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    浙江工商大学2020年全国硕士研究生入学考试试卷(A)卷考试科目:615综合英语总分:150分 考试时间:3小时题号项目分值IVocabulary & Structure30分IIReading Comprehension50分IIIRhetorical Knowledge30分IVProofreading & Error Correction20分VCloze20分I. Vocabulary & Structure (30%)Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D, Choose one that best comuletes or is bes,位efined 加 the sentence or exp如物s the capitaHMed wt iti the sen*ence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. Our OUTLETS are located throughout Alabama.A. storesB. supermarkets C. warehouses D. banks2. I have been feeling ail week, wonying about all my problems that are overwhelming me.A. challenged B. moroseC. boredD. grouchy3. A widely held and simplified view point or idea about a particular thing or type of person.A. ideaB. falsehood C. stereotype D. simplification4. Many of the students attitudes are considered too CYNICAL for publication.A. deprivedB. sarcastic5. Nuclear physicists study the A. segmentationB. collision6. The Earth Day committee leader Saturdays cleanup.A. integrate B. facilitateC. encouraging of atomic nuclei.C. removal placed large garbageD. enthusiasticD. understanding bins in the park toC. confound7. The disobedient children REFUSED TO OBEY their teacher. C. confronted cold, I ride the bus.C. in additionA. rejectB. ignored8.1 prefer walking to work; , when it is A. neverthelessB. also9. To try hard to do or achieve something.A. to endeavour to do something C. to start something10. It is cold outside; A. thereforeD. pacifyD. defiedD. andB. to embark on something D. to enjoy doing something ,it is raining. Lefs not walk the dog.B. notwithstanding C. howeverD. furthermore答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效第5页共13页11. The stock market crash of 1929 was a event that changed the course of U.S. history.A. memorable B. happyC. forgotten D. catastrophic12. Pregnant women who suffer from anemia supplements to raise the level ofiron in their blood.B. must giveD. must be givenA. must have givenC. must have been given13. After he stopped exercising, his mental and physical health . His doctor was worried about him.A. declined B. alleviated C. stabilized D. improved14. He screamed when he saw he spider as he had a FEAR of them.A. horrorB. maniaC. phobiaD. nightmare15. To decrease pollution, cars must have an annual inspection.A. modelB. gasC. emissionD. tire16. The action of imitating someone or something, usually to entertain or to ridicule someone.A. teasingB. mockeryC. mimicryD. copying17. He found the smell of the lotus blossom REPUGNANT, and asked for a different type of flower.A. enjoy ableB. delightful C. disgusting D. problematic18. To accept, approve of, excuse or overlook behaviow that is generally considered wrong.A. to condone B. to be kind C. to be generous D.to forgive19. Her rapport with everyone in the office the kind of interpersonal skills that all of the employees appreciated.A. variedB. prevailedC. exemplifiedD. diverged20. There was a huge CHOICE of food at the breakfast buffet.A. spreadB. alternativeC. platterD. variety21. The MEDICAL PRACTITIONER SPECIALISING IN CHILDREN checked the newborn child for his general health.A. obstetrician B. ophthalmologist C. paediatrician D. gynecologist22. The company only hires employees with excellent ATTRIBUTES.A. referencesB. qualificationC. experienceD. qualities23. The phrase, " of the fittest," is related to the theory of natural selection.A. revivalB. survivalC. revivingD. surviving24. A large and very destructive fire. A damaging war or conflict.A. confluenceB. conflagrationC. disputeD. deputation25. To your concentration, turn off the TV so that you are not distracted.A. contextualizeB. realizeC. maximizeD. minimize26. If it hadnt rained, we for a walk.A. will have been goingB. would have goneC. would goD. would be going27. His being a warmonger is unfair.A .spokenB. deniedC. labeledD. denounced28. One should be when faced with changed circumstances.A. indefatigable B. rigidC. adoptable D. adaptable29. He won an for his militaiy service in Afghanistan.A. attainment B. accoladeC. achievement D. accomplishment30. His formerly loving wife became his during their difficult divorce.A. opponent B. competitor C. friendD. adversaryIL Reading Comprehension (50%)Directions: Read the following 5 passages carefully, and choose the best answer to each question from the four choices given. