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    考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 (706) Page 1 of 11 2021 年 招 收 攻 读 硕 士 学 位 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 试 题 A 卷*招 生 专 业 与 代 码 : 英 语 语 言 文 学 ( 050201) , 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学 ( 050211)考 试 科 目 名 称 及 代 码 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 (706)考 生 注 意 : 所 有 答 案 必 须 写 在 答 题 纸 ( 卷 ) 上 , 写 在 本 试 题 上 一 律 不 给 分 。Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence thereare 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentenceand write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.1. “The show must go on” is the oldest _ of show business; every true performer lives bythat creed.A. euphemism B. allegory C. precursor D. tenet2. An early American film star, Pearl White starred in several serials _ that enticedaudiences to return for the next installment.A. whose episodes had suspenseful endings B. their episodes had suspenseful endingsC. which had episodes ending suspenseful D. of whose episodes the suspenseful endings3. The article praised Isak Dinesen not so much for her genius as a storyteller _of societysexpectations of women during the early twentieth century.A. but because she was remarkably defiant B. but because of her remarkable defianceC. but for being remarkably defiant D. as for her remarkable defiance 4. From this unity created by the _ of artists from various social and geographicalbackgrounds came a new spirit, which, particularly in densely populated Harlem, was to result ingreater group awareness and self-determination.A. conclusion B. conspiracy C. convergence D. consumption5. He _ to go to Beijing today, but he postponed the trip when he heard that there wouldbe a downpour at noon.A. was intending B. would intend C. was intended D. had intended6. Because of its inclination to _, most Indian art is _ Japanese art, wheresymbols have been minimized and meaning has been conveyed by the merest suggestion.A. exaggeraterelated to B. imitate.superior toC. understate reminiscent of D. overdraw.similar to 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 (706) Page 2 of 11 7.Ahibernating animal needs hardly any food all through the winter, _?A. need it B. neednt it C. does it D. doesnt it8.As surprising as the new findings are, Dr. Wilson said he would not characterize them as _.A. sound B. revolutionary C. equitable D. evident9. For some time now, world leaders _ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.A. had been pointing B. have been pointingC. were pointing D. pointed10. They promised to give us whatever support we needed, but nothing ever _ it.A. came to B. came into C. came of D. came with 11. A journalist rather than a scholar, Mr. Cose seems nevertheless to be _ most of the seriousstudies relevant to his topic.A. ignorant of B. associated with C. wearied by D. familiar with12. In 1997, the Thrust SSC, a British-made car powered by two jet engines, _ the firstland-traveling vehicle to break the sound barrier.A. have become B. were to become C. becoming D. became13. In their own eyes, it is rather _ that the medical community as a whole still has the limitedknowledge about the cause of the pandemic.A. rewarding B. commanding C. embarrassing D. requiring14. Because our supply of fossil fuel has been sadly_, we must find _ sources of energy.A. compensated.significant B. exhausted.inefficientC. increased.available D. depleted.alternate15. She remembered several occasions in the past _ she had experienced a similar feeling.A. which B. before C. that D. when16. Because it was already known that retroviruses could cause cancer in animals, it seemed only_to search for similar cancer-causing viruses in human beings.A. culpable B. charitable C. hypothetical D. logical17. My nephew _ chicken pox this weekend. A. came down with B. come up with C. brought up with D. broke down with18. He resented _ to wait. He expected the minister _ him at once.A. to be asked, to see B. being asked, to seeC. to be asked, seeing D. being asked, seeing 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 (706) Page 3 of 11 19. _ the least expensive rate, the package was so heavy that it cost Jose nearly a hundreddollars to mail it to his cousin in Madrid.A. Even chosen B. Although choosingC. Even though he chose D. Having chosen20. _ his broker had told him at the stock was a _ investment, he insisted on buying100 shares.A. Because.speculative B. Although.precariousC. Since.negligible D. Although.formidable21. Lets _ these lines one more time before the show.A. run into B. work out C. run through D. work by 22. Given that goats and sheep were domesticated earlier than cattle, it is thought that the productionof cheeses made from goats and sheeps milk _ cheese made from cows milk.A. predate that of B. predated that of C. predated those of D. have predated23. It is well known that the _ of