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    安徽师范大学2020年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题2020年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题科目代码:211科目名称: 翻译硕士英语Section I: (30%)Directions: Choose the answers that best complete the sentences. Write down your answers on your answer sheet.Questions 1-301. Older people tend to be quite and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances.A.reservedB. conservativeC. restrainedD. restricted2. Theoriesabout how human beings originated and Darwinism is just one of them.A. teemB. aboundC. bustleD. swarm3. Researchers at universities are always _ their lack of funds.A. lamentingB. rejoicingC. bemoaningD. beseeching4. He gained _ as chief counsel to President Nixon in the Watergate break-in.A. notorietyB. celebrityC. renownD. reputation5. Fighting around the capital city was in the last few hours.A. magnifiedB. multipliedC. amplifiedD. intensified6. It is fortunate that elephants are , orelse there could not be enough food fbr them.A. carnivoresB. herbivoresC. omnivoresD. carrion animals7.1 had this sudden to shout out "Rubbish!" in the middle of his lengthy and empty speech.A. instinctB. intuitionC. impulseD. faculty8. Fearhim as he stepped onto the platform.A. engulfedB. submergedC. inundatedD. immersed9. Finally Jane decided to her rent until the landlord agreed to have the repairs done.A. depriveB. withholdC. depraveD. withdraw10. Do we really want a society where appearance takesover skill or virtue?A. priorityB. preferenceC. precedenceD. alternative11. For a moment, Arnold felt a(n)of remorse for having broken his mothers heart.A. anguishB.agonyC. twingeD. torment12. Hein agony fbr a long time, and then died, bewailing his lost youth.A. prolongedB. insistedC. restedD. lingered13. They made detailed investigation to themselves with the needs of the rural market.A. immerseB. flirtC. acquaintD. equip14. After retirement my father enormous pleasure from his coin collection.A. figuredB. derivedC. originated15. Matches when rubbed because friction produces heat.A. illuminateB. igniteC. bum16. The car tires on the road as it turned too fast.A. lurchedB.shuffledC. screechedD. stretchedD. flushD. scuffled考生请注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸上的无效!第2页,共11页17. Do we really want a society where appearance takes over skill or virtue?A. priorityB. preferenceC. precedenceD. alternative18. Several circumstances to bring about the present state of affairs.A. conferredB. concurredC. renderedD. reverted19. These young girls are much with the fear of gaining weight.A. engrossedB. occupiedC. obsessedD. absorbed20. As Joan over her cofiee, the sky began to darken and heavy rain clouds swept in.A. lingeredB. dawdledC. loiteredD. strolled21.1 felt it would only be a matter of time before he _ to her charms.A. succumbedB. addictedC. sankD. attached22. Scientists are now on the of a better understanding of how the human brain works.A. courseB. frontC. spectacleD. threshold23. You have made a mistake, which may never perhaps be put right.A. scathingB. grievousC. heinousD. grim24. Thunderstorms roamed much of the Easttornadoes and floods.A. squanderingB. spawningC. squashingD. squawking25. In recent years, increasing numbers of women have been able to_ such previously all-maleprofessions.A. penetrateB. protectC. defendD. dispute26. The armed forces had been taken by surprise by the of the attack.A. felicityB. adversityC. ferocityD. obesity27. The room was_, nearly barren of furniture or decoration.A. meagerB. austereC. sullenD. idyllic28. The Spring Festival was barely over when there was a mass_ of peasants frompoverty-stricken areasinto large cities looking fbr jobs.A. migrationB. emigrationC. immigrationD.exodus29. Her long hair fell overher shoulders in aof curls.A. catastropheB. cascadeC. cataclysmD. canvas30. Because of the strong sun the curtain have from dark green to grey.安徽师范大学2020年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题A. PaledB. fadedC. faintedD. bleachedSection II: (10%)Directions: Each of the following questions or groups of questions is based on a short passage or a set of propositions. In answering these questions it may sometimes be helpful to draw a simple picture or chart. When you have selected the best answer to each question, write down the letter on your answer sheet. Questions 1-5Paul, Quincy, Roger, and Sam are married to Tess, Ursula, Valerie, and Wilma, not necessarily in that order. Rogers wife is older than Ursula. Sams wife is older than Wilma, who is Pauls sister. Tess is the youngest of the wives. Roger was the best man at Wilma5s wedding.1. If Quincy and his wife have a boy named Patrick, thenA. Tess will be Patricks aunt.B. Valerie will be Patricks aunt.C. Paul will be Patricks cousin.D. Ursula will be Patricks mother.E. none of the above.2. Which of the following is true?A. Roger5s wife