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    全国硕士研究生入学统一考试自命题科目基础英语考试大纲一、考查目标全国硕士研究生入学统一考试自命题科目基础英语考试是为我校招收外国语言文学硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的考试科目。其目的是科学、公平、有效地测试考生是否具备攻读该专业所必须的基本素质、一般能力和培养潜能,以选拔具有发展潜力的优秀人才入学,培养具有较强分析与解决实际问题能力的高层次、应用型、复合型外语人才。本科目考试要求考生:1. 掌握较高的英语语法知识与技能;2. 掌握不少于 10000 个英语词汇,其中能够灵活应用的词汇应不少于 5000;3. 具有较强的读写能力,能够流利阅读英语国家一般媒体的政论性文章;4. 具有较强的英语综合应用能力;5. 具有较强的逻辑思维能力。二、考试形式和试卷结构(一)试卷满分及考试时间试卷满分为 150 分,考试时间 180 分钟。(二)答题方式答题方式为闭卷、笔试,不允许携带字典。(三)试卷内容、题型结构与说明本科目共有以下 8 种题型:1. 语法与词汇选择题 30 题,每题 1 分,共 30 分,用时约 20 分钟2. 短文冠词填空(包括定冠词、不定冠词与零冠词)10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分,用时约 10 分钟3. 短文动词适当形式填空 (包括时态与非谓语形式、个别需加情态动词或助动词)10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分,用时约 12 分钟4. 选词提空(从提供的单词或短语中选取合适的填入文章空缺处,无需改变词形)20 题,每题 1 分,共 20 分 用时约 13 分钟5. 联句(利用并列、从属等手段将一组简单句连成一个结构合理的复杂长句)5 题,每题 3 分,共 15 分,用时约 30 分钟6. 阅读理解选择题(阅读 4-5 篇文章,回答文章后的问题)20 题,每题 1 分,共 20 分,用时约 35 分钟7. 根据所读文章回答问题/写文章概要该题型有两种可能,一是阅读文章后回答问题,二是阅读文章后总结文章主要内容,即为文章写出概要。每年试卷只选其一进行考查。本题共 20 分,用时约 30分钟。可能一:4-5 个问题,回答时需要有所说明或阐述,每题 3-6 分 可能二:读完一篇 1000 字左右的文章,然后写出 150 字以内的文章概要。8. 理解并翻译(将复杂长句译成汉语,重点考察是否正确理解句意)5 题, 每题 3-5 分,共 20 分, 用时约 30 分钟三、考查内容1. 词汇知识及其应用2. 语法知识及其应用能力3. 阅读理解能力4. 逻辑思考能力四、参考书目基础英语中的语法部分的参考书目为新编英语语法教程(学生用书) (2013 年第五版以后的版本都可以) ,章振邦主编,上海外语教育出版社;基础英语中词汇、阅读等不指定参考书目。基础英语样卷及参考答案Part I Choose the ONE that best completes each sentence below from the four choices given. (30 points)1. I still remember the day I first met her, she _.A. had long hair B. has long hairs C. had long hairs D. has long hair2._, he is appointed as general manager of the company.A. Be a man ever so young B. So young as a man ever is C. No matter he is young D. A man ever so young3. Nothing but some chairs_in the room.A. has found B. had found C. were found D. was found4. More than one company_involved in this transaction.A. was B. were C. to be D. /5. It is said that his father_ for several years.A. had died B. has been dead C. died D. has dead6. Water is to fish _air is to man.A. that B. which C. what D. how7._trouble, Ill forget the whole thing.A. Rather than caused B. Than rather caused C. Than rather causing D. Rather than cause8. The football match is scheduled to be televised _.A. live B. lively C. alive D. life9. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication _the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.A. in this way B. in that C. in which D. in order to10._is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produce no concrete proposals.A. As B. That C. Which D. What11. It was requested that all of the equipment _ in the agreed time.A. erected B. would be erected C. be erected D. will be erected 12. The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if _ something pleasant in the past. A. to remember B. rememberedC. having been remembered D. remembering13. Setting up a committee might be a way _ the project more efficiently.A. to be doing B. doing C. to do D. being done14. It turned out that the children were not _ for the accident.A. to blame B. to be blamedC. to be blaming D. to have been blamed15. The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles, _ been mentioned in previous chapters.A. a few of which B. a few of themC. a few of those D. a few of that16. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any_of it at all. A. explanation B. meaning C. sense D. interpretation 17. You should have your eyes tested every year in case the_of your spectacles need changing. A. lenses B. glasses C. sights D. crystals 18. The school committee hoped that their choice of play would be_with the students and their parents. A. recognized B. popular C. favorable D. fascinated 19. By cutting down trees we_the natural home of birds and animals. A. harm B. hurt C. injure D. damage 20. Mr. Robinson knew that the most trivial chore could prove to be a_if approached with enthusiasm. A. prize B. reward C. refund D. bonus 21. I hope you dont think Im_ but Ive had the electric fire on for most of the day.A. exquisite B. extravagant C. exotic D. eccentric22. He argued forcefully and _ that they were likely to bankrupt the budget.A. bluntly B. convincingly C. emphatically D. determinedly23. People will be looking in to see how good we are now and whether our success has just been a _ in the pan.A. flare B. glitter C. spark D. flash24. During the summer holiday season there are no _ rooms in this seaside hotel. A. empty B. blank C. deserted D. vacant 25. Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a _ to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway. A. sign B. mark C. signal D. board 26 . Whenever possible, Ian _ how well he speaks Japanese. A. shows up B. shows around C. shows off D. shows out 27. The tenant left nothing behind except some _ of paper, cloth, etc. A. sheets B. scraps C. pages D. slices 28. Shares on the stock market have _ as a result of a worldwide economic downturn. A. turned B. changed C. floated D. fluctuated 29. I think you can take a(n) _ language course to improve your English. A. intermediate B. middle C. medium D. mid30. It will take us twenty minutes to go to the railway station, _ traffic delays.A. acknowledging B. affording C. allowing for D. accounting for 答案: 1. A 2.A 3.D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A11. C 12.A 13. C 14. A 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20 B 21. B 22.B. 23. D 24. D. 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. D. 29. A 30. CPart II Fill in each blank with an appropriate article (including ZERO) (10 points)Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When (1) _ reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as (2) _ evidence began to accumulate, experts from (3) _ Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw “a large cat” only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that (4) _ puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. (5) _ search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to (6) _ bushes. Several people complained of “cat-like noises” at night and (7) _ businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. (8) _ experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in (9) _ possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in (10) _ quiet countryside.答案:1. / 2. The 3. The 4. A 5. The 6. / 7. A 8. The 9. The 10. thePart III Put the verbs in brackets into proper forms, using some modal auxiliaries where necessary. (15points)One of the qualities that most people (1)_ (admire) in others (2) _ (be) the willingness to admit ones mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like “I was wrong about that,” and it is even harder to say, “I was wrong, and you were right about that.”I (3) _ (have) an experience recently with someone (4) _ (admit) to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago. He told me that he (5) _ (be) the manager of a certain grocery store in the neighborhood where I (6) _ (grow up) , and he asked me if I remembered the egg cartons. Then he related an incident and I began to remember vaguely the incident he (7) _ (describe).I was about eight years old at the time, and I (8) _ (go) into the store with my mother to do the weekly grocery shopping. On that particular day, I must have found my way to the dairy food department when the incident (9) _ (take place).There (10) _ (be) a special sale on eggs that day because there was an impressive display of eggs in dozen and half-dozen cartons. The cartons (11) _ (stack) three or four feet high. I must have stopped in front of a display to admire the stacks. Just then, a woman came by, pushing her grocery cart, and knocked off the stacks of cartons. For some reason, I decided it was up to me to put the display back together, so I went to work.The manager heard the noise and came (12) _ (rush) over to see what had happened. When he appeared, I was on my knees (13) _ (inspect) some of the cartons to see if any of the eggs (14) _ (break), but to him it looked as though I was the culprit. He severely reprimanded me and wanted me to pay for any (15) _ (break) eggs. I protested my innocence and tried to explain, but it did no good. Even though I quickly forgot all about the incident, apparently the manager did not.