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    新祥旭考研一对一辅导咨询: 15207163484(电话 /微信) 渤海大学外国留学生公寓管理规定(暂行)Dormitory Supervisory Regulations (temporary)为保持公寓良好的学习、生活环境,确保公寓的安全,特作如下规定:For the sake of favorable habitat and the dormitory safety, the students abroad are required to observe the following regulations.一、住宿管理 Boarding1、留学生报到时应持护照、身份证或其他有效证件在留学生公寓管理办公室办理入住手续,由留学生公寓统一安排住宿,并与公寓管理人员签定安全责任书,备品登记。1. Students check in the Overseas Students Dormitory Administrative Office with your passport, ID or other valid certificate, and sign Security Responsibility Agreement, record the article item. The rooms are distributed by the Administrative Office.2、住宿人员需交纳公寓物品押金 RMB1000.00。2. The deposit for the boarding house article is RMB1000.00. 3、如需续住,学生需在住宿期满前交纳续住费用,逾期不交,按每天 10 元收取滞纳金,逾期一周按住宿费的 5收取滞纳金,逾期一个月以上按自动退宿处理。3. The uninterrupted cost must be paid before the expiration if you renew. The late fee RMB¥10.00/day will be asked to pay in the case of the overdue payment. The late fee will be asked to pay 5% of the dormitory cost in the case of overdue one week. It will be treated as to cancel the room of oneself in the case of overdue one month.4、住宿人员应自觉遵守公寓的管理规定,公寓实行会客登记制度,来访人员必须登记,出示有效证件原件。会客时间不得晚于当日 22:00,如有特殊情况,必须提前 12 小时向值班人员通报,任何人不得私自留宿客人。如有特殊原因,必须报国际教育学院留管办批准,并交纳一定的费用。4. The visitors are asked to register, record their information and sign, and show their valid certificate according to the Dormitory Administrative Reception Regulation. The intraday reception time cannot pass 22:00 pm. Anybody cannot accommodate the visitor without permission unless the watch has got informed ahead of 12 hours in the unusual case. The stated cost must be paid if the visitors reside in the boarding house with the permission from College of International Exchange.5、学生住宿房间确定后,不准随意调整房间和床位。5. The appointed rooms and beds are forbidden to exchange at will.6、房间内的洗浴设施及洗衣间均为公寓内住宿人员设置,禁止带外来人员使用。6. The facility in the bathe and the laundry all serve for the resident students, the rest are forbidden to use.7、禁止在楼内大声喧哗、打闹、酗酒, 使用音响设备音量不要过大,不要影响他人学习和休息。夜间男生不许在女生寝室逗留,以免影响他人休息,禁止异性同寝。7. Any kinds of noise, faze and bibulosity are forbidden. Isomerism sleep together is forbidden. Schoolboys are forbidden to stay in schoolgirls room at nights.二、卫生管理新祥旭考研一对一辅导咨询: 15207163484(电话 /微信) Environment1、室内要每日进行清扫,做到内务整齐,地面洁净见本色,物品摆放规矩;定期进行彻底大扫除,做到门窗玻璃干净,房间无蜘蛛网,物品无尘,暖气片无灰。爱护使用清扫用具。1. Clean the room everyday to keep neatness inside, keep the floor clean, and all the articles in order. The stated sweep up to clean the window, no cobweb inside, no dust on the articles and central heating flakes. Take good care of the cleaning appliance.2、学生在公寓公共场所要做到“六不准 ”:2. The Six Prohibition is required in the boarding house:(1)不准随地吐痰,乱扔异物。1) Prohibit spitting and throwing garbage everywhere.(2)不准向厕所倒垃圾,向水池倒剩饭菜,向走廊泼污水。2) Prohibit putting littering in washroom, pour leftover in the sink and sewage to the aisle.(3)不准在公寓楼内焚烧信件等。3) Prohibit setting letters and papers on fire inside the boarding house.(4)不准将异物塞入厕所或下水道。4) Prohibit putting anything except water into cloacae.(5)不准在走廊及公共场所晾晒衣服及鞋袜等,堆放清扫用具等物品。5) Prohibit airing clothing and footgear and piling up the cleaning tools in aisle and the public.(6)不准在公寓内饲养小动物。6) Prohibit feeding pets inside the boarding house.3、公寓严禁乱贴乱画,严禁在墙上钉钉子,严禁在公寓楼走廊拉线晾衣服。