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    浙江工商大学2019年全国硕士研究生入学考试试卷(A)卷考试科目:615综合英语 总分;150分考试时间:3小时答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效第5页(共13页)L Vocabulary & Structure (30 分)great differencesDirections: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one that best completes the sentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. While all birds are alike in that they have feathers and lay eggs, among them in terms of size, structure, and color.A . if there areB. but areC. to beD. there are2. Marie Curie, one of the best-known in working with radiation, died in 1934.A. revolutionariesB. pioneersC. debutantesD. rebels3. Tiger moths wings marked with stripes or spots.A whoseB. haveC. withD. their4. If you cant make whafs written, change the zoom level and ifll become clearer.A. outB. offC. upD. for5. The three teenagers spent a cold night on the mountain before rescuers arrived.A. displayedB. revealedC. overlookedD. exposed6. Last Sunday, the highest temperature in history was registered.A. accountedB. markedC. notedD. recordedD Except when living 7. quicksand can be found all over the world, little was known about its composition until recently.hadA. AlthoughB EvenC. DespiteD. circumstances8. /Much of the neighbourhood was demolished in the 1940s deteriorated.A. statesB. situationsC conditions9. Using someone elses text without attribution is , whether you meant to do it or not.A. theftB plagiarismC falsificationD. piracy10. The water is safe to drink, but it has a amount of contamination.A. extremeB. microscopicC littleD. minuscule11. The elderly patient was considered too to survive an operation.A. brittleB frailC tenuousD insane12. The inquiry into the accident will be by Malcolm Jones, a former army general.A. overpoweredB. overseenC. overdrawnD. overlooked13. In the mating season, the male of the species calls out with a gu-gu sound.A separateB. distinctiveC contrastingD. individual14. Theres a range of issues that we need to discuss as soon as possible.A. farB wideC highD. ample15. The garden is a paradise fbr flowers in particular. We have seventeen of roses.A. familiesB breedsC varietiesD. mutations16. In 1791 Quebec was divided into two sections, Upper Canada and Lower Canada, were ruled by elected assemblies.A both of themB. in which bothC. both of whichD they both17. Singers take care of their voice to guarantee performance.A. primeB optimumC summitD high18. The working day in the factory is divided into day and night .A. dutiesB shitsC worksD labours19. Ben was_ to the court for jury duty, but took a doctors note with him and wasexcused.A summonedB assembledC. requested111u punea20. Both sides wrote carefully arguments on the issue.A. illustratedB spokenC publishedD constructed21. The shopping centre was built surrounded by a vast of concrete for parking.A、scopeB. rangeC fieldD. extent22. There was a debate about the Middle East, then they moved to a vote.A. flexibleB livelyC nimbleD main23. Lance is _knowledgeable on this subject.A firmlyB smartlyC powerfullyD highly24. Jet lag causes problems with ourclock.A .naturalB botanicalC biologicalD. rhythmical25. Scientists are yet to understand the full nutritional_ of the humble olive.A helpsB benefitsC goodsD favours26. The director was accused of being _in the way he ran the company.A infallibleB. inflatableC inflexibleD. inevitable27. After three years of, the countrys economy is finally looking a lot healthier.A recessionB demiseC letdownD overdraft28. Lasers can measure distances with incredible ,A attentionB adjustment C precisionD care29. Martha Graham, of the pioneers of modem dance, didnt begin dancing until she was twenty-one.A who, as one B was one C she wasD one30. Not only places of beauty; they serve scientific and educational purposes as well.A to be botanical gardensB botanical gardens areC are botanical gardensD botanical gardens to beII. Reading Comprehension (50 分)Directions: Read the following 5 passages carefully, and choose the best answer to each question from the four choices given. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage AThe worlds 1.1 billion girls are a source of power, energy and creativity, yet gender inequality is rampant across the globe. Girls have fewer opportunities than boys in many countries and the disparity is especially stark in parts of the developing world. There are currently 32 million girls around the world who should be in lower secondary school, but arent.Salon participants addressed the importance of telling universal stories, elevating role models and developing self-belief. <6As a group, we discussed how important it is to create peer-to-peer networks of both girls and boys that enable them to learn through facing lifes challenges together, losing as much as winning/5 said Kloss after the salon. "We also considered the value