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    2Øt bt?vÐ M « Vùî 3 ÆÐ I k k k5 A S “ S “ ëÔ ¡s s ÿi æ ªs5¼ ¥ÿi Y ç îµsÃA¶s5¼ ' k5¼¤à¼ (ír è' k5¼¶ Ûs5¼B Æ k5Ïí I. Grammatical Structure (15 points) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D . Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then write down your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. I reminded you not to forget the appointment. _. A. So do I B. So I do C. So did you D. So you did 2. _snacks and drinks but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. A. Not only did they bring B. Not only they did bring C. Not only brought they D. Not only they brought 3. You _ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important. A. must B. should C. neednt D. cannot 4. The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _. A. was to be made B. had make C. is made D. would make 5. After a heated discussion, an agreement _, but so far it _ to be of no use at all. A. arrived at; is proved B. was arrived at; has been proved C. arrived at; proves D. was arrived at; has proved 6. I _ to help you but I was not able to spare any time. I _ a paper last night and Ill finish it tonight. A. had wanted; wrote B. had wanted; was writing C. have wanted; wrote D. wanted; have been writing 7. No matter how frequently _, the works of Beethoven always attract Large audience. A. performing B. to be performed C. performed D. being performed 246 Ô » 1 : 8 : 246 Ô » 2 : 8 : 8. As is recorded in history, silkworms were first raised by a woman in _ is today Hebei Province. A. what B. where C. the place D. which 9. I saw a woman running towards me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was, she had run back in the direction _ she had come. A. by which B. of which C. from which D. in which 10. She doesnt need any fancy clothes for the occasion. This simple dress will _. A. get B. do C. make D. go 11. There _ no classes yesterday, we paid a visit to the Great Wall. A. was B. being C. were D. had been 12. The policeman rushed into the room only _ an old lady lying on the ground. A. found B. find C. finding D. to find 13. The boy lay on the ground, his eyes _ and his hands _. A. closing; trembling B. closed; trembling C. closed; trembled D. closing; trembled 14. _, the girls raced on to the second runners. A. Stick in hand B. With a stick in her hand C. Sticks in hand D. Sticks in hands 15. How pleased the Emperor was _ what the cheats said! A. hearing B. heard C. hear D. to hear II. Cloze (20 points) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then write down your answer on the Answer Sheet. I used to find notes left in the collection basket of the church, beautiful notes about my homilies and about the writers thoughts on the daily readings. The _1_ fascinated me. But it was a long time _2_ I met the author of the notes. One Sunday morning, I was _3_ that someone was waiting for me in the office, a young woman who said she _4_ all the notes. When I saw her I was _5_, since I had no idea that it was she who wrote the notes. She was sitting in a chair in the office. Her _6_ was bowed and when she raised it to look at me, she could barely _7_ without pain. Her face was disfigured, so smiling was very _8_ for her. We _9_ for a while that Sunday morning and agreed to meet for lunch later that week. As it _10_, we went to lunch several times, and we shared things about our _11_. We spoke of authors we both had _12_, and it was easy to tell that _13_ are a great love of hers. 246 Ô » 3 : 8 : She suffered from a disfigurement that cannot be made to look _14_. I know that her condition _15_ her deeply. Yet there was a beauty to her that had nothing to do with _16_. She was one to be listened to, whose words came from a wounded but _17_ heart. She possessed a fine tuned sense of beauty. Her only _18_ to life was the loss of a friend. The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the _19_ for a glimpse of what it is that matters. She found beauty and _20_ and they befriended her, and showed her what is real. 1. A. questions B. ideas C. notes D. baskets 2. A. since B. after C. when D. before 3. A. told B. warned C. informed D. showed 4. A. lost B. left C. dropped D. collected 5. A. shocked B. satisfied C. frightened D. disappointed 6. A. hand B. arm C. head D. body 7. A. stand B. smile C. speak D. sit 8. A. pleasant B. bitter C. ugly D. difficult 9. A. chatted B. discussed C. drank D. greeted 10. A. turned out B. turned up C. came out D. came up 11. A. families B. beliefs C. hobbies D. lives 12. A. known B. read C. met D. heard 13. A. friends B. churches C. writings D. books 14. A. friendly B. happy C. attractive D. normal 15. A. hurt B. impressed C. changed D. affected 16. A. fame B. wealth C. interest D. looks 17. A. cheerful B. interesting C. loving D. exciting 18. A. fear B. wonder C. defeat D. regret 19. A. dream B. surface C. imagination D. time 20. A. success B. hope C. grace D. help III. Reading Comprehension (30 points) Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D. You should decide on the best choice and write down your answer on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 There are a number of measures you can take to ensure you have a smooth Christmas party, writes Peter Done, managing director of Peninsula. There are always risks when you bring people together. They increase when it is a social gathering and rise even further when alcohol is served. 246 Ô » 4 : 8 : This is a company organized event and, as such, you can be held responsible for employees misbehavior if it is reasonably foreseeable and you have not taken all reasonable steps to prevent it. Drunken behavior at a party where you are providing alcohol is predictable so you need to take steps to manage this and ensure that your employees know what is expected of them. Send a memo to all staff reminding them that as this is a company function, they are expected to behave in an appropriate manner. Tell them that any unacceptable behavior will be subject to the companys disciplinary procedure. Encourage responsible drinking. Try to limit the amount of free alcohol and tell bar staff they should refuse to serve alcohol to people who are too drunk. Consider allowing unlimited soft drinks to all employees but limit free alcohol to a responsible level. It shouldnt be necessary for your staff to get drunk to enjoy themselves. While it may not be overly popular with your managers, it may be worth telling a couple of them to abstain(µ“ ) from drinking and be responsible for dealing with any problems that occur at the party before they get out of hand. It is also worth reminding all staff with management responsibilities of the dangers of getting into embarrassing situations with junior staff because of the abuse of power. Remind staff of the dangers of drinking and driving and stress that anyone who drinks and drives in a company vehicle will be subject to disciplinary procedure. 