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    考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 共 10 页 第 1 页 2020 年 招 收 攻 读 硕 士 学 位 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 试 题 ( B 卷 )*学 科 、 专 业 名 称 : 外 国 语 言 文 学研 究 方 向 : 英 语 语 言 文 学 、 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学考 试 科 目 名 称 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 考 试 科 目 代 码 : 706考 生 注 意 : 所 有 答 案 必 须 写 在 答 题 纸 ( 卷 ) 上 , 写 在 本 试 题 上 一 律 不 给 分 。Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentencethere are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes thesentence and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. Hemade_alterationstohishouseandthensolditatahugeprofit.A.offensive B.horrible C.radical D.patient2.After the accident, the nerves to her arm were damaged and so the muscles _ through disuse.A. atrophied B. contracted C. elongated D. invigorated3. Expertshave_withsomeeffectivemeasurestopreventthediseasefromspreading.A.caughtup B.putup C.comeup D.keptup4.Many animals display_ instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.A. cerebral B. imperious C. rueful D. maternal 5. He seemed to be a very important person _.A. the way through which he walked B. in the way how he walkedC. in the way he would walk D. the way he walked6. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed by the university to take in_.A.residents B.inhabitants C.lodgers D.settlers7._the popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicitythat only a genius cancreate.A.Subjectto B.Contraryto C.Familiarto D.Similarto 8.The drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being _ as the real stuff.A. passed out B. passed by C. passed over D. passed off 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 共 10 页 第 2 页 9. Itissaidthatthemathteacherseems_towardsbrightstudents.A.liable B.partial C.beneficial D.preferable10. Cathedrals usually take decades, even centuries, to complete; thus no one expected theNational Cathedral to be built with_.A. dispatch B. presumption C. durability D. deliberation11. Doctors sometimes _ old cures when modern medicine doesnt work.A. fall on B. fall down on C. fall back on D. fall in upon12. Many people at that time believed that spices help preserve food; however, Hall found that many marketed spices were _ bacteria, molds and yeasts.A. devoid of B. teeming with C. improved by D. destroyed by13.Apainters ability to render a likeness is both_ and acquired; the artist blends naturalabilities with worldly experience in the creation of his or her art.A. anticipated B. overt C. aesthetic D. innate14. Because the pandas had already been weakened by disease and drought, a harsh winter wouldhave had_ consequences for them.A. preventive B. regressive C. catastrophic D. unforeseen15. The football match was _ because of the heavy rain. A. called over B. called up C. called out D. called off16. Rodolfo Gonzales was once described as _ in body and mind because of the flexibilityand grace apparent in both his boxing and his writing of poetry and plays.A. unyielding B. tremulous C. emphatic D. lithe17.A_ is a grill on which meat, fish and other foods are cooked over hot charcoal, usuallyoutdoors.A. duet B. fag C. tonic D. barbecue 18. The_ warned the sleeping troops that the enemy was creeping near.A. pickpocket B. picket C. pike D. pickup19. Last Sunday she came to visit us out of the blue. The italicized phrase means_.A. unexpectedly B. unhappily C. untidily D. unofficially 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 共 10 页 第 3 页 20. We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and _.A. conducive B. wholesome C. helpful D. appreciative21. Ontheconference,representativesfromdifferentcountries_differentviewpointsonthisinternationalissue.A.putout B.putoff C.putforth D.putdown22. If you spill hot liquid on your skin it will_ you.A. scale B. scald C. shun D. shunt23. _ the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint.A. Making up B. Doing up C. Putting up D. Sizing up 24. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly _ if the invitation to a dinner partyis extended only three or four days before the party date.A. admired B. regarded C. expected D. worshipped25. If we believe something is good and true we should _ to it.A. hold up B. keep on C. hold on D. keep up26. Suppose your father _ you, what _?A. seesshould he say B. should seewill he have saidC. had seenwill he say D. sawwould he say 27. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable _ through acomplex network of producers and consumers.A. commodities B. dividends C. nutrients D. artifacts28. _ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.A. Had they arrived B. Could they arriveC. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive29. Theirdaughteroftenturnsadeafeartotheirinquiries,sotheysometimeshaveto_answersfromher.A.distill B.exchange C.squeeze D.exit30. _ by nature, Jones spoke very little even to his own family members. A. Garrulous B. Equivocal C. Taciturn D.ArrogantPart II. Cloze (20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 共 10 页 第 4 页 given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.The 1 of the division of labour, in the general business of society, will be moreeasily understood by considering in what manner it operates in some particular manufactures. It iscommonly supposed to be carried furthest in some very 2 ones; not perhaps that it reallyis carried further in them than in others of more 3 : but in those manufactures which aredestined to supply the small 4 of but a small number of people, the whole number ofworkmen must necessarily be 5 ; and those employed in every different branch of thework can often be collected into the 6 workhouse, and placed at once under the view ofthe 7 . In those great manufactures, 8 , which are destined to satisfy the greatbody of the people, every different branch of the work employs 9 a number of workmenthat we can seldom see more, 10 , than those employed in one 11 branch. 12 in such manufactures, therefore, the work may really be divided into a much greaternumber of parts, the division is not near so 13 , and has accordingly been much lessobserved.To take an example, therefore, from a manufacture in which the division of labour has beenvery often taken 14 of, the trade of the pin-maker; a workman not educated to thisbusiness (which the division of labour has 15 a distinct trade), nor acquainted with theuse of the machinery employed in it (to the 16 of which the same division of labour hasprobably given occasion), could 17 , perhaps, with his utmost 18 , make one pinin a day, and certainly could not make twenty. But in the way in which this business is now carriedon, not only the whole work is a 19 trade, but it is divided into a number of branches. Ihave seen a small manufactory of this kind where ten men only were employed, and where theycould, when they 20 themselves, make among them about twelve pounds of pins in aday. 1. A. causes B. background C. effects D. principles2. A. important B. great C. trifling D. worthless3. A. influence B. importance C. production D. labour4. A. business B. products C. wants D. necessities5. A. large B. enough C. excess D. small6. A. same B. small C. separate D. different7. A. audience B. spectator C. workman D. employer8. A. by and large B. in addition C. on the contrary D. so to speak9. A. so great B. so small C. such great D. such small10. A. at the time B. at any time C. at one time D. at times11. A. single B. different C. particular D. important12. A. If B. While C. Though D.As13. A. complete B. fair C. obvious D. obscure 14. A. care B. notice C. control D. attention15. A. rendered B. displayed C. yielded D. caused16. A. usage B. application C. invention D. inception17. A. likely B. easily C. scarce D. often18. A. intelligence B. craft C. ability D. industry 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 共 10 页 第 5 页 19. A. peculiar B. trivial C. great D. important20. A. applied B. pushed C. tried D. exertedPart III. Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: In this section, there are three passages followed by questions orunfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage 1Slavery was legal for over 200 years in some parts of North America, particularly thesouthern states of the United States, where the plantation system of agriculture depended on the labor of slaves, most of whom came from Africa. Slaves had no rights or freedoms because theywere thought of as property. From the time of its origin, slavery had opponents. The abolitionistmovement began in the 1600s when the Quakers in Pennsylvania objected to slavery on moralgrounds and wanted to abolish the institution.In 1793, Canada passed a law abolishing slavery and declared that any escaped slaves whocame to Canada would be free citizens. Slavery was already illegal in most northern states;however, slaves captured there by slave hunters could be returned to slavery in the South. Canadarefused to return runaway slaves or to allow American slave hunters into the country. It isestimated that more than 30, 000 runaway salves immigrated into Canada and settled in the GreatLakes region between 1830 and 1865.The American antislavery movement was at the height of its activity during the 1800s, whenabolitionists developed the Underground Railroad, a loosely organized system whereby runawayslaves were passed from safe house to safe house as they fled northwards to free states or Canada. The term was first used in the 1830s and came from an Ohio clergyman who said, “They who tookpassage on it disappeared from public view as if they had really gone to ground.” Because theUnderground Railroad was so secret, few records exist that would reveal the true number ofpeople who traveled on it to freedom. The most active routes on the railroad