of collaborative learning networks and supportive communities, which for young girls can banish the idea that you cant."The group also watched "Ladies First," a documentary by filmmakers Shaana Levy and Uraaz Bahl, which follows the story of Deepika Kumari, a girl from a rural village in India who fought her way out of poverty through sport and went on to win gold at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. ccDeepika is a role model that is relatable to so many women, especially in rural India/5 Levy told BoF. "Girls look out the window and they don5t have anything to dream about, they dont have role models. But here is someone who broke out of that box, who broke the mould., To coincide with International Womens Day, uLadies First” is celebrating its worldwide release on Netllix.After watching the film, salon participants reflected on the power and reach that voices in the fashion industry can have on girls from many walks of life, all around the world. "Deepika lives in an area which has very few hours of electricity, let alone the internet/5 explains Bahl. "But she is nevertheless very well aware of the fashion industry. She definitely knows who people like Karlie Kloss are. They probably dont even realise the magnitude of the footprint that they have. Even in a small village in a rural part of India, they are known.”Indeed, the fashion industry has the capacity and responsibility to use its influence to positively impact girls. "The scale and complexity of the issues we see facing children in the fashion industry, and particularly within the sectors supply chains, require a collective response/* says Charlotte Williams, head of child rights and business at UNICEF UK, whose colleague, Lily Caprani, deputy executive director of UNICEF UK, helped to lead the salon.Fashion companies can start by communicating more empowering messages to girls, believes Chris Sanderson, co-fbunder of The Future Laboratory and facilitator of the salon, Through editorial content, brand messaging and even mannequins, fashion has long had the reach and ubiquity to set the tone for womens expressions of self and their aspirations for achievement,he says. "If every brand, retailer and content producer can see their day-to-day job through the lens of empowering women and girls, we will see a definitive wave of change,The Future Laboratorys 2017 Future Female report envisioned the outlook for women and girls in 2027. This imagined fliture, still far from achieving gender parity, enables industry leaders to rethink and refocus their efforts towards gender equality and the empowerment of girls for the future. "Rather than trying to change the world to support girls, ifs more efficient to support girls so they can change the world," said co-fbunder of online learning platform School of Doodle, Molly Logan, in the report.31. What do you think is the best title for this passage?A. How fashion can bring girls back to schoolB. How we can encourage more fashion companies to undertake initiatives to empower young women and girlsC. How gender inequality is rampant across the globeD. How fashion companies can start by communicating more empowering messages to girls32. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. 1.1 billion girls should be in lower secondary school, but arent.B. Peer-to-peer networks of both girls and boys do not enable girls to learn through facing lifes challenges.C. The fashion industry can do nothing but negatively impact girls.D. About 32 million girls around the world do not go to lower secondary school.33. Who is Deepika Kumari?A. A girl from a rural village in India who fought her way out of poverty through sport.B. A role model that is head of child rights and business at UNICEF UK.C. A filmmaker directing the documentary "Ladies First”.D. A young girl participating in the salon.34. What channels are NOT mentioned by Chris Sanderson for fashion companies to communicate more empowering messages to girls?A. Editorial contentB. Brand messagingC. MannequinsD. Fashion Salon35. What did co-founder of online learning platform School of Doodle, Molly Logan, say in the report?A. It is necessary to change the world to meet girls needs.B. It is necessary to support girls to help them change the world.C. It is impossible fbr industry leaders to rethink and refocus their efforts towards gender equality.D. It is important fbr every brand, retailer and content producer to see their day-to-day job through the lens of empowering women and girls.Passage BTraveling to Africa can be daunting. Its a continent that often defies the imagination; one immersed in wild images of safari and natural spectacle, yet one that also comes with negative misunderstood cliches. These pages are designed to provide quick, practical information fbr anyone planning a trip to Africa, including details about visa