is younger than Valerie.B. Rogers wife is younger than Wilma.C. Pauls wife is younger than Ursula.D. Sams wife is older than Valerie.E. Quincys wife is older than Ursula.3. If each husband is exactly two years older than his wife, which of the following must be false?A. Roger is older than Ursula.B. Tess is younger than anyone.C. Paul is younger than Sam.D. Quincy is younger than Paul.E. Valerie is younger than Paul.4. If the wives were from youngest to oldest 28, 30, 32, and 34 years old; and Paul, Quincy, Roger, and Sam were respectively 27, 29, 31,and 33 years old, which of the following must be false?A. Tess is older than her husband.B. Valerie is older than her husband.C. Ursula is younger than Valeries husband.D. Wilma is younger than Ursulas husband.E. Tess is younger than Wilmas husband.5. If Tess and Valerie get divorced from their current husbands and marry each other5s former husband, thenA. Sams wife will be younger than Pauls wife.B. Sams wife will be younger than Rogers wife.C. Rogers wife will be older than Quincys wife.D. Roger5s wife will be older than Pauls wife.E. PauFs wife will be younger than Quincy 5s wife.Questions 6-10Six persons, J, K, L, M, N, and 0, runs a series of races with the following results.考生请注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸上的无效!第页,共页安徽师范大学2020年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题0 never finishes first or last.L never finishes immediately behind either J or K.L always finishes immediately ahead of M.6. Which of the following, given in order from first to last, is an acceptable finishing sequence of the runners?A. J,L,M, O,N,KB. L, O, J, K, M, NC. L,M,J,K,N, OD. L, M, J, K, O, NE. N, K, L, M, O, J7. If, in an acceptable finishing sequence, J and K finish first and fifth respectively, which of the following must be true?A. L finishes second.B. O finishes third.C. M finishes third.D. N finishes third.E. N finishes sixth.8. If in an acceptable finishing sequence, L finishes second, which of the following must be true?I. O must finish fourth.II. N must finish fifth.III. Either J or K must finish sixth.A. I only B. II only C. Ill only D. I and III only E. I, II, and III9. All of the following finishing sequences, given in order from 1 to 6, are acceptable EXCEPTA. J,N, L,M, O,KB. J,N, O,L,M, KC. L, M, J, K, O, ND. N, J, L, M, O, KE. N, K, O, L, M, J10. Only one acceptable finishing sequence is possible under which of the following conditions?I. Whenever J and K finish second and third respectively.11. Whenever J and K finish third and fourth respectively.III. Whenever J and K finish fourth and fifth respectively.A. I Only B. II only C. Ill only D. I and II only E. I, II and IIISection III: (30%) Directions: Read the following passages and answer questions on your answer sheet.Oil Interests behind Balkans UnrestIt is becoming clear that the involvement of the major Western powers in the conflicts in the Balkans is driven by a thirst fbr more and more oil. This is made evident by the ongoing construction of a major trans-Balkan pipeline from Burgas in Bulgaria, on the Black Sea, through Macedonia to the Adriatic port of Vlore in Albania. It is being built by the US-owned Albania-Macedonia-Bulgaria Company (AMBO), and is scheduled to be operational in about ten years.The pipeline passes through what is known as Corridor 8, passing very near the borders of Macedonia, Kosovo and the Presevo Valley in Yugoslavia. Furthermore, it is to be connected to another series of pipelines dating back to the Soviet era. A major one of these will pass down the Presevo Valley - known as 考生请注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸上的无效!第4页,共页安徽师范大学2020年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题Corridor 10 and connect up with the AMBO pipeline.This network of pipelines is not only designed to transport petroleum to sea ports for shipping abroad, but also extends into the heart of Europe. Two branches of the AMBO line jut into Greece one to Thessalonika, and the other to a terminal on the west coast. All of this has to do with the enormously rich petroleum fields of the Caspian Sea basin. In order to get that oil to market, one of the best routes involves piping it to the Black Sea, shipping it in tankers across the sea, and then piping it once more across the Balkans to the Adriatic Sea. This route bypasses the treacherous and narrow Bosporus Straits near Istanbul. Turkey claims that the straits could not safely accommodate the heavy tanker traffic from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. By restricting this route, Turkey is also limiting Russian oil transport through the straits and boosting its own interest in the construction of a pipeline from Baku on the Caspian Sea to the Turkish oil terminal at Ceyhan.The transport of oil through the Balkans is not the only consideration for the giant oil cartels. They are also pursuing