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    浙江工商大学2021年全国硕士研究生入学考试试卷(B )卷考嚇目:820翻译与写作 总分:分 考试时间:3小时Part One. Translation (80 分/15们:1. Translate the FoHowing EngHsh onto Chinese (20 分):College teachers know that the world must have trained workmen, skilled operatives, clever buyers and sellers, efficient directors, resourceful manufacturers, able lawyers, ministers, physicians, and teachers. But it is equally true that in order to do its own work, the liberal college must leave the special and technical training for these trades and professions to be done in other schools and by other methods. In a word, the liberal coliege does not pretend to give all the kinds of teaching which a young man of college age may profitably receive; it does not even ciaim to give ail the kinds of inteiieciuai training which are worth giving. It is committed to intellectual training of the liberal type, whatever that may mean, and to chat mission it must be faithful. One may safely say, then, on behalf of our college teachers, that their instruction is intended to be radically different from that given in the technical school or even in the professional school2O Translate the FoHo丽eg Chinese into English (20 分J:遇春从不戴面具,他就是他自己。而那个“自己”非常平凡,不同的只是,他的平凡无 意冒充某种不凡。-般人绝不甘平凡遇春却不然,他不怕平凡,这正是他值得称道之处。让我们来看看他吧,他只是拥挤的大街上日常所见的个普通人。他的相貌没有什么特 点,只是在听别人讲话时町能会流露出一种困惑的神色。这种困惑的神色,会使说话人的虚 荣,谴觉到某种满足,因为这意味着说话人在智力上的些许优越,似乎听话人必须仔细用匸、 听才能听懂。其实,什么东西遇春都听即懂,困惑的表情不过是容易引起错觉的一种谦 恭姿态C3. Transiate the FbHowing Business English into Chmese 卷0 分:in attempting to find the optimum balance between service to customers and inventory costs, many problems arise. No predetermined solutions are available for any industry or company because of substantial differences in inventory variety, the breadth of the market, the urgency of rapid service, the degree of competition, and other factors. Each company should analyze its particular situation and weigh the fectors of service and costs which will lead them to an optimum solution.In analyzing inventory problems, one important feet or is the relative rate of flow of different items held in inventory. Studies of the product lines of various industries show a common pattern of varying volume for different classes of items. Typically, a small percentage of items, usually about 10 percent, accounts for a high percentage of sales volume, usually about 80 percent. About half of the items account for a very small percentage of sales volume.4. lYanslate the FoHowing Business Chinese into English (2Q 分):多边主义不认同一国优先,而是主张各国都享有平等发展权利。如果只有西方国家保持 繁荣进步,西方以外的国家永远落后,不是在真正践行多边主义,也无法实现人类的共同进 步。全球化时代,只有更多的国家发展起来,国际社会的力量才能彎虽,共同应国撇战的伙 伴才会更多C中国人民凭借勤劳和智慧走向现代化,是历史演进的必然。中国自身的国情决定我们不 能照搬西方的模式,中国的文化基因要求我们不应走国强必霸的老路。我们的癖是,坚持 自身和平发展,坚持与世界合作共赢。中国特色社会主义道路已经取得巨大成功,并正在展 现旺盛生命力和光明前景。我们尊重西方国家的游,愿意借鉴发达国家的有益经验。两方 也应摒弃笃信自身文明优越的潜意识,放弃对中国的偏见和焦虑,尊重中国人民的选择。Partlwo. Wdtmg (7>/150):1. Please Read the Fo!Sowing Passage and Write a Gsmmentary on Boris Johnson Governnentes Approach of eiHerd Smm颂时气喊* Are Required to Express Ybur Viewpoints CeaHy and Logically within 300 Words 飲分):Borss Johnsons Governments Approach f 44Herd lmmymtywIts called "herd immunity" and its sparked an emotionai debate in the U.K. over the approach taken by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who warned last week that many more peopie will die from the virus.“I must level with you, level with the British public,n Johnson said as he and his experts explained the governments approach. MMany families, many more families, are going to !ose loved ones before their time."Unlike countries in Asia and mainland Europe, the U.K. has opted against imposing a government-enforced quarantine and shutting down schools, businesses and travel even as the number of deaths linked to the novel coronavirus dimbs. By Monday, the U.K. reported 35 deaths and ls391 confirmed cases of COVID-19.Prime Minister Boris Johnson gives a press conference about the ongoing situation with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic at 10 Downing Street in London on Monday Azcording to the WDrid Health Organization, the vast majority of people recover from the new COViD-19 coronavirus in about two to six weeks depending on the severity of the illness.On Monday, after much criticism, Johnson pulled back a bit and advised peopie to work from home and avoid going to pubs and other places where people congregate. His government also told peopie who feei sick to stay home for a fortnight and he advised those more vulnerable to the virus, such as people older than 70 and peopie whove had health problems, to stay indoors. But schools remained open Monday and all the new measures are voluntaryThe U.Ks go-it-alone approach seems to represent a deeper shift taking place since the country left the EU. Increasingly, the U.K. is eager to demonstrate Its newfound independence.1b achieve so-called herd immunity, 70% or more of the population needs to get ill and build up antibodies to the new virus, according to Patrick VHance, the govern men fs chief scientific adviser.On a recent Channel 4 television program, government experts explained the approach.“獎li, herd immunity is the situation where you get so many people in the population to develop an immunity to a disease that there is no opportunity for the disease to actually become established and spread to lots of people," said Nick Phin, deputy director of the National Infection Service. Normally we do that with a vaccine," he said."泊u can do that naturally, of course, if a disease thats not been introduced before affects a large number of people, and thats really how herd immunity in the U.K. would develop/,2. Please Write an Essay within 400 Words on the Following Tbpic (40 分):Do Vbu Think it Better to Read E-books Than Otherwise? Why?The library with its large collections of books attracts readers to enjoy an easy access to a great variety of materials and databases. The number of e-book readers are increasing despite of the cozy environment, the precious copies of manuscripts, and the audio-visual data accessible in library The convenience of e-book ubiquitous reading may sometimes be bothered by the copyright problems as well as teenagers7 distraction to net addiction. The damage of eyesight also causes a great concern about e-book reading. The above worries may as well prevent readers from reading e-book.答案写在答蜓上,写在瞄上无效第3页(共3页)


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