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    宁 波 大 学 2020 年 硕 士 研 究 生 招 生 考 试 初 试 试 题 (A 卷 )(答 案 必 须 写 在 考 点 提 供 的 答 题 纸 上 ) 第 1 页 共 8 页 科 目 代 码 : 244 总 分 值 : 100 科 目 名 称 : 英 语 ( 二 外 )Part I Cloze Test (20 points, 1 point each)Directions: In this part, you are required to read the given passage carefully, and then fill in each blank with anappropriate word given in the table. Each word is allowed to be used only once. You should not change theform of the word but you can capitalize the initial letter if the word is used at the beginning of the sentence.Write your choices in the Answer Sheet.Passage Onewhat why how that asbut although once though if Have you ever heard of a condition known as “general paresis( 麻 痹 性 痴 呆 ) of the insane”? Probably not.In the 19th century general paresis was one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders. Its symptomsincluded odd social behaviors, impaired judgment, depressed mood and difficulty concentrating. Around theturn of the 20th century, 1 , we figured 2 it really wasa form of late-stage syphilis( 梅 毒 )infecting the brain and disrupting its function. A few decades later we discovered a highly effective treatment:penicillin.3 general paresis is now very rare, its example is still instructive. Any honest researcher will tell youwe dont currently have good explanations for most mental disorders. Depression, obsessive-compulsivedisorder, schizophrenia(精 神 分 裂 症 ) we dont really know how these patterns of disrupted thought, behaviorand emotion develop or 4 they stick around.Yet the hope remains 5 , much like with general paresis, we may soon discover the root causes of these illnesses, and this knowledge may tell us 6 to treat them. An example of this hope can be seen inthe popular notion that a “chemical imbalance” causes depression. This might turn out to be true, 7 thetruth is we dont know.Some researchers are starting to think that for many mental disorders, such hope might be based onincorrect assumptions. Instead of having one root cause, 8 general paresis did, mental disorders mightbe caused by many mechanisms acting together. These mechanisms might be situated in the brain, but theycould also be located in the body and even in the external environment, interacting with one another in anetwork to create the patterns of distress and dysfunction we currently recognize and label as varieties of mentalillness. In this more complex view, patterns such as depression and generalized anxiety arise as tendencies in thehuman brain-body-environment system. 9 the patterns are established, they are hard to change becausethe network continues to maintain them. 10 the causal structures of many mental disorders are complex, how should we seek to illuminatethem? I think recognizing the complexity should push us to rethink how mental illness is studied. 宁 波 大 学 2020 年 硕 士 研 究 生 招 生 考 试 初 试 试 题 (A 卷 )(答 案 必 须 写 在 考 点 提 供 的 答 题 纸 上 ) 第 2 页 共 8 页 科 目 代 码 : 244 总 分 值 : 100 科 目 名 称 : 英 语 ( 二 外 )Passage Twofigures regularly variety horrific claiminclusive pose aspire contribution insultThe last few years have seen the rise of a thought-provoking civic discourse on who we as a society shouldpublicly honor, resulting in (among other things) the removal of statues from parks (including statues ofscientists) and the renaming of schools. Though bad-faith critics 11 that such actions are about “erasinghistory,” theyre really about a simple question: which 12 from our history and culture represent valuesto which we should all 13 and which do not? So far, these important discussions have largely notreached a scientific discipline whose practitioners 14 make the choice of which people to publicly honor:taxonomy( 分 类 学 ) . Taxonomists may name a newly-described species after a person for a(n) 15 of reasons, includingrecognizing that persons role in discovering that species, acknowledging someone for a longstanding 16to their field or showing respect to someone unrelated to the field but who the scientist personally likes. Thereare also scientists who auction off species naming rights to fund their science, and even those who name speciesafter people to 17 them. Though some taxonomists may dispute this characterization, in many casesnaming a species after someone is choosing to publicly honor that personit is certainly widely perceived thatway.Im no taxonomist, but as a member of my professional societys equity and diversity committee, mycolleagues and I spend a lot of time discussing changes we can make to the day to day operations of scientificresearch that will help make academia more 18 , welcoming, and just. To that end, I 19 thefollowing questions: should scientists be publicly honoring people who have committed human rights violationsor other 20 crimes? And what can and should be done about species already named after such monsters?Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points) Section A (10 points, 1 point each)Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for eachblank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Youre your choices by writing downthe corresponding letter in the Answer Sheet.For years the prevailing wisdom on how immigrants fare in the labor market has been based on the notionthat assimilation is the key, even determining factor. Drawing mainly on 1970 Census data, studies concludedthat while earnings of new immigrants were lower than those of comparably situated native worker, earnings ofimmigrants who had been here for more than a decade 1 those of native workers of the same age,education and so on. The assumption was that as immigrants 2 language and work skills, theirearnings grew.Now some economists dispute this conclusion. The positive 3 of assimilation is so small that thereis little chance the 4 immigrant will ever catch up with the native workers. The 1970 Census was the first in 30 years to ask individuals when they had arrived in the United States.When comparable data from the l980 Census became 5 , researchers could then track the progress of 宁 波 大 学 2020 年 硕 士 研 究 生 招 生 考 试 初 试 试 题 (A 卷 )(答 案 必 须 写 在 考 点 提 供 的 答 题 纸 上 ) 第 3 页 共 8 页 科 目 代 码 : 244 总 分 值 : 100 科 目 名 称 : 英 语 ( 二 外 )immigrants who arrived at different times. It was found that most recently arrived Hispanic immigrants exhibitlower earnings and higher 6 rates than earlier Hispanic immigrants.There was one major exception. More recent Mexican immigrants had 7 higher employment ratesbut lower earnings than the earlier group. This is because the population of recent immigrants included manyillegal aliens who would accept low paying jobs.What seems most 8 is that the immigrants who arrived prior to 1964 are fundamentally differentfrom those who arrived later. Immigration laws were changed in 1964, and the immigrants who arrived underthe earlier law were 9 entry largely because of their 10 . Those who came after 1964 were admittedbecause they had close relatives in the country. The performance discrepancies seem to hold true across theboard.It seems like a very simple notion, but until recently, nobody was raising it. In every plain term differentwaves of immigrants are different. A. effect I. unemploymentB. improved J. strikingC. available K. skillsD. substantially L. gainedE. compared M. graduallyF. exceeded N. promisingG. depression O. averageH. permittedSection B (30 points, 2 points each) Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on thebest choice and write down the corresponding letter in the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Every British citizen who is employed or self-employed is obliged to pay a weekly contribution to thenational insurance and health schemes. An employer also makes a contribution for each of his employees, andthe Government too pays a certain amount. This plan was brought into being in 1948. Its aim is to preventanyone from going without medical services, if he needs them, however poor he may be; to ensure that a personwho is out of work shall receive a weekly sum of money to survive; and to provide a small pension for thosewho have reached the age of retirement. Everyone can register with a doctor of his choice and if he is ill he canconsult the doctor without having to pay for the doctors services, although he has to pay a small charge for medicines. The doctor may, if necessary, send a patient to a specialist, or to a hospital; in both cases treatmentwill be given without any fee being payable. Those who wish may become private patients, paying for theirtreatment, but they must still pay their contributions to the national insurance and health schemes.During illness the patient can draw a small amount every week, to make up for his lost wages. Everyone 宁 波 大 学 2020 年 硕 士 研 究 生 招 生 考 试 初 试 试 题 (A 卷 )(答 案 必 须 写 在 考 点 提 供 的 答 题 纸 上 ) 第 4 页 共 8 页 科 目 代 码 : 244 总 分 值 : 100 科 目 名 称 : 英 语 ( 二 外 )who needs to have his eyes seen to may go to a state-registered oculist( 眼 科 医 生 ) and if his sight is weak hecan get spectacles from an optician at a much reduced price. For a small payment he may go to a dentist; if heneeds false teeth, he can obtain dentures (假 牙 ) for less than they would cost from a private dentist. Variousother medical appliances can be obtained in much the same way.When a man is out of work, he may draw unemployment benefit until he finds work again; he willprobably do this by going to a Job Centre (an office run by the State to help people find jobs). If he is married,the allowance he receives will be larger. Obviously the amount paid is comparatively small, for the State doesnot want people to stop working in order to draw a handsome sum of money for doing nothing.When a man reaches the age of sixty-five, he may retire from work and then he has the right to draw aState pension. For women, the age of retirement is sixty.Mothers-to-be and children receive special benefits such as free milk or certain