3. Prohibit graffito and nailing on the wall, and draw an airing string in the aisle.4、寝室内垃圾要倒在楼外的垃圾箱内。4. Put garbage in the dustbin outside of the building.三、设施管理 Facility1、严禁破坏公共设施,寝室内公共物品要保管好,严禁破坏室内原有格局。如有物品损坏要保留原物,不得任意丢弃,包括灯管。损坏物品须按价目表赔偿。1. Strictly prohibit destroying the facility. Keep an eye on all the articles inside rooms and keep the original furnishings setup. Keep the article destroyed including lamp pipe. Pay for the article destroyed according to item price list.2、室内配备的家具严禁以任何理由搬出室外,个人的家具必须在申请得到许可后方可搬入室内。2. Prohibit moving out the furniture equipped in the room. The personal furniture may be moved into the room with the permission.3、正常损坏的家具请及时报修,不得个人维修,否则后果自负。3. Apply the normal repair for the furniture in time. You cannot repair it by yourself; otherwise you must be responsible with it.四、安全管理新祥旭考研一对一辅导咨询: 15207163484(电话 /微信) Security1、严禁在公寓内存放、使用一切电加热设备及易燃易爆、剧毒或放射性等危险品。如酒精、酒精炉、电热杯、电褥子、电炉子、瓦斯炉,不允许乱接线,不允许使用“三无”产品的接线板,不允许违章用电。离开时检查并关闭所有电源。由此产生的一切后果,由留学生本人负责。1. Prohibit putting all the electricity heating facilities and dangerous things of flammability or explosive or virulent in the boarding house: alcohol, spirit stove, and electricity heating cup, electric bedding, electric cooker, gas stove. Prohibit connecting the electrical wire at will. Prohibit using the incompetent electric connection board. Check and turnoff all the switch when leaving, otherwise you must take the consequences by yourself.2、不得在被褥上放置充电器进行充电,充电时勿离人。2. Prohibit charging up on the bedding, and without leaving.3、严禁在公寓内焚烧纸张杂物、燃放爆竹、玩弄火种。3. Prohibit setting papers on fire, setting off cracker, playing kindling inside the boarding house.4、公共场所及室内床上禁止吸烟、酗酒。4. Prohibit smoking and bibulosity in public and inside room, especially in beds.5、不准随意动用消防器具。5. Prohibit putting to use the fire control equipment at will.6、严禁跳出窗外取东西、私自打开电柜搬动开关、上楼顶阳台、无人时进入他人房间。6. Prohibit jumping out from the window to take something, opening up switch cabinet and touch the switch without permission. Prohibit going to the balcony of the top of the building. Prohibit entering into other room when nobody inside.7、严禁走私、卖淫、赌博、流氓斗殴、吸毒等违法犯罪行为发生。7. Prohibit the illegal and guilty happening: contraband, bawdry, gambling, and bustup, freak-up etc.8、外出及就寝前要关好窗户锁好门。8. Close the window and lock up the door when leaving or before sleeping.9、寝室内不要存放贵重物品及大额现金,丢失后果自负。9. Dont leave too much cash or valuables at room; otherwise you take the consequences by yourself. 10、保管好自己的钥匙,进出房间要随身携带钥匙,丢失向值班室报告、交纳新钥匙的赔偿金后索取新钥匙。10. Keep well the key and take it with you. Notify the Watch Office when the key lost. Draw the new key after paying for it.11、公寓楼门正常开放时间为 6:0023:00,住宿人员要按时回公寓。如有特殊情况需提前与值班员联系。11. The opening time of the boarding house gate is 6:00 am 23:00 pm. Everyone should return back the boarding house on time, contact with the watch in advance in the special case.12、发生失窃、火情要及时报告公寓管理人员并分别拨打 110、119。12. Notify the manager of the boarding house and dial 110 for the stealing or 119 for the fire immediately.五、节水节电管理 Saving Water and Electricity1、做到人离关灯。1. Turn off the light when leaving.新祥旭考研一对一辅导咨询: 15207163484(电话 /微信) 2、随手关闭水龙头,禁止长流水。2. Close up the unused tap.六、维修指南 Maintenance Guide公物维修须在值班室填写报修单,维修项目要填写完整。Fill the item in Maintenance Form completely at the Watch Office.


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