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    第 1 页 ,共 10 页 浙 江 理 工 大 学 2017 年硕士 研究生 招生 考试 初试 试题 考试科目: 翻译硕士英语 代码: 211 (请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效) Part I Grammar in their early 50s, when some had older children who had left home; and in their 60s, when virtually all had empty nests, researchers found that the empty nesters scored higher on marital happiness than women with children still at home at every point. The subjects claimed that they spent just as much time with their parents whether the children were living at home or had moved out, but the quality of that time was better. The findings from researchers on the empty nest show that parents need to work to carve out more stress-free time together. In the sample studied, it was only relationship satisfaction that improved when children left home. 1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph? A. “Empty nest syndrome“ is one obvious sign of diagnosing depression. B. Parents will equally suffer from the loss of their children. C. Mother will feel greatly lost when their children get married. D. Parents can get help or comfort from web sites and books. 2. The word “weather“ (Para. 1) may refer to _. A. influence B. endure C. escape D. override 第 7 页 ,共 10 页 3. According to the passage, why do parents have better relationships in the period of empty nest? A. Because they have free time to have a travel outside. B. Because they are free from taking care of their children. C. Because they will enjoy more privacy than ever before. D. Because they can shake away their family responsibility. 4. Which of the following is not true about couples inferred from the passage? A. Couples have less marital happiness for the coming of the baby. B. Couples have to earn more money after having a baby to support family C. Couples have more conflicts whether they should have a baby. D. Couples have to spend more time in taking care of their baby. 5. This passage is mainly about _. A How women feel about their marital relationship. B What causes the phenomenon of the empty nest C How people deal with “empty nest syndrome“ D Why an empty nest brings parents closer together Passage Two Happiness is contagious, researchers reported on Thursday. The same team that demonstrated obesity and smoking spread in networks has shown that the more happy people you know, the more likely you are yourself to be happy, and getting connected to happy people improves a person's own happiness. Christakis research team, a group of political scientists at the university of California, have been using data from 4,700 children of volunteers in the Framingham heart study, a giant health study begun in Framingham, Massachusetts in 1948. They have been analyzing facts from tracking sheets dating back to 1971, following births, marriages, death, and divorces. Volunteers also listed contact information for their closest friends, co-workers, and neighbors. They assessed happiness using a simple, four-question test. People are asked how often during the past week: one, I enjoyed life; two, I was happy; three, I felt hopeful about the future; and four, I felt that I was just as good as other people. The 60 percent of people who scored highly on all four questions were rated as happy, while the rest were designated unhappy. People with the most social connections were also the happiest, the data showed. Each additional happy person makes you happier. Your happiness depends on what is going on around you. It is not just happy people connecting with happy people, which they do. Above and beyond, there is this contagious process going on. And they discovered happiness is more contagious than unhappiness. If a social contact is happy, it increases the likelihood that you are happy by 15%. A friend of a friend, or a friend of a spouse or a sibling, if they are happy, increase your chances by 10%. But every extra unhappy friend increases the likelihood that you'll be unhappy by 7%. The finding is interesting but useful on the other hand. Among other benefits, happiness has been shown to have an important effect on reduced mortality, pain reduction, and improved cardiac function. So better understanding of how happiness spreads can help us learn how to promote a healthier society. The study also fits in with other data that suggested that in 1984 having $ 5,000 extra increased a person's chances of becoming 第 8 页 ,共 10 页 happier by about 2%. “A happy friend is worth about $ 20,000,“ Christakis said. His team also is examining the spread of depression, loneliness, and drinking behavior. 6. The word “contagious“ (Para. 1) in the passage probably means _. A stretching B relaxing C extending D spreading 7. Which of the following contagious behaviors is not examined by Christakis' research team? A Getting fat B Gambling C Drinking D Smoking 8. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Happiness is contagious because it's an emotional stampede. B. The finding is from an analysis of tracking sheets of 4,700 children volunteers. C. The 40 % of volunteers scored highly on all four questions. D. The more people a person knows, the happier he would be. 9. Which of the following about the contagiousness of happiness is not true? A. Happy social connections will increase the possibility of one's happiness. B. Even unhappy friends will be influenced and become happy. C. People can benefit a lot from happiness on health. D. Money will increase a person's chance of having more social connections. 10. What's the passage mainly about? A. How happiness functions among people. B. How happiness spread among people. C. How happiness is closely related to health. D. How Christakis researches happiness. Passage Three After Susan Joyce was laid off from Digital Equipment Corp. , she was horrified to hear of two suicides in her layoff group. Then she learned about a colleague who stabbed his wife to death and hung himself. These cases may sound extreme, but being fired or laid off is undeniably one of life' s biggest blows and can lead to clinical depression, violence and alcohol abuse, as well as strokes and heart attacks. Even the fear of losing a job produces more doctor visits and health worries. In short, the recent news about rising unemployment and job insecurity may be bad news for our health. Layoffs create a sense of hopelessness. Stress - related complaints such as insomnia and headaches tend to follow, lingering even after victims find new jobs, says University of Michigan psychologist Richard