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    2016年电子科技大学288 单独考试英语考研真题.pdf

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    2016年电子科技大学288 单独考试英语考研真题.pdf

    第 1 页 共 14 页 电子科技大学 2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 考试科目: 288 单独考试英语 注:无机读卡,所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。 一 Reading Comprehension (50 points) Section A Directions: Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each one by choosing A), B), C), or D). Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage 1 What you can remember from age 3 may help improve aspects of your life far into adulthood. Children who have the ability to recall and make sense of memories from daily life the first day of preschool, the time the cat died can use them to better develop a sense of identity, form relationships and make sound choices in adolescence and adulthood, new research shows. While the lives of many youngsters today are heavily documented in photos and video on social media and stored in families digital archives, studies suggest photos and videos have little impact. Parents play a bigger role in helping determine not just how many early memories children can recall, but how children interpret and learn from the events of their earliest experiences. “Our personal memories define who we are. They bond us together,” says Robyn Fivush, a psychology professor at Emory University in Atlanta and an author of dozens of the topic. Children whose parents encourage recalling and storytelling about daily events show better coping and problem-solving skills by their preteens, and fewer symptoms of depression, research shows. Some memories help build a sense of self-continuity, or personal identity, says a 2011 study. People recall these memories when they “want to feel that I am the same person that I was before”, or “when I want to understand how I have changed from who I was before”. A hurricane survivor, for example, might recall the memory as proof that she can survive tough experiences and grow stronger as a result. Other memories serve a directive function, and guide behavior. People recall these when making decisions or to avoid repeating past mistakes. A person whose dog was killed by a car is likely to call on the memory when deciding to keep pets on a leash. A third type, social-bounding memories, involving relationships with others. People recall these when they want to strengthen relationships or form new ties, the study says. A college student who participated in a different study cited bedtime-sessions with his father, who read him the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy, as a motivator to build and maintain strong family ties in his adult life. 第 2 页 共 14 页 The ability to draw on all three types of memories predicts higher psychological well-being, a greater sense of purpose and more positive relationships, according to a study of 103 college students published last year in the journal Memory. 1. What can we conclude from Paragraph 1? A) Early memories are usually difficult for adults to forget. B) Early memories are significant for some aspects of adulthood life. C) Early memories can help children have a happy life. D) Early memories are mainly about preschool and cats. 2. From Paragraph 2, we get to know photos and videos _. A) record most of parents early lives B) can help children recall their early memories easily C) usually take the place of childrens early memories D) cant play an important role as early memories do 3. Which of the following examples belongs to self-continuity or personal identity? A) Past hard life makes people much stronger. B) Memories about accidents make people sad or cry. C) People are willing to recall good memories rather than bad ones. D) People may feel happy when sweet memories hop in their mind. 4. The authors attitude toward functions of early memories is_. A) opposed B) affirmative C) paradoxical D) uncertain 5. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for this passage? A) The Earliest Memories B) Earliest Memories, Good or Bad C) The Power of Earliest Memories D) How to Recall Earliest Memories Better Passage 2 Immigration is in the headlines again, with President Obamas decision last week to stop deporting young illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children, and the Supreme Courts approaching decision on the constitutionality of Arizonas crackdown on undocumented migrants. But too much of the public debate has focused on the legality of immigration without considering a fundamental question: What effects has mass immigration had on American society? Some of the most meticulous research was done to date about the effects of immigration on a cross section of American communities urban, suburban and rural. The scholars who participated were in remarkable agreement: while new immigrants are poorer than the general population and 第 3 页 共 14 页 face considerable hardship, there is no evidence that they have reshaped the social fabric in harmful ways. American is neither less safe because of immigration nor is it worse off economically. In fact, in the regions where immigrants have settled in the past two decades, crimes has gone down, cities have grown, poor urban neighborhoods have been rebuilt, and small towns that were once on life support are springing back. Scholars cant say for sure that immigration caused these positive developments, but we know enough to reject the notion that immigrants worsen social ills. Scholars found that immigrant youths in Los Angeles were involved in less crime and violence than their native-born peers in similar economic circumstances. Research also has shown that an increase in immigration in cities like San Antonio and Miami did not produce an increase in the homicide rate. Furthermore, social scientists found that people in immigrant communities in New York were less cynical about the law than were people in less diverse communities; they were also more likely to indicate that they would cooperate with the police. If migration has had such beneficial effects, why, then, has there been such a persistent backlash? Part of the answer surely lies in the social change language, political attitudes, and religious mores that immigrants bring. The leveling-off migration, especially from Mexico, may bring a sense of relief to opponents of these social changes, but if the new research is any guide, the consequences of the slowdown may be the opposite of what the critics intend. Mr. Obamas decision to exempt undocumented children who were brought to the United States by their parents from harsh deportation rules is an overdue, but welcome, first step. Establishing a clear path to citizenship for undocumented adults, creating a more permissive guest-worker program, and preserving families rather than separating them through deportation are controversial ideas, but they deserve a hearing. 6. What does the Paragraph 1 suggest? A) The impact of immigration gets insufficient attention. B) President Obama backs legalizing undocumented migrants. C) Arizonas crackdown on migrants violates the Constitution. D) The legality of immigration found much public support. 7. According to Paragraphs 2 and 3, which of the following would scholars agree on? A) Immigrants have reshaped the social fabric beneficially. B) Immigrants have been appraised negatively. C) Immigrants have worsened social ills. 第 4 页 共 14 页 D) Immigrants have pulled down the average living standards. 