答案:(1)admire (2) is (3) had (4) admitting (5) had been (6) grew up (7) was describing (8) had gone (9) took place (10) must have been (11) were stacked (12) rushing (13) inspecting (14) were broken (15) brokenPart IV Read the following passage closely and then choose a proper word for each numbered gap from the words provided in the box above the passage. (20 points) without fit uneducated nation means should whichfill degrees willing brain such valuable prepare free much shameful with unwilling inEducation is not an end, but a (1) _ to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is to (2) _ them for life. As soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that it is very important to choose a good way of education (3) _ will really (4) _ children for life.In many modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that, by (5) _ education for all - whether rich or poor, clever or stupid - one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect (6) _. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough: we find in such countries a large number of people with university (7) _ than there are jobs for them to (8) _. Because of their degree, they refused to do what they think “low” work; and in fact, work (9) _ hands is thought to be dirty and (10) _ in such countries.But we have to understand that the work of a completely (11) _ farmer is more important than that of a professor (12) _ a way: we can live (13) _ education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we (14) _ get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants because nobody is (15) _ to do such work, the professors have to waste (16) _ of their time doing housework.In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in (17) _ a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever job is suited to his (18) _ and ability, and secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to be (19) _ to do ones work, or to laugh at someone elses. Only such a type of education can be called (20) _ to society.答案:(1) means (2) fit (3) which (4) prepare (5) free (6) nation (7) degrees(8) fill (9) with (10) shameful (11) uneducated (12) in (13) without (14) should(15) willing (16) much (17) such (18) brain (19) unwilling (20) valuablePart V Combine each group of sentences into a single sentence, using coordination, subordination or both. (15 points)1. For many years London has been a business center.The business center has hotel accommodation. The hotel accommodation is for visiting businessman.It is also for other well-to-do travelers.It is completely inadequate for the swarms of short-stay visitors. They land at Heathrow.They disembark at Dover. 2. Mr. Wood ran up the stairs.He was panting for breath.He stood at his neighbors door.He knocked again and again.Then someone opened the door.3. John was covered with mud.He was shivering.He sat hunched over a bowl of hot broth.The broth had been prepared by his father to drive off the chill.4. Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through our bedroom windows.It made air conditioning unnecessary.It made a light blanket welcome5. Bertrand Russell was one of the very few persons.The very few persons have received the Order of Merit(功绩勋章).They have received the Nobel Prize for literature,The British government conferred the Order of Merit on Bertrand Russell.It was conferred in 1949.The Nobel Prize was conferred in Norway.It was conferred in 1950.答案:1. For many years London has been a business center with hotel accommodation for visiting businessmen together with well-to-do travelers but completely inadequate for the swarms of short-stay tourists landing at Heathrow or disembarking at Dover.2. Panting for breath after running up the stairs, Mr. Wood stood at his neighbours door and knocked again and again till someone opened it.3. Mud-covered and shivering, John sat hunched over(俯身) a bowl of hot broth prepared by his father to drive off the chill.4. Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through our bedroom windows, making air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome. /Sweeping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night, the cooling northeast wind made air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome.5. Bertrand Russell was one of the very few persons who have received both the Order of Merit, which was conferred on him by the British government in 1949, and the Nobel Prize for literature, conferred in Norway in 1950.Part VI Read the following passages carefully and decide on the BEST one for each question from the four choices given. (20 points)TEXT ALet children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all th


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