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    上海外国语大学 2011年翻译硕士真题I. Phrase TranslationCancun conference 2010: 2010年坎昆气候峰会Bogor Goals:茂物目标(是 1994年在印尼茂物召开的亚太经合会所提出。此目标要求已开发国家、开发中国家成员国 2020年实现贸易和投资的自由化)3R economy:循环经济 3R原则减少资源利用量及废物排放量,称为减量化(Reduce);努力回收利用废弃物,称为再利用(Reuse);大力实施物料的循环利用系统,称为资源化(Recycle)Reforestation: 重新造林; 再造林UN security council: 联合国安理会千年发展计划: Millennium Development Goals雷曼兄弟: Lehman Brothers; Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.国家一二五计划:The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic andSocial Development of the Peoples Republic of China上海合作组织:Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)美联储:U.S. Federal ReserveG20:20 国集团 (Group20)Confucius:孔夫子Gaza Strip:加沙地带quantitative easing 量化宽松WTO 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)循环经济:circular economy ; recycling economy天人合一:theory that man is an integral part of nature;harmony between man and nature国富论:The Wealth of Nations千禧年发展计划:Millennium Development Goals货币战争:currency war朝核危机:North Korea nuclear crisisII. Passage translationSection A English to ChineseHello, everybody. As we close the books on one year and begin another, I wanted to take a moment today to wish you a very Happy New Year and talk a little bit about the year that lies ahead.At the start of 2011, were still just emerging from a once-in-a-lifetime recession thats taken a terrible toll on millions of families. We all have friends and neighbors trying to get their lives back on track.We are, however, riding a few months of economic news that suggests our recovery is gaining traction. And our most important task now is to keep that recovery going. As President, thats my commitment to you: to do everything I can to make sure our economy is growing, creating jobs, and strengthening our middle class. Thats my resolution for the coming year.Still, even as we work to boost our economy in the short-term, its time to make some serious decisions about how to keep our economy strong, growing, and competitive in the long run. We have to look ahead not just to this year, but to the next 10 years, and the next 20 years. Where will new innovations come from? How will we attract the companies of tomorrow to set up shop and create jobs in our communities? What will it take to get those jobs? What will it take to out-compete other countries around the world? What will it take to see the American Dream come true for our children and grandchildren?Our parents and grandparents asked themselves those questions. And because they had the courage to answer them, weve had the good fortune to grow up in the greatest nation on Earth.Now its our turn to think about the future. In a few days, a new Congress will form, with one house controlled by Democrats, and one house controlled by Republicans who now have a shared responsibility to move this country forward. And heres what I want you to know: Im willing to work with anyone of either party whos got a good idea and the commitment to see it through. And we should all expect you to hold us accountable for our progress or our failure to deliver.As Ive said since I first ran for this office, solving our challenges wont be quick or easy. We have come through a difficult decade; one of new threats and new trials we didnt expect when it began. But a new year and a new decade stretch out before us. And if we just remember what America is capable of, and live up to that legacy, then Im confident that we are poised for a period of progress one in which our economy is growing, our standing in the world is rising, and we do what it takes to make sure America remains in the 21st century what it was in the 20th: the greatest country in the world. (本文出自 2011年 1月 1日奥巴马电台演讲)Section B English to Chinese尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们:举世瞩目的上海世博会即将落下帷幕。本届世博会以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题,充分展示了丰富多彩的当代文明成就,汇集了人类探索城市发展的共同智慧,创造了多项世博会的新纪录,谱写了世界博览史的辉煌篇章。