8. What does the author make use of to show the desirable effects of immigration? A) Induction. B) Illustration. C) Comparison. D) Explanation. 9. “The critics” (Paragraph 5) most probably refers to those in favor of _. A) scholars in the research B) President Obama C) Supreme Court D) Arizona state government 10. To handle the immigration question, the author suggests_. A) holding immigrant families together B) deporting undocumented adults C) abolishing harsh deportation rules D) establishing a guest-worker program Passage 3 It has been said that management is a science and that leadership is an art. Management is comprised of concrete, measurable skills: planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Thumb through any management textbook and youll see specific models, formulas, procedures, or techniques for monitoring and controlling performance output. Controlling productivity through adherence to standards is the stock-in-trade of the effective manager. Its not always an easy task, and talented manager should be given the credit they deserve in helping their organizations succeed. No organization can survive for very long, let alone earn any sort of substantial profits, without sound management. But management alone is not enough in todays marketplace. It is the right balance, a combining of efficient management and leadership, that every organization is seeking. Just what is the new model of leadership for the 21st century? It revolves around five abstract qualities. Managers may possess some or all of these abilities to one degree or another, but these skills are distinct from the particular qualities that define management. To better understand how leadership and management differ, lets review the five leadership competences. Self-mastery is the foundation upon which a leaders credibility is built and from which a leaders image will evolve. Self-mastery involves awareness, acknowledge, and acceptance. Its about discovering the qualities that make you special and unique. Its about your own talents and abilities your personal areas of excellence. Effective leaders create opportunities to showcase their natural abilities. They uncover their potential talents by continually stretching themselves and pushing themselves to their limits. At the same time, however, the successful leader acknowledges his or her limitations. To achieve true self-mastery you must accept yourself, including your faults, totally and unconditionally. Version is in many ways the heart and soul of leadership. While the manager must deal with 第 5 页 共 14 页 issues and produce results on a day-to-day basis, a leader must focus on both the present and the future. The managers concern is today; the leader has a vision for tomorrow. But simply having a version is not enough; you must make others believe in it, too. Put your plans for the future before the eyes and ears of the people around you. When other people begin to buy your version and make it their own, good things start to happen and happen quickly. Leaders turn their version into reality by constantly letting others know whats in it for them. “Personal power” is the ability to influence and persuade others. It is not to be confused with “position power”. Position power is embedded in hierarchical, organizational structure. Personal power is earned. You do not necessarily need to have direct authority over others to display personal power. In fact, in the most successful companies, leadership exits at all levels. Develop personal power by being dependable, following through on commitments, and demonstrating concern for the welfare of others. People will recognize your personal power and look to you for direction. Empowerment completes the set of leadership skills. Although it has become a buzz word in the 90s, leaders have been aware of the concept of empowerment throughout the ages. Empowerment is the process by which a leader enables other individuals to successfully complete a certain job or task. It is a technique that allows you to delegate responsibility for tasks throughout your organization, even at the lowest levels. As a leader, it is in your interest to nurture and develop individuals who will one day take your place, so make empowerment a top priority. Empowerment involves three critical ingredients: skills, confidence, and authority. Evaluate your followers skills and provide training to improve or enhance their abilities. Instill confidence in others and raise their self-esteem by maintaining face-to-face contact and offering praise for a job well done. Furthermore, bestow authority onto other people, giving them the right to exercise their best personal judgment. True leaders are always willing to give credit to others and accept responsibility for failure, while simultaneously supporting, encouraging and empowering their followers. If you do so, you will develop an unshakeable trust bond with others in your organization, establishing your own credibility while ensuring results. No one can deny the importance of good management in a successful organization. But good management alone is no longer enough. Recognizing the difference between management and leadership, and striking the correct balance between the two, will provide substantial dividends in the long run. Management will get you through today; leadership will ensure a better tomorrow. 11. This passage is mainly about _. A) management skills B) the qualities that define management 第 6 页 共 14 页 C) the leadership principles D) distinction between management and leadership 12. What is the heart and the soul of leadership according to the passage? A) Personal power. B) Self-mastery. C) Vision. D) Empowerment. 13. In Paragraph 1 “stock-in-trade” means _. A) quality B) usual tactics C) credibility D) responsibility 14. According to the four leadership competencies, which of the following is not the skill of a leader? A) Dealing with daily issues and producing results. B) Recognizing the talents of others and giving them the knowledge and the tools they need to succeed. C) Nurturing and developing successors. D) Making macro-plans and ensuring results. 15. From this passage, we learn that _. A) leadership is more important than management B) a good manager must have leadership competencies C) leading and managing involve distinctly different sets of skills D) people with exceptional leadership qualities are usually undeveloped Passage 4 Extraordinary creative activity has been characterized as revolutionary, flying in the face of what is established and producing not what is acceptable but what will become accepted. According to this formulation, highly creative activity transcends the limits of an existing form and establishes a new principle of organization. However, the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends established limits is misleading when it is applied to the arts, even though it may be valid for the sciences. Difference between highly creative art and highly creative science arise in part from differences in their goals. For the sciences, a new theory is the goal and end result of the creative act. Innovative science produces new propositions in terms of which diverse phenomena can be related to one another in more coherent ways. Such phenomena as a brilliant diamond or a nesting bird are relegated to the role of data, serving as the means for formulating or testing a new theory. The goal of highly creative art is very different: the phenomenon itself becomes the direct product of the creative act. Shakespeare


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