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    欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 1 页 共 12 页)1广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2016 年 考试科目代码及名称:613-英语水平考试适用专业:050201 英语语言文学友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!I. Cloze. Read the following passages and choose a proper word to fill in each of the blanks in the passage. (30 points in all, 1 point for each)Passage 1Until the Second World War there was no clear transition period between (1)_and adulthood in British society. Young people were (2) _children until they were about 16 or before if they had started work. Young people and their parents often (3)_similar clothes, attitudes and (4) _ life. All this began to change in 1950s.In the 1950s the teenagers began to be seen as a special (5)_group and that was often characterized as a period of (6)_ from the family and (7)_ against the values of home and society. With increasing prosperity in Britain, many teenagers had increasing (8)_power and thus became the special (9)_for advertising, especially for music and fashion.(10) _the 1950s almost each decade has had a characteristic youth cult with the (11)_ of the rebellious teenager, identifiable(12)_ the particular style of clothes or music. The first cult to (13)_was the Teddy Boys in the 1950s, (14)_with early rock nroll music. In the 1980s it was the Acid House scene, associated with music and drug Ecstasy which (15)_ the rave culture and clubbing of the 1990s.(1) A. infancyB. youth C. childhood D. Toddlers(2) A. regarded B. seen C. called D. interpreted(3) A. wear B. choose C. obey D. shared(4) A. normal B. daily C. common D. social(5) A. community B.age C. association D. institute(6) A. joining B. connection C. alienation D. distraction(7) A. betray B. fight C. revolt D. revolution(8) A. socializing B. purchasing C. promoting D. marketing(9) A. purpose B. aim C. target D. hope欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 2 页 共 12 页)2(10) A. AS B. Since C. From D. With(11) A.image B. picture C. impression D. figure(12) A.by B. with C. in D. to (13) A.emerge B. happen C. appear D. expose(14) A.associated B. related C. bond D. afflicted(15) A.changed into B. expanded into C. decreased into D. increased intoPassage 2Everyone seems to be in favor of progress. But “progress” is a funny word. It doesnt (16)_mean that something has become stronger, wiser or better. It simply means changing it from being one thing to another and sometimes it (17)_out to be worse than before. (18)_medicine, for instance. No one can deny that medical progress has enriched our lives tremendously. Because of medical (19) _, we eat better, live easier and are able to take care of ourselves more efficiently. We can cure disease with no more than one injection (20)_a pill. If we have a serious accident, surgeons can put us (21)_together again. If we are born (22)_something defective, they can repair it. They can make us happy, restore our sanity, ease our pain, replace (23)_parts and give us children. They can even bring us back from the dead. These are wonderful achievements, but there is a (24) _we have to pay.Because medicine has reduced infant mortality and natural death so significantly, the population has been (25)_steadily, in spite of serious (26)_to reduce the rate of population growth. Less than a century ago in the United States, infant mortality (27)_more than half of the newborn (28)_the first year of life. Medical advances, (29)_, have now reduced that rate to nearly zero. A child born in the United States today has (30) _than a 90 per cent chance of survival.(16) A. necessarily B. nearly C. basically D. often(17) A.comes B. gets C. makes D. turns(18) A. See B. Take C. Consider D. Look(19) A. improvements B. advancements C. movements D. care(20) A. or B. and C. with D. of(21) A. back B. up C. through D. over(22) A. of B. from C. out D. with(23) A. tired B. weary C. worn D. fatigued(24) A. cost B. bill C. price D. check(25) A. arising B. rising C. raising D. going(26) A. efforts B. effects C. problems D. events(27) A. exclaimed B. proclaimed C. clamored D. claimed(28) A. over B. within C. between D. among(29) A. however B. though C. moreover D. besides(30) A. more B. greater C. bigger D. better欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 3 页 共 12 页)3II. Proofreading and error correction. The following passage contains 15 errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. Correct the errors and write the answers on the answer sheet. (30 points in all, 2 points for each)“Art does not solve problems, but makes us awared of (1) their existence,” sculptor Magdalena Abakanowicz has said.Arts education, on the other hand, does not solve problems. (2) Years of research shows that its closely linking to almost (3) anything that we as a nation say we want for our children and (4) demand to our schools: academic achievement, social and (5) emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity.Involvement in the arts is associated to gains in math, (6) reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill.Arts learning can also improves motivation, concentration, (7)confidence, or teamwork. A report by the Rand Corporation (8) about the visual arts argue that the intrinsic pleasures and (9) stimulation of the art experience have more than sweeten an (10)individuals life - according to the report, they “can connectpeople more deeply to the world and open them in new ways (11)of seeing,” creating the foundation to forge social bonds andcommunity cohesion. And strong arts programming in schoolshelps close a gap that has left many child behind: From (12)Mozart for babies to tutus for toddlers to family trips to themuseum, the children of affluent, aspired parents generally get (13) exposed to the arts whether or not public schools provide it. (14) Low - income children, often, do not. “Arts education enablesthose children from a financially challenged background to have a more level playing field with children who have hadthose enrichment experience,” says Eric Cooper, president and (15)founder of the national Urban Alliance for Effective Education.III. Gap-filling. Fill in the following blanks with the correct words and correct forms of the words given according to the meanings of the sentences. (30 points in all, 2 points for each)(1) (look) at his watch, he saw that it was one oclock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped.(2) Its (miss) head happened to be among remains of the fifteen century B.C.(3) Before (return) home at night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit.(4) Apart from an interesting - looking carved dagger, the box was full of crockery, much of it (break)欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 4 页 共 12 页)4(5) The temple which the archaeologists (explore) was used as a place of worship from the fifteen century B.C. until Roman times.(6) Physics (go) from studying the familiar things in our everyday lives like baseballs to strange things like atoms.(7) I often (wonder) some people, who had no intention of making purchase, (take) advantage of this privilege.(8) It is evident that the elderly gentlemen greatly (hurt) and will never come back to the store to sample pudding any more.