formalities, what to pack, accessing your money, and pre-trip healthcare considerations. They are designed to smooth out some of the misconceptions and ensure youre ready for the adventure.Many people arrive in Africa with a few unresolved anxieties. These might be about safety, health, whether the itinerary will run smoothly, or what will happen in an emergency. This apprehension is usually the reason many people dont visit Africa. So many people treasure the dream of visiting Africa, yet only a fraction of these end up visiting. Theres a phantom unease that floats around whenever the words Africa and travel are tagged together. This ghost of anxiety makes the landing in Africa so relaxing. Many have prepared themselves 一 mentally and in their physical preparation - to be met by the negative connotations associated with Africa. Then they arrive and realize that their fears were mostly popular misconceptions.Stress melts away, and the continent quickly pulls you into a spell of enchantment and surprise. It is an eye-opening experience, just in a different way to most people imagine. So many hours and days may have gone into preparing and over-preparing fbr a trip. Africa isn5t that much different to visiting any other continent on the world. Preparing fbr an African safari is much the same as preparing fbr any other vacation. Yes, there are some specifics around health and some information to check around visas, but this isnt a distant planet requiring oxygen masks and moon-boots. While this is something that doesnt necessarily sound believable now, its something that makes those first few hours on the continent a wonderful blend of unwinding disbelief.Even fbr the most dedicated safari aficionados, safari is both a diverse and all-encompassing term, one that isnt encapsulated in a single moment. Every day brings a thousand new scenes,each one potentially epitomizing the experience, yet simultaneously blending into the overarching impression. For the first time visitors, ifs important to start with the basics. Safari is not like being in a zoo, just like Pariss Louvre is nothing like visiting a high school art gallery. One features animals and the other features art, but thafs where the similarities end. African safari is about animals in their natural habitat; born in the wild, raised in the wild, and seeking survival in natures cycle of life. Its easy to recognize that theres a difference between a leopard in a cage and a leopard roaming across iconic bushland- Understanding the difference builds a picture of why African safari is so special.Theres a thrilling intimacy to expioring the wild, proximity and exclusivity ensuring that every moment is delivered in kaleidoscopic high definition. Perhaps the leopard is searching for food, its hunting instincts the pinnacle of an omnipresent wildlife interaction that plays out across a phenomenal scale. Many African safari destinations dwarf US states or European countries in size. And none of them are tamed. Rather than being on the outside looking in, a safari places you on the inside, offering immersion into natures theater and its perpetual drama and charm. You dont just have front row seats; youre on the stage. Quickly turn around and theres an elephant herd with trunk swinging babies leading the march. Safari is also defined by diversity; every angle is new, every day brings an eclectic concoction of scenes, every park offers something unique, and everyone,s experience will be different, even if theyre following the same itinerary.Intimacy, interaction, immersion, scale, diversity; these concepts help answer the conundrum and provide the clues as to why African safari offers some of the planets greatest travel experiences. The inimitably of the experience is not restricted to nature. Theres an all-encompassing quality to African safari, the evocative theater complimented by an exceptional interior. Accommodation, guides, cuisine, transport, sublime surprises; each facet of an African safari experience both blends with the environment and enhances the idiosyncrasy, something thafs explored in depth here.36. What is this passage designed fbr?t1A. Telling travelers how hard an African safari could be.B. Telling travelers how interesting an African safari could be.C. Criticizing travelers who hold a misconception of an African safari.D. Providing information for anyone planning a trip to Africa.37. Why do people arrive in Africa with a few unresolved anxieties?A. They worry about things related to safety, health, itinerary and emergency.B, They are afraid of seeing the wild images.C, They dont have a good preparation for the trip.D. They are not in good physical and mental health.38. Which of the following statements is NOT related to an African safari?A. African safari is about animals in t


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