the seasons has long been observed by people in all parts of theworld.A. rhythm B. regulation C. click D. identity24. The scents of the flowers was_ to us by the breeze.A. intercepted B. detested C. saturated D. wafted25. When you are suffering from _, you have red spots on your skin and you feel as if you havea cold. A. apathy B. measles C. impotence D. schizophrenia26. Dr. Jones ordered _ for the laboratory.A. two equipments B. two pieces of equipmentsC. two pieces of equipment D. two equipment pieces.27. If everyone _, we can get the kitchen painted by noon.A. moves in B. gives in C. cuts in D. chips in28. Because he is so _, we can never predict what course he will take at any moment.A. incoherent B. superficial C. capricious D. deleterious29. My doctor wants me to _ sweets and fatty foods. A. cut into B. cut down on C. cut at D. cut across30. A diligent scholar, she devoted herself _to the completion of the book.A. assiduously B. ingenuously C. theoretically D. sporadically 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 (706) Page 4 of 11 Part II. Cloze (20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choicesgiven below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.A few decades ago, computers were considered as sophisticated tools used by scientists to workout complex mathematical calculations, or by big companies and organizations to 1)_ theirdata. Today, computers have become so 2)_ that they sometimes dont even come with aninstruction 3)_ anymore.Though becoming widely popular, computer technology still continues to 4)_ manypeople. Researchers who have been using computers 5)_ a daily basis for many years arestill 6)_ hidden wonders and surprises about this technology. A 7)_ number ofgrandparents are making an effort to 8)_ themselves with smart phones with designs thatappear so 9)_ to them. In addition, the purchase of laptops in many third world and developing nations is ever increasing. All this 10)_ a good thing because they result inless 11)_ between people of different ages and countries in their ability to use technology. Ifpeople of old ages 12)_ people in the third world countries are afraid of technology that isso 13)_ today, and thus choose to 14)_ it, the purposes and advantages thattechnology has to offer would be ultimately 15)_ .As there are two sides to every story, complex technology can be either good orbad, 16)_ your knowledge or experience. The point being driven here is that if atechnological 17)_ is too complex for the average consumer, they will finallynot 18)_ it. This will directly affect the sales of the 19)_ product. Any producerknows that this will mean product 20)_ at a catastrophic level.1)A. release B. retrieve C. proceed D. process2)A. common B. ordinary C. portable D. specialized 3)A. handout B. pamphlet C. bulletin D. profile4)A. intrigue B. inflict C. infringe D. intervene5)A. at B. in C. on D. by6)A. discerning B. disclosing C. displacing D. distorting7)A. reasonable B. maximum C. significant D. consistent8)A. identify B. associate C. represent D. familiarize9)A. authentic B. promising C. dominant D. intricate10)A. creates B. commits C. deduces D. pledges11)A. discontent B. discrepancy C. dismay D. disregard12)A. as far as B. as long as C. as well as D. as good as13)A. scarce B. crucial C. delicate D. handy14)A. conceal B. divert C. dodge D. rupture15)A. caught B. lost C. doomed D. denied 16)A. based on B. built on C. hinged on D. focused on17)A. accessory B. axis C. gadget D. turbine18)A. absorb B. obsess C. indulge D. purchase19)A. spoken B. said C. told D. uttered20)A. failure B. fault C. defect D. defeat 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 (706) Page 5 of 11 Part III. Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: In this section, there are three passages followed by questions or unfinishedstatements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the bestanswer and write the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneThe worlds greatest structures built by insects or animals other than humans are, surprisingly,constructed by termites. Termites, sometimes known as white ants, are little insects that resemble antsin appearance, but they tend to be smaller, fatter, slower moving. There are about twelve to fifteenhundred species of termites. However, not a single one of them belong to the same class of insects asants. Termites are actually more closely related to cockroaches and mantids. They are known to be social insects that have an instinct to use a system of cooperation and specialization as their mainmethod of survival. Termites are most known to people and scientists for their peculiar and marvelousworks of architecture. Australian and African termites, especially, build housing structures reachingalmost ten meters in height. Considering their relative size, such a building would be the equivalent ofa 200-story edifice for humans. Their