上海世博会是一次成功的盛会,世博会云集了包括 190个国家、56 个国际组织在内的 246个官方参展者,超出以往历届世博会。从 5月 1日到今天,世博会参观者达到 7000多万人次,创下参观人数的新纪录。人们从世界各地来到美丽的黄浦江畔,走进世博园,顶着烈日,冒着风雨排着长队耐心等候,只为一睹世博会的风采。本届世博会还第一次开辟了网上世博,为世界各地更多的民众参与世博会开启了一扇新的大门。上海世博会以最广泛的参与度,真正实现了世界人民的大团结。上海世博会是一次精彩的盛会,近 6平方公里的世博园仿佛是一个地球村,一座座风格迥异、造型别致的建筑物毗邻而居,随风舞动的英国馆、枫叶造型的加拿大馆,形容”丝路宝船”的沙特馆等各具特色。尽情挥洒着人类智慧的奇思妙想。世界各国的文化瑰宝纷纷闪亮登场,中国的战国铜车马,希腊的雅典纳神像,法国印象派大师的传世之座,丹麦的小美人鱼等世界奇世文化珍品,让人目不暇接、美不胜收。平均每天 100多场,总计 2万多场次的文化演艺活动,荟萃了绚丽多姿的各国文化的精髓,给人心旷神怡的精神享受。全球许多政治家、企业家、政府官员和专家学者莅临中国,在上海世博会系列论坛上发表真知灼见,探索未来世界,碰撞出无数睿智的思想火花,给人以无限的遐想和启迪。上海世博会犹如一部写在大地上的百科全书,构成了一幅多元文化和谐共荣的美好画卷。上海世博会是一次难忘的盛会,世博会让渴望了解世界的中国人民,和 渴望了解中国的各国朋友走在一起,相互间结下了深厚的友谊。世博会开幕式上,来自青海玉树灾区的两位藏族儿童和不同国家、不同肤色的孩子们牵手相拥,表现 出人类在苦难面前同舟共济的兄弟的情谊。 (本文出自-2010 年温家宝世博论坛的讲话)参考译文:Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,The Expo 2010 Shanghai China is coming to close. This is an Expo that has attracted worldwide attention. Under the theme of “Better City, Better Life,” the Expo has put on display the splendid achievements of contemporary civilizations, pooled human wisdom in exploring the path of urban development, set many Expo-related records, and added a glorious chapter to the Expo history.Expo 2010 Shanghai has been a successful event. A total of 246 official participants, including 190 countries and 56 international organizations, have taken part in this Expo, more than in any previous Expo. Since 1 May, there have been more than 70 million visits to the Expo, another record number in the Expo history. People form around the world streamed to the Expo site situated along the beautiful Huangpu River. Undeterred by the searing heat or soaking rain, they waited patiently in long lines to witness this much anticipated event. For the first time, an Online Expo was launched, opening a new window for more people to be part of the Expo. Through such extensive participation, Expo 2010 Shanghai has truly brought together people around the globe.Expo 2010 Shanghai has been a splendid event. The Expo site, which covers about six square kilometers, is like a global village. Here, you can find a rich variety of structures, each with its distinct and exquisite style, the British Pavilion resembling a huge dandelion dancing in the breeze, the Canadian Pavilion in the shape of a maple leaf, and the Saudi Pavilion which looks like a sailing treasure boat. And they all speak to the best of human ingenuity. Here, you can see on display rare cultural treasures of the world: the bronze chariot and horse sculpture from Chinas Warring States period, the statue of Athena from Greece, the masterpieces of French impressionist painters, the Litter Mermaid from Denmark .They are truly a feast to the eyes. Here, over 100 cultural performances were staged every day. Through a total of more than 20,000 cultural events, visitors got a taste of the quintessence of the worlds diverse cultures and found it a rewarding cultural experience. Here political leaders, business people, government officials, experts and scholars gathered together at the series of Expo Forums to share insightful vies and discuss the future of the world, firing people with imagination and inspiration. All this has made Expo 2010 Shanghai an encyclopedia lying open on the land and a magnificent painting showcasing the integration and harmony of diverse cultures.Expo 2010 Shanghai has been an unforgettable event. The Expo has brought together the Chinese people who wish to learn more about the world and foreign friends who wish to know more about China. Thanks to the Expo, they have forged a strong bond of friendship. At the opening ceremony of the Expo, two Tibetan kids from the earthquake-affected Yushu county of Qinghai Province joined kids of different countries and different colors. They embraced each other and held hands together. That scene is a vivid example of human solidarity and fraternity in the face of adversity.


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