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    2011年西安外国语大学翻译硕士真题I. Phrase Translation2010 年上海世博会: The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010突发公共卫生事件: public health emergency社保体系: Social security system科学发展观: Scientific Outlook on Development交通银行: the bank of communications孔子学院: Confucius Institute产业结构调整: industrial restructuring积极的财政政策: proactive fiscal policy双赢: win-win; mutually beneficial职业教育: vocation education市场准入: market access独立自主的和平外交政策: independent foreign policy of peace国土资源部: Ministry of Land and Resources再生纸: recycled paper局域网: LAN(Local Area Network)carpet smoking ban: 全面禁烟most-favored-nation treatment: 最惠国待遇Airbus: 空中巴士the Hang Seng Index: (香港股票交易所的)恒生指数Dairy Queen: 奶品皇后(美国著名的冰淇淋连锁品牌)the Data Protection Act: 数据保护法the US Department of Justice: 美国司法部Family Income Support:家庭收入补助;家庭收入补助金Trophy child: 模范儿童per capita income(PCI): 人均收入Shaw Nature Reserve: 肖自然保护区 (美国密苏里植物园自然保护区)anti-dumping duty: 反倾销税high-voltage electric appliance: 高压电器operating expenses: 营业费用; 营运开支APEC: 亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)(注:原文以句子形式出现)II. Passage translationSection A English to Chinese1,The G20 summit needed to take action in three areas: first, endorsing our decision to tackle our deficit to support economic growth and stability; second, taking all the steps necessary to boost global trade; and third, putting in place the arrangements to address the global imbalances which were at the root of the financial crisis and that still hold back growth in the world economy today. Let me take you through what we have agreed.First, dealing with our deficits. In Britain, we are taking the tough steps to deal with the massive deficit that we inherited. Here in Seoul, we agreed to formulate and implement clear, credible, ambitious and growth friendly fiscal consolidation plans. We also agreed that the failure to/implement consolidation plans. We also agreed that the failure to implement consolidation would undermine confidence and growth. There can be no clearer statement of our collective intent than this. Deficits are dangerous; we simply have to deal with them.Second, boosting trade. Increasing trade is the biggest boost and the biggest stimulus that we could give to the world economy, and it doesnt cost any money. Britain is an open trading economy. We welcome overseas investment, so this agenda can really help us to create wealth and jobs. That is why Im linking Britain to the fastest growing countries in the fastest growing parts of the world and why Im backing so vigorously trade liberalization. Trade barriers, protectionism, beggar-my-neighbor policies, these are the things that wrecked the world economy in the 1930s, and the G20 and I are absolutely determined to stop this from happening again. Today, we committed to keeping markets open and liberalizing trade and investment as a means to promote economic progress for all and we said that we would roll back any new protectionist measures that may have arisen.2, Prime Minister David Cameron has set out what businesses can do to help to build the Big Society. Speaking t the Business in the Community Annual General Meeting and Leadership Summit, he explained how the business sector has the power, creativity and enterprise to help tackle some of the most pressing social challenges the UK faces.Mr. Cameron said that business should sign up to a commitment to responsible business practice and take action in five priority areas where Government would value business commitment the most. These are: improving skills and creating jobs, for example by increasing the number of apprenticeships; supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, such as by mentoring a start-up business; reducing carbon and protecting the environment and improving quality of life and well being through measures such as introducing flexible working.The PM said, “As it shows every day that Britains great businesses are not just a force for good in our economy. You are a force for good in our society too. You have the power, the creativity and the enterprise to help us tackle some of the most pressing social challenges we face. By meeting our shared responsibilities, we will build a shared future, a stronger future and a better Britain.”Section B Chinese to English3,丝绸之路是西汉(公元前 202 年公元 8 年)使者张骞开辟的以长安(金西安)为起 点,经由甘肃、新疆,通往中亚、西亚、欧洲及北非的陆上通道。19 世纪末,德国地质学 家李希霍芬(F.von Richthofen)将这条交通大道誉为“丝绸之路”,这一称谓从此得到世 界的广泛承认。丝绸之路,是亚欧大陆的交通动脉,是中国、印度、希腊三种主要文化交汇 的桥梁,在世界上有重大的意义。4, 深圳市位于中国的南方珠江三角洲东岸,是中国第一个经济特区,经国务院批准 于 1980 年 8 月 6 日正式设立。 经过 30 年的建设,深圳由一个昔日的边陲小镇发展成为具有国际影响力的新兴城市,创造了举世瞩目的“深圳速度”。深圳是中 国口岸最多的城市, 是中国与世界交往的主要门户之一。深圳有着强劲的经济支 撑与现代化的基础设施,城市综合竞争力为列于内地城市第一。到 2010 年,深 圳将建设成为中国高科技产业基地和区域性金融中心、信息中心、商贸中心、运 输中心及旅游胜地,将成为现代化的国际性城市。


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