food-stuffs for which only a minimum charge is made. The State pays to the mother a small weekly sum for each child in a family. There isalso an allowance for funerals, for the State boasts that it looks after people “from the cradle to the graves”.There are special benefits for certain people, such as the blind and the handicapped.Most people in Britain agree that there are still many improvements to be made in the national insuranceand health schemes, but it is also true that they have become a social institution that the great majority of thepopulation wishes to see maintained.1. We know from the first paragraph that _.A) the government pays the largest part for citizensinsurance and healthB) citizens in Britain have the right to choose a doctor for his serviceC) the self-employed can receive better service for their healthD) more money is, in Britain, spent on insurance than on pension 2. According to the passage, citizens in Britain can _ if they fall ill.A) enjoy the free medical service from doctors they have chosenB) ask their employers to cover a small part of the medical serviceC) withdraw half the money they paid for their insurance and healthD) receive help from the Job Centre for their unemployment benefit3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A) Pregnant women in Britain enjoy as many benefits as school children.B) The government ensures that no citizen draw more money than he contributed.C) Unemployment benefit is supposed to help people pull through a difficult time.D) Dentists often overcharge citizens who are employed or self-employed.4. In the last paragraph, the pronoun “they” refers to _. A) the overwhelming majority in BritainB) national insurance and health schemesC) peoples long-cherished wishes for better lifeD) long-awaited improvements to be made 宁 波 大 学 2020 年 硕 士 研 究 生 招 生 考 试 初 试 试 题 (A 卷 )(答 案 必 须 写 在 考 点 提 供 的 答 题 纸 上 ) 第 5 页 共 8 页 科 目 代 码 : 244 总 分 值 : 100 科 目 名 称 : 英 语 ( 二 外 )5. Which of the following can serve as the title of the passage?A) Employment in Britain.B) Peoples living conditions in Britain.C) Medical services in Britain.D) Welfare in Britain.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.There is a range of activities which require movements of about one to four or five miles. These might beleisure activities, such as moving from home to swimming pool, tennis club, the theatre or other cultural centre,or to a secondary or more advanced school; or they might be movement associated with work and shopping in the central areas of cities. The use of cars capable of carrying five people at 80 mph for satisfying these needs iswasteful of space and most productive of disturbance to other road users.The use of the bicycle, or some more modern derivative of it, is probably worth more consideration thanhas been given to it. The bicycle itself is a remarkably efficient and simple device for using human muscularenergy for transportation. In pure energy terms, it is four to five times as efficient as walking, even thoughhuman walking itself is twice as efficient as the movement of effective animals such as dogs or gulls. It is stillwidely used, not only in some developing countries where bicycles are major means of transport of people andgoods, but in a few richer towns such as Amsterdam in Holland and Cambridge in England.It usually gives inadequate protection from the weather, is not very suitable for carrying goods, anddemands considerable muscular work to make progress against the wind or uphill. It also offers its rider noprotection against collisions with other vehicles. All these difficulties could, however, be greatly eliminated, ifnot removed, with relatively small changes in design. The whole machine could be enclosed in a plastic bubble,which would provide some protection in case of accidents. It would be easy to add a small petrol or electric motor. A wide variety of designs would be possible. As in rowing, we might employ the power of the arms orthe general body musculature( 肌 肉 组 织 ) , as well as those of the legs; more muscular exercise would be goodfor the health of many people in cities, and a wide use of bicycles like muscle-powered vehicles would be auseful way to ensure this. It could also provide ample opportunities for showing off by the young and vigorous.6. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _.A) facilities in the community fail to meet peoples demandB) the car is far from perfect for short range movementC) people today have more choices to enrich their livesD) people are busy moving from one place to another7. More importance should be attached to the bicycle for transportation because it _.A) happens to be a very efficient and simple device B) occupies a little space and causes no disturbanceC) is still widely used in Amsterdam and CambridgeD) is within the financial ability of common people 宁 波 大 学 2020 年 硕


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