the development of rich petroleum fields in various parts of the Balkans region itself, especially in Albania. Journalist Richard Norton-Taylor, writing in The Guardian, put it this way: "While the US and NATO and now the European Union (EU) hold out the prospect of untold wealth fbr the Caucasian states of the former Soviet Union, the West will also have an important economic stake in Albania and Macedonia. The implications fbr Kosovo, a Serbian provicne with an overwhelming ethinic Albanian population keen on antonomy and control of the local oil wealth, and fbr Macedonia, with armed groups of Albanians from Kosovo stirring up trouble, are potentially immense.55 General Michael Jackson, who eventually took over command of KFOR in Kosovo, when speaking of Macedonia, said, "NATO will certainly remain here a long time so that we can also guarantee the security of the energy corridors which traverse this country."The EU, with Germany leading the way, since the early 1990s has been projecting several corridors not only to supply energy to the West but also to provide a vast complex of communications highways, railways, airports, maritime ports and river traffic critical to the regional economy and corporate profits. These plans have created a number of substantial rivalries between the US and the EU, with the US balking at several of the pipeline and communication corridor plans that would carry oil from the Caspian Sea and Russia (including through Ukraine) into Western Europe, independent of US oil cartels. Another pipeline, competing with the AMBO corridor, would carry crude oil from Russia to Greece via Bulgaria. Hundreds of billions of dollars are at stake. This competition has been reflected in recent years in discordant strategies fbr Kosovo, Bosnia and Macedonia. However, it appears that the AMBO pipeline, with its connection to the Corridor 10 pipeline, will give the US control over a considerable amount of the oil coming into Europe from the Caspian basin.Questions 11-16In blanks 11-15 on your answer sheet writeYES if the statement reflects the claims of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this11. The purpose of the AMBO pipeline is to reduce the Wesfs dependence on Middle East oil.12. The Western powers are united in their plans to transport oil via the Balkans.13. Turkey intends to fecilitate the passage of oil tankers through the Bosporus Straits.14. The West hopes to tap oil sources in the Balkans as well as in the Caucasus.15. The EUs strategy is to expand its membership to include the Balkan nations.16. The AMBO pipeline is not the first one to be built in the Balkans.考生请注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸上的无效!第里页,共 n 页安徽师范大学2020年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题Questions 17-19Choose the appropriate letter A-D, and write your answers in blanks 17-19 on your answer sheet.17. What is an energy corridor?A. A long, narrow room used as a health club.B. The Bosporus Straits.C. An oil pipeline route.D. A valley in the Balkans.18. The West could find its economic stake in the Balkans threatened byA. Albanians.B. the United Nations.C. Russia.D. General Michael Jackson.19. The US balked at certain plans for transporting oil to Western Europe becauseA. they would make the AMBO pipeline superfluous.B. they would not carry the oil to the US.C. they would not extend into the heart of Europe.D. they would be outside the control of US oil companies.In Search of the Holy GrailIt has been called the Holy Grail of modem biology. Costing more than 2 billion, it is the most ambitious scientific project since the Apollo programme that landed a man on the moon. And it will take longer to accomplish than the lunar missions, for it will bot be complete until early next century. Even before it is finished, according to those involved, this project should open up new understanding and new treatments for, many of the ailments that afflict humanity. As a result of the Human Genome Project, there will be new hope of liberation from the shadows of cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and some psychiatric illnesses.The objective of the Human Genome Project is simple to state, but audacious in scope: to map and analyze every single gene within the double helix of humanity 5s DNA. The project will reveal a new human anatomy not the bones, muscles and sinews, but the complete genetic blueprint fbr a human being. Those working on the Human Genome Project claim that the new genetical anatomy will transform medicine and reduce human suffering in the twenty first century. But others see the future through a darker glass, and fear that the project may open the door to a world peopled by Frankensteins monsters and disfigured by a new eugenics.The genetic inheritance a baby receives from its parents at the moment of concepti


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