knowledge to construct such astonishing structures is known tobe inborn in their nature.The termite nest, or termitary, usually takes the shape of a gigantic mound, or sometimes amulti-fingered hand, rising up from the surface. To build this housing for the colony, termites spend aconsiderable amount of time. It may take months, or sometimes even a year. The most commonmaterial composing a termitary is dirt. Termites carry the local soil and combine it with their saliva tosolidify it. Because it is very firm and also impermeable, it is frequently used by people in Africa as amaterial for building their shelters.The termitary consists of thousands of chambers, each for a different purpose. The bottom layer of the mound generally serves as the living and working quarter for workers that assume the labors offoraging, food storage, and nest maintenance. Their chambers are located in the lower core so thatthey can easily go in and out of the termitary in search for food. Some species have gardens of variousfungi in this lower part of the nest. The workers are in charge of cultivating and harvesting them as astable source of food for the young. Above the worker chamber dwell termite soldiers devotedlyprotect their kind. Soldiers, as a mechanism for fighting, have developed big, strong jawsproportionally too big for their body size. Therefore, they cannot feed themselves without the help ofworkers. Above these two layers lie chambers called nymphs. The eggs and young termites stay hereuntil they hatch and are fully grown. There is also a room for food storage in this part of the nest. Atthe top of the mound are the royal chambers for the kings and queens. Any males and females thatmate with the opposite sex are termed as kings and queens. Each couple is in different chamberssustaining close proximity all the time. Once a termite has been chosen as a king or queen, such titleand responsibility remains for the rest of its life. Unlike male ants which die immediately after mating, termite kings enjoy peaceful lives and are considered just as important as the queen. Queens,at maturity, can lay over a thousand eggs per day.One of the amazing facts about a termitary is that it comes with the most efficient systems ofcooling and ventilation. Walls of the mixture of soil and saliva help keep the nest moist, and thus, 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 (706) Page 6 of 11 cool. Each layer of the mound where a different class of termites resides is vented by a system ofpassages and ducts, which circulate air throughout because they are connected with parts of the nestin between the layers that have ventilation holes. Thus, the termitary is always maintained cool byhaving access to a supply of fresh air or light breeze and by allowing stale air to leave. This is verygood news for termites, for they will not last even for a few minutes in sweltering conditions.Moreover, termites living in the most arid regions also manage to keep themselves cool by digginginto the earth as deep as it is necessary, sometimes resulting in depths over 100 feet. Their task iscompleted when they reach underground water. This waterway brings a supply of cool and fresh airthat rises to the nest and circulates throughout. The gardens tended by workers are also known to aidthe cooling process.1. According to paragraph 1, termites achieve fascinating works of architecture withA. about twelve to fifteen hundred species. B. cooperative help from ants.C. their intrinsic knowledge.D. numerous trials and errors.2. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that termite soldiersA. cannot fly.B. fight with their jaws.C. sometimes search for food.D. eat termite workers.3. According to paragraph 3, what is the main difference between royalties of ants and termites?A. There is only one queen in an ant colony whereas there are many in a termite colony.B. Male termites that become king live on even after the mating process is over. C. Queen termites can lay more eggs compared to queen ants.D. Kings and queens of a termite colony must mate their whole lives.4. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the cooling and ventilation systemsin a termitary?A. They are absolutely necessary for the survival of termites.B. Supply of air in hot and arid regions will only make the termitary hotter.C. Water from underground is an essential component of the systems.D. It cannot work properly without the fungi gardens.5. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the italicized sentence inthe passage?A. All passages and ducts in a termitary can be supplied with fresh air because they are hooked up together.B. Termites punch out ventilation holes in every chamber to obtain direct supply of air in all passagesand ducts.C. Fresh air rising from the underground passages and ducts flows all the way through and cools thetermit


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