(9) It (be) only twenty - five years since television came to control American free time.(10) I wish I (live) in Hainan(11) If I (have) the money now, Id buy a new house.(12) With the help of a (fair) godmother and some animal friends, Cinderella goes to the ball in a beautiful dress.(13) Few of our modern novels are of great (significant).(14) The current welfare system has been (benefit) to most of us. (15) It has been used as much for improving the design and presentation of day - to - day documents as for producing (publish).IV. Reading Comprehension. In this section, there are 6 reading passages followed by a total of 30 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages carefully and then choose the correct answer. (60 points in all, 2 points for each)11982 was the year of information technology in Great Britain. But what exactly is infotech? 85% of people polled recently had not a clue what is meant, although 53% of those polled said they thought it sounded pretty important. They were right. It is. So what is it? Well, put simply, it is the “marrying - up” of products from several key industries: computers, telephones, television, satellites. It means using micro - electronics, telecommunication networks, and fibre optics to help produce, store, obtain and send information by way of words, numbers, pictures and sound more quickly and efficiently than ever before.The impact infotech is having and is going to have on our lives and work is tremendous. It is already linking the skills of the space industry with those of cable television so programmes can be beamed directly into our homes from all over the world. Armies of “steel collar” workers, the robots, will soon be working in factories doing the boring, complex and unpleasant jobs which are at present still done by man. In some areas such as the car industry this has already started. Television will also be used to enable customers to shop from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering via the TV screen, payment being made by direct debit of their credit cards. Home banking and the automatic booking of tickets will also be done through the television screen. Cable television which in many countries now gives a choice of dozens of channels will soon be used to protect our homes by operating burglar and fire alarms 欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 5 页 共 12 页)5linked to police and fire stations. Computers will run our homes, controlling the heating, air conditioning and cooking systems while robots will cope with the housework. The friendly postman will be a thing of the past as the postal service and letters disappear with the electronic mail received via viewdata screens.All these things are coming very fast and their effects will be as far - reaching as those of the industrial revolution. Infotech is part of the technological revolution and that is with us now.(1) From the first paragraph, we can infer that the author was .A. unaware of the results of the pollB. satisfied with the results of the pollC. surprised at peoples ignorance of the meaning of infotechD. deeply impressed with the wiseness of the British people(2) The first paragraph is mainly about .A. theimportance of modern technologyB. the products of key industries in the 1980sC. the British peoples knowledge of infotechD. the exact meaning of infotech(3) The second paragraph is mainly about .A. the ways to link skills of space industry with those of cable televisionB. the great effects infotech is having and will have on our lives and workC. the future uses of computers and robots in both homes and industriesD. the comfortable life people will live in the near future(4) According to the passage, television will be used to to a lot of things EXCEPT .A. ordering goods from shops for customers at their homesB. running our homes and doing all kinds of houseworkC. protecting our homes against fire and burglaryD. depositing money in a bank and withdrawing it from the bank(5) According to the last sentence of Paragraph 2, which of the following statements is TURE?A. The postman has become a thing of the past.B. Viewdata screens are being used now to receive electronic mail.C. Electronic mail will disappear some day.D. The postal service will not be used in the future.2Washington was the first city in history to be created solely for the purpose of governance. Following the Revolution, members of Congress had hotly debated the question of a permanent home for themselves and for those departments - the 欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 6 页 共 12 页)6Treasury, the Patent Office, and so on - which even the sketchiest of central governments would feel obliged to establish. In 1790, largely in order to put an end to congressional bickering, George Washington was charged with selecting a site for the newly designed federal district. Not much to anyones surprise but to the disappointment of many, he chose a tract of land on the banks of the Potomac River, a few miles upstream from his beloved plantation Mount Vernon.The District of Columbia was taken in part from Virginia and in part from Maryland. At the time it was laid out, its hundred square miles consisted of gently rolling hills, some under cultivation and the rest heavily wooded, with a number of creeks and much swampy land along the Potomac. There is now a section of Washington that is commonly refereed to as Foggy Bottom; that bore the same nickname a hundred and eighty years ago. Two port cities, Alexandria and Georgetown, flourished within sight of the new capital and gave it access by ship to the most important cities of the infant nation - Chaleslon, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Newport, Salem, and Portsmouth - and also to the far-off ports of England and the Continent.(6) In line 6 (Para. 1), the phrase “charged with” could best be replaced by which of the following?A. Attacked with. B. Accused of.C. Asked to pay for.D. Given the responsibility of.(7) Why was George Washingtons choice for the site of the capital not very surprising?A. The site was close to George Washingtons own home.B. The river would bring trade to the city.C. The members of Congress had already stated their preference for the site.D. George Washington had lived on the site before the American Revolution.(8) It can be inferred from the passage that the term “Foggy Bottom” in the second paragraph refers to a section of Washington D. C. that .A. used to be mostly swamplandB. lies at the bottom of Mount VernonC. has the lowest population in the districtD. used to be the site of the national weather station(9) The author implies that Georgetown was important in the eighteenth century because it .A. linked the federal district with the oceanB. was a model for building the new federal districtC. defended the east coast against invadersD. was the home of the Treasury and the Patent Office欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 7 页 共 12 页)7(10) What is the main topic of the passage?A. The role of George Washington in the American Revolution.B. The first years of the United States Congress.C. The founding of Washington D. C.D. The governing of t


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