were in Ohio,Indiana, and western Pennsylvania.Runaway slaves usually travel alone or in small groups. Most were young men between theages of 16 and 35. The fugitives hid in wagons under loads of hay or potatoes, or in furniture andboxes in steamers and on rafts. They traveled on foot through swamps and woods, moving only afew miles each night, using the North Star as a compass. Sometimes they moved in broad daylight.Boys disguised themselves as girls, and girls dressed as boys. In one well-known incident,twenty-eight slaves escaped by walking in a funeral procession from Kentucky to Ohio.The “railroad” developed its own language. The “trains” were the large farm wagons thatcould conceal and carry a number of people. The tracks” were the backcountry roads that were used to elude the slave hunters. The “stations” were the homes and hiding places where the slaveswere fed and cared for as they moved north. The “agents” were the people who planned the escaperoutes. The “conductors” were the fearless men and women who led the slaves toward freedom.The “passengers” were the slaves who dared to run away and break for liberty. Passengers paid nofare and conductors received no pay.The most daring conductor was Harriet Tubman, a former slave who dedicated her life to 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 共 10 页 第 6 页 helping other runaways. Tubman made 19 trips into the South to guide 300 relatives, friends, andstrangers to freedom. She was wanted dead or alive in the South, but she was never captured andnever lost a passenger.Adetermined worker, she carried a gun for protection and a supply of drugsto quiet the crying babies in her rescue parties.A number of white people joined the effort, including Indiana banker Levi Coffin and hiswife Catherine, who hid runaways in their home, a “station” conveniently located on three mainescape routes to Canada. People could be hidden there for several weeks, recovering their strengthand waiting until it was safe to continue on their journey. Levi Coffin was called the “president ofthe Underground Railroad” because he helped as many as 3 000 slaves to escape.The people who worked on the railroad were breaking the law. Although the escape networkwas never as successful or as well organized as Southerners thought, the few thousand slaves whomade their way to freedom in this way each year had a symbolic significance out of proportion totheir actual numbers. The Underground Railroad continued operating until slavery in the United States was finally abolished in 1865.1. Why did thousands of runaway slaves immigrate to Canada?A. They preferred the climate of the Great Lakes region.B. Working conditions for slaves were better in Canada.C. Canada had no laws restricting immigration.D. Former slaves could live as free citizens in Canada.2. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence inparagraph 3?A. The Underground Railroad kept secret records in which all of the passengers and tripswere documented.B. Few people understood why the Underground Railroad would not reveal how many peoplechose to travel in this way. C. The Underground Railroads records were not accurate, so the true number of travelers isdifficult to estimate.D. We do not know exactly how many slaves escaped on the Underground Railroad becauseit was a secret organization.3. The author discusses the language of the Underground Railroad in paragraph 5 in order toA. trace the history ofAmerican English words.B. illustrate the secret nature of the escape network.C. point out that some words have more than one meaning.D. compare the Underground Railroad to other railways.4. Which of the following statements is true about the passengers on the Underground Railroad?A. Their destination was in the northern states or Canada.B. They were not allowed to make stops during the journey.C. Their babies were disguised to look like baggage. D. They paid the conductors at the end of the journey.5. It can be inferred from paragraph 8 that the author most likely believes which of the followingabout the Underground Railroad?A. The people who worked on the railroad should have been arrested.B. The railroad was unsuccessful because it could not help every slave.C. Southerners did not know about the railroad until after it closed. 考 试 科 目 : 外 语 ( 英 ) 水 平 考 试 共 10 页 第 7 页 D. The railroad represented a symbolic victory for abolitionists.Passage 2At the present time, 98 percent of the world energy consumption comes from stored sources,such as fossil fuels or nuclear fuel. Only hydroelectric and wood energy represent completelyrenewable sources on ordinary time scales. Discovery of large additional fossil fuel reserves,solution of the nuclear safety and waste disposal problems, or the development of controlledthermonuclear fusion will provide only a short-term solution to the worlds energy crisis. Withinab


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