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    2018年湖南农业大学考研真题811 综合知识.docx

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    2018年湖南农业大学考研真题811 综合知识.docx

    2018年湖南农业大学硕士招生自命题科目试题科目名称及代码:811 综合知识 适用专业(领域):外国语言学及应用语言学 考生需带的工具: 语考生注意事项:所有答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题纸上一律无效;按试题顺序答题,在答题纸上标明题目序号。一、解释题:从下面挑选5个术语进行简单解释并可根据需要举例说明 (共计10分,每小题2分)1、arbitrariness 5、deep structure 2、IPA 6、informative function3、manners of articulation 7、encoding 4、grammatical category 二、填空题: 在下面每空填一个词,其中部分首字母已给出(共计10分,每空1分)1、 When the obstruction is partial and the air is forced through a narrow passage in the mouth so as to cause definite local friction at the point, the speech sound thus produced is a f_2、Language exist in time and change through time. The description of a language at some point of time is called s_ study of language. 3、IC analysis emphasizes the h _ structure of a sentence, seeing it as consisting of word groups first. 4、Pitch variation is known as i_ when its patterns are imposed on sentences.5、According to its position in the new word, a _ are divided into two kinds: prefixes and suffixes.6、P _ refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have a set of different meanings. 7、There are generally three kinds of sense relations recognized, namely, sameness relation, oppositeness relation and i_ relation.8、The u_ meaning of the sentence varies with the context in which it is uttered.9、H_ refers to the phenomenon that words with different meanings have the same form.10、C_ holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to, rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind. . 三、判断题:根据语言学常识判明正误,对者在该题括号里标T,错者在该题括号里标F. (共计15分,每小题1.5分)1、( )Free morphemes can be further classified into the inflectional and derivational morphemes.2、( ) The phoneme /t/ and /d/ can occur in the same position and they distinguish meaning, therefore they are said to be in complementary distribution. 3、( )Relations of co-occurrence partly belongs to syntagmatic relations, partly to paradigmatic relations.4、( )One advantage of componential analysis is that by specifying the semantic features of words, it will be possible to show how these words are related in meaning. 5、( )Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations while linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense.6、( )In the sentence John loves Mary, John is the argument, loves Mary is the predicate.7、( )When a bilingual speaker switches between the two languages concerned, he is converting one mode of thinking into the other.8、( )The subject-predicate distinction is the same as the theme and rheme contrast.9、( )Speakers of different languages are capable of distinguishing and recognizing experiences of the same objective world according to their respective different linguistic coding system. 10、( )Structuralists suggested that errors are unavoidable in learning and should be tolerated. 四、问答题:从下面各题挑选5题做简单回答 (共计20分,每小题4分)1、How do you understand "duality", a design feature of language?2、Do you prefer descriptive linguistics to prescriptive linguistics ? Give your reasons.3、Illustrate the differences between morpheme, phoneme and allomorph with example.4、What is predicate analysis? What is a no-place, one-place, two-place, or three-place predicate?5、Explain the following remarks with examples or make some comments.“Both semantics and pragmatics are concerned with meaning, but the difference between them can be traced to two different uses of the verb mean: (a) What does X mean? (b) What did you mean by X?”6、Explain the following statement with examples: Syntax is about principles of forming and understanding correct English sentences.7、Some students may use the incorrect forms in the left column below instead of the correct ones in the right column. Discuss the possible factors that cause such errors. IncorrectCorrectSome students do not care othersSome students do not care for others.They are busy searching jobs.They are busy searching for jobs.五、英译汉: 将下列段落翻译成汉语(共计30分)When I am experiencing a complex story or novel, the broader planes, and also details, tend to fall away. Rereading them, certain sentences are what greet me as familiars. You have visited before; they say when I recognize them. We encounter books at different times in life, often appreciating them, apprehending them, in different ways. But their language is constant. The best sentences orient us, like stars in the sky, like landmarks on a trail.They remain the test, whether or not to read something. The most compelling narrative, expressed in sentences with which I have no chemical reaction, or an adverse one, leaves me cold. In fiction, plenty do the job of conveying information, rousing suspense, painting characters, enabling them to speak. But only certain sentences breathe and shift about, like live matter in soil. The first sentence of a book is a handshake, perhaps an embrace. Style and personality are irrelevant. They can be formal or casual. They can be tall or short or fat or thin. They can obey the rules or break them. But they need to contain a charge. A live current, which shocks and illuminates.Knowing and learning to read in a foreign tongue heightens and complicates my relationship to sentences. For some time now, I have been reading predominantly in Italian. I experience these novels and stories differently. I take no sentence for granted. I am more conscious of them. I work harder to know them. I pause to look something up, I puzzled over syntax I am still assimilating. Each sentence yields a twin, translated version of itself. When the filter of a second language falls away, my connection to these sentences, though more basic, feels purer, at times more intimate, than when I read in English.The urge to convert experience into a group of words that are in a grammatical relation to one another is the most basic, ongoing impulse of my life. It is a habit of antiphony: of call and response. Most days begin with sentences that are typed into a journal no one has ever seen. There is a freedom to this; freedom to write what I will not proceed to wrestle with. The entries are mostly quotidian, a warming up of the fingers and brain. On days when I am troubled, when I am grieved, when I am at a loss for words, the mechanics of formulating sentences, and of stockpiling them in a vault, is the only thing that centers me again.六、汉译英: 将下列段落翻译成英语(共计30分)三十多年前,我们开始改革开放时,突然认识到,市场是个好东西,认为以前之所以没搞好,根本原因就是没有尊重市场调节。现在好了,有了这个法宝,似乎一切便可迎刃而解了。的确,沿着这条路,中国的经济发生了天翻地覆的变化,取得了举世瞩目的成就。但是,随之也出现了严重的问题。其根本原因,抛开其他因素,恰恰是我们太相信市场了。市场的核心是竞争,是调动个人积极性,是资源合理调配、优化组合,同时也是肉弱强食、铁面无情。市场会刺激生产、经营与创造,但同时也会带来两极分化、畸形结构、甚至是危机动荡。在这个意义上,市场具有多功能性,而并非万能性。事实证明,许多领域是不适宜完全引入市场机制的。例如:公众医疗部门、教育事业、公共交通系统、安居工程、某些科研项目等等。引入了,便破坏了其性质,扭曲了其功能,最后以失败告终。市场的确也会失败。所以,改革前的“一切不相信市场”和改革后的“一切相信市场”都是片面的。一个健康的社会,不但需要市场这只“看不见的手”,同时更需要政府“看得见的手”。关键的是在了解客观规律的基础上“该出手时就出手”。七、下列各汉语短语中均有一处错误,请指出并改正(共计5分,每小题 1分)1. 相辅相承 2. 精兵减政 3. 连篇累椟 4. 责无旁代 5. 闪烁其词八、 中文写作(30分)近几年来,中国文化走出去的呼声越来越强烈。对此,你是怎么看的?请以为话题,谈谈你对中国文化走出去的理解和看法,写一篇不少于700字的现代汉语作文,戏剧和诗歌除外。共3页 第3页


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