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    清华大学2010年法律硕士(非法学)复试题目共2道大题第一是名词解释15个,每个4分反倾销 自然垄断 公共物品 低碳经济 可持续发展 热力学第一定律 牛顿第一定律 上海合作组织CPI指数  恩格尔系数 春秋三传 文景之治  唐宋八大家 宋明理学 洋务运动 第二是大作文 40分 2选11是谈谈对足坛反赌风暴2是写一篇关于 水木清华 钟灵毓秀 的散文要求800字清华英语口语复试的一些样题 第1部分是考官问的问题.回答1-3分钟.千万不要沉默,最好不停的说. 1. Many parents would like their children to be bilingual. They spend a lot of money making their children learn to speak English .What is your comment on this phenomenon? 2. Many people are under great pressure. What suggestions can you give on reducing stress ? 3. When you see an accident, what will you do for the first thing? 4. How does a man usually do this shopping? 5. In what ways do you think some people behave badly on the Internet? 6. Can you list some of the symptoms of Internet addiction? 7. Why do you think young people enjoy computer games so much? 8. Crime has increased in many cities. What do you are the causes for such a phenomenon? 9. What is your definition of a family ?What if there are no children ? 10. What is your favorite form of entertainment? 11. What is your favorite food ?What food do you dislike ?Do you think you eat a healthy diet? 12. What do you think of the food served in the canteen ? 13. Do you like American food such as McDonald and KFC ? Why or why not ? 14. Do you like music ?What kind of music do you usually listen to ?Why do you like this particular music? 15. Do you like sports ? What kind of games do you often play ? why do you like that game? 16. Why do you choose Tsinghua to do your graduate program ? What are the most important factors in choosing a school? 17. What kind of job do you plan to take upon graduation ?Why ? 18. How do you learn about news ,by watching TV or reading newspapers ? What latest news has impressed you most? 19. Is there any thing interesting in the paper today? 20. What is the most important thing that happened to you recently? 21. Do you still remember your greatest success at school ? What was it? 22. What is your ideal boyfriend (girlfriend)? 23. What do you think you need to do to achieve your career goals? 24. What things to you dislike most in life ? 25. If you could have one wish come true, what would it be? 26. What changes do you expect to take place in ten years time from now? 27. What are the three most important factors in choosing a job ? 28. What is the weather like in your hometown ? 29. Suppose you have won $100,000 in a lottery. What would you do with this money? 30. What do you think are the most important inventions in the past 50 years? 31. Who do you turn to for advice? Whose advice do you value most and why? 32. Do you think names are very important? Why or why not? 第2部分是2人一组做TOPIC. 1.A. You think young people should go upon graduation to the western part of China. It is an area where they can make full use of their talents and realize their potential. B. You think young people should try to stay in such big cities as Beijing and Shanghai. Here they can get access to all sorts of resources and have more opportunities for their careers. 2. A. You think people should make friends with those who are like themselves, because they have a lot in common; therefore, their friendship tends to last. B. You think people should make friends with those who are different from themselves. They can learn a lot from a friend who has a very different personality. 3. A. You think people should have a decent wedding. It should take place in a fancy hotel and they should spend large amount of money treating relatives and friends. After all, this is an important event. B. You think getting married is the couples own business; therefore, they dont have to invite a lot of people to it. They can make better use of the money to build a comfortable home and make a long-term plan for their life. 4. A. You believe children will never grow up under the protection of their parents. You think they should be sent aboard to receive higher education; this way they can learn to lead an independent life. B. You think attending a foreign university is too costly; what is more, children under 18 may not be able to discipline themselves. They might follow bad examples, even violate laws and cant finish their education at all. 5. A. People spend a lot of time learning English but they rarely use it in their work. You dont think English should be part of the graduate curricula. B. Even though English is not frequently used in peoples work, English, as a world language, should be taught to graduate students. 6. A. In handing money you should like to spend it when you get it. B. In handing money you would like to save as much as you can. 7. A. You are having a one-week holiday. You would like to join a package tour. Tell your partner why you think it is a good idea. B. You and some of your friends would like to spend your one-week holiday going to the country and staying with farmers. Why do you decide to do so? 8. A. You want to attend an English course to improve your oral communication. Ask your partner to recommend such a course. B. Recommend a course in which your partner can improve oral communication. Tell why you think this one is good. 清华法硕复试的几个面试题:1、为什么要谁主张谁举证,又为什么要举证责任倒置2、举证和证明有什么区别3、举一个举证责任倒置的例子 4、怎样看待乱世用重典?   答:我认为合理   原因?   答;吕典说刑乱国.且因时因地制宜一直是中国法制史上被认可的原则   我不是让你局限在古代,说说现代?   答;我认为在现代社会法律已经遍及社会生活,社会生活已经制度化,规范话。一般不可能出现乱世   。5、有这么一种廉洁,诉讼越多,说明这个社会越不是法治社会、和谐社会?或者说诉讼越多是不是就是法治社会?我答(大体意思):这两个判断都过于武断。如果大家都通过诉讼的方式主张自己的权利,说明大家的法律意识比较强,这是法治社会的表现之一。如果通过当事人进行诉讼,法院又按照正当程序等原则进行判断,我觉得这是有利于和谐社会的建设的。又问,在什么情况下没有诉讼,又是法治社会。想了半天。答:共产主义社会。老师一阵狂笑。后来那个问英语的老师说,这是我们给你一个脑筋急转弯呢。答案是:人人守法状态下。可我一想,这就是一个问题嘛,怎么会是脑筋急转弯呢。 6、什么是法律原则?有人说它们没有存在的必要,你觉得呢?法律原则和法定原则是一回事吗?为什么?刚才你说法律原则有时候可以直接作为断案的依据,给我举个例子.法律规定那么多规则原则有什么意义呢?英语口语:What's the essence of  "courtesy"(礼)? 7、我的问题:“强制戒毒是对人身和自由的限制,但是我们提倡保护人身自由,它合理吗?为什么?”我说我们希望达到一种良好的社会秩序,但是吸毒的人们妨碍了这种秩序的形成,所以对他们强制我的英语问题是:你喜欢运动吗?最喜欢哪个?我说喜欢,然后是PINGPONG,两个单词就回答完了


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