawaiian crown land to be accepted. It is on this issue that native groups are facing most opposition from the state authorities. In 1993, the state government paid the OHA US $136 million in back rent on the crown land and many officials say that by accepting this payment the agency has given up its claims to legally own the land. The OHA has vigorously disputed this.6. Hawaii's native minority refers to _.A. Hawaii's ethnic groupsB. people of Filipino originC. the Ka Lahui groupD. people with 50% Hawaiian blood7. Which of the following statements is TRUE of the Hawaiian natives?A. Sixty percent of them are homeless or unemployed.B. Their life span is 5 years shorter than average Americans.C. Their life is worse than that of other ethnic groups in Hawaii.D. They are the only native group without sovereignty.8. Which of the following is NOT true of John Waihee?A. He is Hawaii's flint native governor.B. He has set up a sovereignty advisory committee.C. He suggested the native people decide for themselves.杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸2018 年 考试科目代码 723 考试科目名称 综合英语 (本考试科目共 16 页,第 6 页)D. He is leading the local independence movement.9. Which of the following groups holds a less radical attitude on the matter of sovereignty?A. American Indian natives.B. Office of Hawaiian Affairs.C. The Ka Lahui group.D. The Hawaiian natives.10. Various native Hawaiians demand all the following EXCEPT _.A. a greater autonomy within the stateB. more back rent on the crown landC. a claim on the Hawaiian crown landD. full independence from the USQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Material culture refers to the touchable, material “things“physical objects that can be seen, held, felt, used that a culture produces. Examining a culture's tools and technology can tell us about the group's history and way of life. Similarly, research into the material culture of music can help us to understand the music-culture. The most vivid body of “things“ in it, of course, are musical instruments. We cannot hear for ourselves the actual sound of any musical performance before the 1870s when the phonograph was invented, so we rely on instruments for important information about music-cultures in the remote past and their development. Here we have two kinds of evidence: instruments well preserved and instruments pictured in art. Through the study of instruments, as well as paintings, written documents, and so on, we can explore the movement of music from the Near East to China over a thousand years ago, or we can outline the spread of Near Eastern influence to Europe that resulted in the development of the instruments in the symphony orchestra.Sheet music or printed music, too, is material culture. Scholars once defined folk music-cultures as those in which people learn and sing music by ear rather than from print, but research shows mutual influence among oral and written sources during the past few centuries in Europe, Britain, and America. Printed versions limit variety because they tend to standardize any song, yet they stimulate people to create new and different songs. Besides, the ability to read music notation has a far-reaching effect on musicians and, when it becomes widespread, on the music-culture as a whole.杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸2018 年 考试科目代码 723 考试科目名称 综合英语 (本考试科目共 16 页,第 7 页)One more important part of music's material culture should be singled out: the influence of the electronic media-radio, record player, tape recorder, television, and videocassette, with the future promising talking and computers and other developments. This is all part of the “information revolution“, a twentieth-century phenomenon as important as the industrial revolution was in the nineteenth. These electronic media are not just limited to modern nations; they have affected music-cultures all over the globe.11. Research into the material culture of a nation is of great importance because _.A. it helps produce new cultural tools and technologyB. it can reflect the development of the nationC. it helps understand the nation's past and presentD. it can demonstrate the nation's civilization12. It can be learned from this passage that _.A. the existence of the symphony was attributed to the spread of Near Eastern andChinese musicB. Near Eastern music had an influence on the development of the instruments inthe symphony orchestraC. the development of the symphony shows the mutual influence of Eastern Western music D. the musical instrument in the symphony orchestra were developed on the basic of Near Eastern music13. According to the author, music notation is important because _.A. it has a great effect on the music culture as more and more people are able to read itB. it tends to standardize folk songs when it is used by musiciansC. it is the printed version of standardized folk musicD. it encourages people to popularize versions of songs14. It can be concluded from the passage that the introduction of electronic media into the world of music _.A. has brought about an information revolutionB. has speeded up the advent of a new


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