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    1广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2014 年 考试科目代码及名称:F-516 英语综合能力测试适用专业:050201-英语语言文学 试卷编号:2友情提醒:请在考场提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!I. Translate the following into Chinese(30 points)1 There are, of course, exceptions. Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. (3 points )2 Shakespeare wrote at least thirty-seven plays, which gave an index to his extensive knowledge on various subjects. Plays like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet are so popular among Chinese readers that they have become the household institutions in this country.(3 points)3 Loneliness is most acutely felt with other people, for with others, even with a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences of taste, temperament, mood. Human intercourse often demands that we soften the edge of perception for fear of hurting in a social situation.(3 points)4 As I have been writing for the past year, the rich have been hammered by this crisis, largely because of the plunge in the value of their investments and real estate. As a result, the millionaire population (especially the lower end) is taking a dive. (3 points)5 Sometimes one is not conscious of his own happiness and always thinks the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but not think over that one man's meat is another man's poison. (3 points )6 The Englishman appears to be cold and unemotional because he is really slow. When an event happens, he may understand it quickly enough with his mind, but he takes quite a while to feel it. Once upon a time a coach, containing some Englishmen and some Frenchmen, was driving over the Alps. The horses ran away, and as they were dashing across a bridge the coach caught on the stonework, tottered, and nearly fell into the ravine below. The Frenchmen were frantic with terror: they screamed and gesticulated and flung themselves about and gesticulated and flung themselves about, as Frenchmen would. The Englishmen sat quite calm. An hour later the coach drew up at an inn to change horses, and by that time the situations were exactly reversed. The Frenchmen had forgotten all about the danger, and were chattering gaily; the Englishmen had just begun to feel it, and one had a nervous breakdown and was obliged to go to bed. We have here a clear physical difference between the two racesa difference that goes deep into character. The Frenchmen responded at once; the Englishmen responded in time. (15 points)2II. Translate the following into English (30 points)1. 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四溢。 (3 分)2. 我坚信,英国依然应该是欧共体中的一个积极的和充满活力的成员,这是符合我国人民利益的。 (3 分)3. 刊登在肥胖(Obesity)杂志和商业周刊网站(BusinessWeek.com)的新研究发现,已婚夫妇变得肥胖的机率是正在恋爱但尚未结婚或同居的人的两倍。结婚时间越长,体重增加、变得肥胖的风险就越大。 (3 分)4. 中国园林是经过三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观。它既包括为皇室成员享乐而建造的大型花园,也包括学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造的私家花园。 (3 分)5. 世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,观众可以自己去动手操作,自己细心体察。这样,他们可以更贴近先进的科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥妙。 (3分)6 他们毒害年轻人的心灵,腐化年轻人的灵魂。正是它们,让年轻人坐在沙发上虚度时光,沉浸于危险重重的幻想世界。18 世纪的批评家们对于新媒体对年轻人的冲击感到忧心忡忡,他们向小说提出了如此的控诉。时至今日,小说害人的说法听起来已是如此的荒谬。对于当今时代那些控诉电视游戏使年轻人变成暴力罪犯的批评者们,历史最终也将对他们做出同样的审判。(15 分)IIIWriting (40 points)Write a composition of about 300 words on the following News:China wants explanation on allegations of US spyingChina has demanded a clear explanation from the United States following reports that it infiltrated the servers of the Chinese telecoms giant, Huawei.The company said it would condemn the invasion of its networks if the reports in the New York Times were true. The newspaper quoted documents, allegedly from the US National Security Agency (NSA), released by the former contractor, Edward Snowden. They said the NSA had spied on Huawei and had information on its customers. The NSA has made no mention of the reports but said it focused only on what it called valid foreign intelligence targets. It said it did not use intelligence to steal the secrets of foreign companies to help US businesses. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, said China was extremely concerned about the allegations. “China has already lodged many complaints with the United States about reports of its espionage activities,“ he said demanding that Washington cease its activities and explain itself.The New York Times said one of the goals of the US operation was to find out whether Huawei had connections with the People's Liberation Army.3It said the operation, codenamed “Shotgiant“, also sought to conduct espionage through the systems and telephone networks that Huawei sold to other countries. The newspaper said that the NSA had gained access to Huawei headquarters in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen and found information on the internal workings of its switches and routers. The German magazine, Der Spiegel, also citing what it said were NSA documents from Edward Snowden, said the US was positioned to launch cyber offensive operations against the Chinese leadership through its access to Huawei networks. Washington has long seen Huawei as a potential security threat and has blocked some business deals in the US for fear that it would open the door to Chinese military hackers.Edward Snowden fled to Hong Kong last year and has since been granted asylum in Russia.He continues to release information that claims to reveal the global activities of the NSA.You should supply an appropriate title for your composition.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.


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