1. The text mainly talks about _. A. what are the risks at the Christmas party B. what to do with the drunken behavior at the party C. how to prevent risks at the party D. how to organize a good Christmas party 2. To prevent the misbehavior at the party, the organizer should _. A. inform the staff of the dos and donts in advance B. forbid the participants to drive to the party C. say no to those who want to be served with alcohol D. try to limit the amount of free alcohol and soft drinks 3. According to the text, all the managers should _. A. not drink alcohol at the party B. use their power to manage the staff properly C. tell all the staff to deal with any problem themselves D. enjoy themselves and get relaxed at the party 246 Ô » 5 : 8 : 4. Who is the text mainly intended for? A. The staff of companies B. Students and young people C. Anybody at the party D. Bosses of companies 5. In which column of a magazine or newspaper may the text appear? A. Business Doctor B. Custom and Tradition C. Lifestyle D. Education and Literature Passage 2 Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have better marriages and respectable occupations. Personal consultants give better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants. But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability. While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up the executive ladder, it is harmful to a woman. Handsome male executives were perceived as having more integrity than plainer men; effort and ability were thought to account for their success. Attractive female executives were considered to have less integrity than unattractive ones; their success was attributed not to ability but to factors such as luck. All unattractive women executives were thought to have more integrity and to be more capable than the attractive female executives. Increasingly, though, the rise of the unattractive overnight successes was attributed more to personal relationships and less to ability than was that of attractive overnight successes. Why are attractive women not thought to be able? An attractive woman is perceived to be more feminine and an attractive man more masculine than the less attractive ones. Thus an attractive woman has an advantage in traditionally female jobs, but an attractive woman in a traditionally masculine position appears to lack the “masculine” qualities required. This is true even in politics. “When the one clue is how he or she looks, people treat men and women differently.” Says Anne Bowman, who recently published a study on the effects of attractiveness on political candidates. She asked 125 undergraduates to rank two groups of photographs, one of men and one of women, in order of attractiveness. The students were told the photographs were of candidates for political offices. They were asked to rank them again, in the order they would vote for them. The results showed that attractive males utterly defeated unattractive men, but the women who had been ranked most attractive invariably received the fewest votes. 246 Ô » 6 : 8 : 6. The word “liability”(paragraph 1) most probably means _. A. misfortune B. instability C. disadvantage D. burden 7. In traditionally female jobs, attractiveness _. A. reinforces the female qualities required B. makes women look more honest and capable C. is of primary importance to women D. often enables women to succeed quickly 8. Bowmans experiment reveals that when it comes to politics, attractiveness _. A. turns out to be an obstacle B. affects men and women alike C. has as little effect on men as on women D. is more of an obstacle than a benefit to women 9. It can be inferred from the passage that peoples views on beauty are often _. A. practical B. prejudiced C. old-fashioned D. radical 10. The author writes this passage to _. A. discuss the negative aspects of being attractive B. give advice to job-seekers who are attractive C. demand equal rights for women D. emphasize the importance of appearance Passage 3 Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. There are more ideas, more disagreements in interest, and more groups and organizations with different beliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies. All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision. In a society where people are quite similar in many ways, there are fewer occasions for people to see the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same. And although conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and undisputed. Within a society, social change is more likely to occur more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material, for example, in technology rather in values; in what has been learned later in life 246 Ô » 7 : 8 : than what was learned early; in less basic and less emotional aspects of society than in their opposites; in the simple elements rather than in the complex ones; in form rather than in substance; and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange elements. Furthermore, social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes more readily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies (Bs¹= ). This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to other white counterparts. 11. The passage mainly discusses _ A. two different societies B. the necessity of social change C. certain factors that determine the ease with which social changes occur D. certain factors that promote social change 12. _ is one of the factors that tend to promote social change. A. Joint interest B. Advanced technology C. Less emotional people D. difference in points of view 13. The expression “greater tolerance” (paragraph 1) refers to _. A. “greater willingness to accept social change” B. “quicker adaptation to changing circumstances” C. “more respect for different beliefs and behavior” D. “greater readiness to agree to different opinions and ideas” 14. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. Social change tends to meet with greater difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society B. Disagreement with and argument about conditions tends to slow down social change C. Social change is more likely t


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