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    新祥旭考研辅导咨询 VX: 15207126416 或 QQ:25389150262021翻硕 MTI考研之领导人经典语句翻译发展是解决一切问题的总钥匙。Development holds the master key to solving all problems.开放带来进步,封闭导致落后。Opening up brings progress while isolation results in backwardness.产业是经济之本。Industries are the foundation of economy.金融是现代经济的血液。血脉通,增长才有力。Finance is the lifeblood of modern economy. Only when the blood circulates smoothly can one grow.我们要打造开放型合作平台,维护和发展开放型世界经济,共同创造有利于开放发展的环境,推动构建公正、合理、透明的国际经贸投资规则体系,促进生产要素有序流动、资源高效配置、市场深度融合。We should build an open platform of cooperation and uphold and grow an open world economy. We should jointly create an environment that will facilitate opening up and development, establish a fair, equitable and transparent system of international trade and investment rules and boost the orderly flow of production factors, efficient resources allocation and full market integration.经济全球化为世界经济增长提供了强劲动力,促进了商品和资本流动、科技和文明进步、各国人民交往。Economic globalization has provided strong 新祥旭考研辅导咨询 VX: 15207126416 或 QQ:2538915026impetus for world economic growth and facilitated the flow of goods and capital, progress in science, technology and civilization as well as people-to-people exchanges.我们要坚持走开放发展、互利共赢之路,共同做大世界经济的蛋糕。We must remain committed to openness and mutual benefit for all so as to increase the size of the global economic “pie“.世界经济尚未走出亚健康和弱增长的调整期,新动能仍在孕育。The global economy is still not healthy enough and remains in a period of adjustment featuring weak growth, and new growth drivers are yet to emerge.要通过改革打破制约经济发展的藩篱,扫清不合理的体制机制障碍,激发市场和社会活力,实现更高质量、更具韧性、更可持续的增长。We should eliminate impediments to economic development through reform, remove systemic and institutional barriers, and energize the market and the society, so as to achieve better quality, more resilient and sustainable growth.对经济全球化进程中出现的问题,我们不能视而不见,也不能怨天尤人,而是要齐心协力拿出解决方案。We should not ignore problems arising from economic globalization or just complain about them. Rather, we should make joint efforts to find solutions.新祥旭考研辅导咨询 VX: 15207126416 或 QQ:2538915026工商界是促进经济增长的生力军,是新发展理念的探索者、实践者。The business community is a primary contributor to growth, as it keeps exploring new ways of development.搞保护主义如同把自己关进黑屋子,看似躲过了风吹雨打,但也隔绝了阳光和空气。打贸易战的结果只能是两败俱伤。Pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room. While wind and rain may be kept outside, that dark room will also block light and air. No one will emerge as a winner in a trade war.当前,人们普遍对世界经济发展前景感到焦虑,反经济全球化思潮、民粹主义、贸易保护主义明显上升,主张对现行发展道路、分配制度、治理模式进行反思和变革的声音增多,世界经济走向成为各方共同关心的问题。We meet at a time of angst about the prospects of the world economy, growing backlash against economic globalization, and rising populism and trade protectionism. There is a stronger call for revisiting and changing the current paths of development, systems of wealth distribution and models of governance. The direction of the world economy is a subject of heated discussion.世界经济增长需要新动力,发展需要更加普惠平衡,贫富差距鸿沟有待弥合。地区热点持续动荡,恐怖主义蔓延肆虐。和平赤字、发展赤字、治理赤字,是摆在全人类面前的严峻挑战。Global growth requires new drivers, development needs to be more inclusive and balanced, and the gap between the rich and the poor needs to be narrowed. Hotspots in some 新祥旭考研辅导咨询 VX: 15207126416 或 QQ:2538915026regions are causing instability and terrorism is rampant. Deficit in peace, development and governance poses a daunting challenge to mankind.当前,世界经济回稳,周期性因素发挥了很大的作用,内生动能不足的顽疾并未消除。The current global economic recovery is, to a large extent, the result of cyclical factors, while the lack of self-generating driving forces remains a nagging problem.我们全方位推进理论创新、实践创新、制度创新、文化创新以及其他各方面创新,不断释放增长新动能。We have advanced theoretical, practical, institutional, cultural and other explorations to unleash new impetus for growth.社会发展真正的敌人不是我们的邻国,而是饥饿、贫穷、无知、迷信和偏见。Our real enemy is not the neighboring country; it is hunger, poverty, ignorance, superstition and prejudice.世界多极化、经济全球化、社会信息化、文化多样化深入发展,和平发展的大势日益强劲,变革创新的步伐持续向前。In this increasingly multi-polar, economically globalized, digitized and culturally diversified world, the trend toward peace and development becomes stronger, and reform and innovation are gaining momentum.对一个国家而言,开放如同破茧成蝶,虽会经历一时阵痛,但将换来新生。For a country, opening up is like the struggle of a chrysalis breaking free 新祥旭考研辅导咨询 VX: 15207126416 或 QQ:2538915026from its cacoon. There will be short-term pains, but such pains will create a new life.当前,人类社会正处在一个大发展大变革大调整时代。世界多极化、经济全球化、社会信息化、文化多样化深入发展,人类已经成为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。Human society is undergoing great development, profound changes and major adjustments. The trends towards multi-polarity, economic globalization, application of information technologies in societies and cultural diversity have gained greater momentum.我们也处在一个挑战频发的世界,地区热点持续动荡,恐怖主义蔓延肆虐,和平赤字、发展赤字、治理赤字是摆在全人类面前的严峻挑战。While mankind increasingly find ourselves in a community of shared future, we also live in a world fraught with challenges. Regional hotspots, the spread of terrorism, the deficits in peace, development and governance all pose grave challenges to the entire humanity.只要各国本着彼此包容、守望相助的初心,就一定能坚定前行。As long as countries stay true to our commitment to inclusiveness and mutual assistance, we will be able to forge ahead against all odds.世界和平与发展之路还很长,前行不会一路坦途。The long road to global peace and development will not be a smooth one.唯有开放才能进步,唯有包容才能让进步持久。Only openness delivers progress, and only inclusiveness sustains such progress.新祥旭考研辅导咨询 VX: 15207126416 或 QQ:2538915026当今世界充满挑战,前面的道路不会平坦,但我们不会放弃理想追求,将以更大的作为,同各方携手建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界。We will double our efforts and work with all others to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys durable peace, universal security, and common prosperity.亚太各方应该因势利导,立足于行动,引领全球新一轮发展繁荣。If Asia-Pacific economies seize the trend and take action, we can usher in a new round of development and prosperity for the world.我们要推动科技创新和制度创新两个轮子一起转,市场和技术和谐共振,让新技术、新业态、新模式不断开花结果,最大限度释放发展潜能。We need to strive for both scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, build synergy between market and technology, and help bring to fruition new technologies, new business forms and models to fully unlock our development potential.我们(金砖)五国在国情、历史、文化等方面存在差异,合作中难免遇到一些分歧,但只要坚定合作信念、坚持增信释疑,就能在合作道路上越走越稳。Given differences in national conditions, history and culture, it is only natural that we may have some differences in pursuing our cooperation. However, with strong faith in cooperation and commitment to enhancing trust, we can achieve steady progress in our cooperation.我们(金砖)五国虽然国情不同,但处在相近发展阶段,具有相同发展目标,都已进入经济爬坡过坎的时期。Despite our differences in national 新祥旭考研辅导咨询 VX: 15207126416 或 QQ:2538915026conditions, our five countries are in a similar stage of development and share the same development goals.


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