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage AFor Phillip Rouse and his girlfriend, Martelle, both immigrants from Australia, home is a three-bedroom flat in south London. It is shared with two other people. That is not ideal, says Mr Rouse, who is 32. "When we werein Australia we lived by ourselves," he says. When sharing, “youre never quite grounded in your own space." But ultimately the couple decided they had little choice. Their monthly rent and bills come to about 30% of their joint income. If they rented their own flat, it would be twice that. "That is too many lifestyle changes we would have to make," Mr Rouse says.In recent years, Britains housing shortage has seemed to relent. After a deep post-recession slump, construction has climbed back up towards previous highs. Homeownership rates, which had been steadily falling, have stabilised since 2014. Yet there is a huge generational imbalance. Older people are occupying ever more space. Indeed, there is a boom in older people living on their own. For most younger people, however, affordable housing remains scarce. They crowd into shared flats in the most expensive parts of the country.Last year the number of people living alone crossed 8m. But the increase has been entirely among those aged over 45. Between 2008 and 2018 their number rose by 810,000, or 14%. The number under that age fell by 340,000, or 18%. Some 746,000 homes were overcrowded last year, meaning that there were not enough bedrooms for each single adult, couple or pair of children to have one to themselves. That was a 14% increase on a decade before. Meanwhile the number of homes that were underoccupied, meaning that they had at least two spare bedrooms, also increased., by 10%, to 8.6m.What is driving this? Some of it is simply growing life expectancy: people are most likely to live alone when they are in their twilight years. But divorce also plays a part. The number of marriages breaking up has fallen drastically in the past few decades, probably because fewer people are getting hitched in the first place. But the number of over-50s divorcing has increased sharply. Those newly single people need more space.Britains tax system encourages people to "consume as much housing as they can afford", says Rose Grays toil of Shelter, a charity. Property taxes are lower, proportionately, on bigger houses. Stamp duty, a tax on buying property, can make downsizing expensive. Recently older buyers spending power has risen relative to that of younger people. In real terms, earnings have fallen since 2008 across the board, but most of all for the young. Rents have also fallen, but not by as much as interest rates or wages.One consequence of this is that more and more young adults live with their parents. A quarter of those aged 20-34 are still at home, up from around one-fifth a decade ago. But not everyone has a family to live with. And the poorest young people are particularly exposed. In the parts of London where it is legal, there is a booming business in converting offices into tiny bedsits cheap enough for people on housing benefit. Someone under the age of 35 on welfare only gets enough to rent a room in a shared home, notes Ann Berrington of the University of Southampton.Some housing wonks now think that Britain is building enough homes to go around. Projections of the growth in the number of households have been cut back, so that from now on the government expects demand to undershoot construction, for the first time in years. But even a surplus of homes may not be enough to stop the young and poor from having to play sardines, if the old and rich are incentivised to spread out.31. Which statement concerning British housing situation is CORRECT?A. Britishs housing shortage seems to be less serious now.B. The rate of owning houses is still on the decrease.C. There is a boom in young people living on their own.D. The increase of the number of people living alone has been entirely among those aged over 55.32. Which is NOT one of the causes leading to the current housing problem in Britain?A. People are most likely to live alone when they get older.B. The increased number of over-5 Os divorcing is one of the causes.C. The young and poor have to play sardines though there is a surplus of homes.D. Stamp duty makes small houses expensive.33. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A. More and more young adults aged 20-34 still live with their parents at home.B. Older buyers5 spending power has risen to the level of the younger peoples.C. Interest rates or wages have fallen much more than rents.D. Converting offices into tiny and cheap bedsits is a thriving business.34. Which of the following can best replace the word "undershoot" in the last paragraph?A. aim atB. match exactlyC. exceedD. fall short of35. What is implied in the last paragraph?A. There wont be any growth in the number of households.B. In light of government expectation, there will be more demand fbr houses than supply.C. Enough homes have been built for both the young and the old, the rich and the poor.D. The trend of young people sharing houses will still continue.Passage BAs one of the biggest parcel carriers in America, FedEx ought to benefit from uninterrupted GDP growth. Yet since 2009, when America began its