Price, who tracked more than 700 layoff victims for two years. Research based on 17 years of Pennsylvania unemployment records concluded that employees affected by a mass layoff at a plant were 15 percent more likely to die of any cause over the next two decades. Experts blame the cascade (大量倾泻 ) of misfortune that often follows after a layoff, including the loss of health insurance. Your health can suffer simply from fear of losing your job, says Sarah Burgard, a sociologist at the University of Michigan. She concluded that chronic job insecurity over a 第 9 页 ,共 10 页 two - year period rivals the anxiety of a job loss or a major illness. Even people who are not typically worriers report worse health when they believe their jobs are in danger. Fears of poor job prospects may have similar consequences. Economic stress may even show up in national public -health measures, although experts disagree about how to calculate those effects. Harvey Brenner, professor emeritus (大学教师 退休后仍保留头衔的,荣誉退休的 ) at Johns Hopkins's Bloomberg School of Public Health and a professor of public health at the University of North Texas, argues that the 1 percentage point increase in unemployment since a year ago could have serious health repercussions (持续影响,反响 ) for the next two years. According to Brenner' s projections, there could be as many as 47,000 more deaths than would have otherwise occurred, including 1,200 more suicides, as well as nearly 26,000 more heart attacks. Should unemployment continue to rise, these numbers are likely to increase, too. Prepare financially by cutting costs and building up adversity funds. Get help if you or a loved one can't shake the blues. Watch for signs of depression: changes in eating and sleeping habits, significant changes in weight, loss of interest in sex or other pleasures. And, if possible, make health insurance a priority, as you may be more vulnerable to illness. 11. According to the examples in the beginning of the passage, when suffering the life's biggest blows, one would do the following except_? A. commit suicide B. feel depressed C. help seeking D. weight change 12. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Suicide becomes a common choice among layoff groups. B. Strokes and heart attacks are mainly caused by being fired or laid off. C. People afraid of losing their jobs would visit doctors more than usual. D. Long-time job insecurity is less than the anxiety of a job loss or a major illness. 13. Economic stress shows up in national public-health measures, which probably means _. A. unemployment is closely related to the health repercussion B. the number of deaths due to working-related disease increases C. bad economic situation will reduce people's health expenditure D. government will cut down the budget on public health to boom economy 14. The following are the signs of depression the author mentions in the passage, except _. A. when one suddenly changes his eating habits B. when one indulges himself in drinking and smoking C. when one keeps on losing weight in short time D. when one gets bored about some pleasures 15. This passage is mainly about _. A. how to keep people away from depression B. how death closely relate to unemployment C. how to get out of the woe from unemployment D. how to cope with the difficulties of layoff 第 10 页 ,共 10 页 Section Two (10 points) Direction: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words on the Answer Sheet. No one really thrives in a wholly institutionalized (制度化 的 ) environment or in a purely intellectual career. This truth might have been found long ago by observing babies, from whom much can be learned about human nature. The need is not a temporary one; it begins in infancy and continues throughout life. As the most materialistic science in the world, the science of medicine has been forced to admit that the human baby must be loved in order to live. He has fewer chances to survive in the sterilized (已灭菌的 ) ward than in a house full of germs. The baby needs personal affection more than anything else. He must be “mothered” by a mother who is all his own. A baby left without this is likely to die from sheer emotional starvation, or else grow up into a distorted (扭曲的 ) soul a source of anxiety to everybody. The love impulse later undergoes an evolutionary growth, but it does not vanish. The baby is a creature that must be loved rather than a creature capable of loving. To develop this second ability, he needs to live in an atmosphere in which this mature kind of love is practiced. If his parents failed to chew, to walk or to speak, he would probably be backward in the acquisition of these arts. If his parents fail to furnish them with the example of love, he is desperately off. He may see the neighbors walk, and talk, and chew; but the subtle art of generous affection is usually demonstrated best before ones own family. At the adult level, nobody can live wholly in a job. Too many persons are trying to do so. They can exist without intimate relationships and get along with the casual personal contacts of the job and the club. How much better if we admit our need of love and affection and then try to build up these relationships in the full light of self-knowledge? Personal attachments are necessary. Why call the world heartless if we have never looked for hearts in the only place where they occur in the individual human bosom? Love means sacrifice, but it produces a well-balanced personality. The importance of love is demonstrated more by the disasters which follow up its absence than by the things which happen when it takes its normal place in life. As with many other vital necessities, we are scarcely conscious of its presence. But let it once cease, and the personality falls into disintegration. Love is not cheap, but we must choose to pay the cost, for life demands at least that much heroism from all of us. 16. Why do people fail to thrive in a wholly institutionalized environment or in a purely intellectual career? 17. Is the need for love to survive temporary? 18. If a baby were living in an environment without love, they would _. 19. How can we help babies develop the ability to love others? 20. The importance of love can be most felt when _. Part IV Writing (30 points) Direction: Samuel Ullman wrote in his essay, “Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.“ How do you understand this? Please develop the topic into a three-paragraph essay on the ANSWER SHEET with at least 300 words.


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