longest economic expansion on record, the company has underperformed the S&P 500 by almost 100 percentage points. This year it has suffered from the Sino-American trade war, growing competition from Amazon and problems integrating Europes TNT Express, which itbought in 2016 for $4.4bn. Such squalls are not good for its financial health, yet FedEx has been investing more than $5bn a year since 2017 to keep deep-pocketed rivals like Amazon and the e-commerce gianfs Chinese counterpart, Alibaba, out of its delivery business. This is a game of chance that Mr Smith (its founder) is not guaranteed to win.The biggest stakes are at home. FedEx built its name as a highend business-tobusiness film, offering guaranteed time slots for delivering parcels and factory goods along the supply chain. But ecommerce is raising the importance of delivery to homes, at faster speeds and lower costs. FedEx has responded by expanding its trucking service, vzhich will soon reach most American homes seven days a week. But that clobbers margins. Meanwhile, Amazon is spending heavily on same-day delivery. It is also building an aircraft fleet that, though still a midget compared with FedExs, will amount to 70 aircraft by 2021. According to Satish Jindel, a logistics consultant, Amazon has leapfrogged its rivals to become the biggest firm in the world at organising warehousing and transport fbr other companies1 goods (as well as its own). Only a few years ago Mr Smith mocked the idea of competition from the likes of Amazon as "fantastical”. But in the past two months FedEx has severed its (albeit tiny) remaining ties with Amazon to focus on building its relationship with retailers like Walmart and Target instead. Its main rival, UPS, is sticking with Amazon. This sets the stage for a potentially bruising price war that could further crimp profits.Its second big challenge is overseas. Besides having to fix TNT, FedEx has found itself in the awkward position of being on the wrong side of both adversaries in the trans-Pacific trade war. In recent months it was forced to apologise to China for diverting packages belonging to Huawei. FedEx said that this was owing to an error. Nonetheless the Chinese government is reportedly threatening to put FedEx on its own blacklist. And the company has also sued its own government, saying it should not be deputised to “police the contents" of any packages it sends to check that they do not violate export bans.Besides the ugly geopolitics, global competition is also rising for FedEx. One of the biggest threats comes from Cainiao, a Chinese rival backed by Alibaba that in 2017 pledged to invest $15bn in cross-border logistics, FedEx claims that its own vast network, extending to 220 countries, safeguards it from such incursions. But it is not used to having tanks the size of Amazons and Alibabas on its lawn; their troves of data on customers may give them an edge in the delivery wars.36. FedEx has been influenced by and suffered from the following EXCEPT .A. Sino-American trade warB. fight between shareholdersC. competition from AmazonD. problems of TNT Express37. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about Amazon?A. Amazon is spending heavily on same-day delivery.B. It is building an aircraft fleet that will amount to 70 aircraft by 2021.C. Amazon is still sticking with FedEx and its rival UPS.D. Amazon has become the biggest firm in the world at organising warehousing and transport fbr companies5 goods.38. Which understanding of "a potentially bruising price war that could further crimp profits" (Para. 2) is NOT right?A. “Bruising" indicates the fierceness of the price war.B. "Crimp profits" means vey limited profits.C. The price war has not broken out yet.D. The upcoming fierce price war will further reduce profits.39. Which is INCORRECT about FedExs overseas challenge?A. It has to fix TNT problem overseas.B. It gets trouble due to the wrong position it takes in the Sino-American trade war.C. It has to contend with Amazon for delivery speed.D. It is faced with fierce global competition, with Cainiao being one of its biggest threats.40. Which understanding of the metaphor in the last sentence (Para. 4) is correct?A. FedEx doesnt expect Amazon and Alibaba to snatch up its own market share.B. FedEx doesnt wish Amazon and Alibaba to send their tanks to tread on its grass.C. FedEx will lose its dominance and be pushed to the edge in the delivery wars.D. FedEx wont get much help from their valuable customer data in the delivery competition.Passage C"From nine till five, I have to spend my time at work," warbled Martha and the Muffins back in 1980. “My job is very boring, Im an office clerk." Many of the hundreds of millions of people who trek into an office will feel as despondent at the prospect as Martha did. The o


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