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    。南京林业大学硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 初 试 试 题科 目 代 码 1!L 科 目 名 称 : 翻 译 硕 士 英 语 满 分 : 100 分注意 : 认 真 阅 读 部 纸 上 的 注 意 事 顶 ; 所 踏 案 必 须 写 唔 面 上 , 写 在 本 试 题 纸 或 草 稿 纸 上 均 无 放 本 试 题 纸 须 随 笛 题 纸 一 起 装 入试 题 黛 申 交 回 !I.Vocabu lar and grammar (30 point s, 1.5 poin ts for eac h) Multiple ChoicesDirections: Beneath each sentence there arefour words or phrases marked with A, 且 C and D. Choose the answer thatbest completes the sentence. 阶 ite your answers on the answer sheet.I . The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three h urs 一 一 一 一 last night.A. at length B. i n full C. on end D. in time2. The outline of the figure was barely 一 一 一 一 in the darkness.A. suscepti ble B. invisible C. perceptive D. perceptible3. After leaving the art college, she 一 一 as an interior designer.A. took up 8. got up C. set up D. put up4. He was given major responsibility for operating the remote manipulator to 一 一 一 一 一 the newly launched satellite.人 . retreat B. 1四 rieve C. embody D. embrace5. The river is already 一 一 一 its banks becau se of excessive rainf注 II, and the city is threatened with a likely flood.A. parallel to B. level in C. 由 at on D. flush with6. The ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were ·A. illiterate B. illegible C. illegitimate D. inscrutable7. Thousands of spectators 甲 一 on the city for the horse race.A. converged B. assembled C. crowded D. accumulated8. The Chairman was evidently 一 by Jims words and glared at him for a few seconds.A. put down B. put across C. put away D. put out9. On the way to the church yesterday the road was blocked by a fallen tree, so we had to make a 一 .A. d igression B. detour C. departure D. deviatiqnI 0. The teacher was 一 一 一 一 both in his marking of homework and in his treatment of offenders.A. lenient B. merciful C. forgiving D. sympathetic门 . Foreign students are facing unprecedented delays, as visa applications receive closer 一 一 一 than ever.A. scrutiny B. appraisal C. retention D. scanning12.一 一 ghost exists in the world . Thats your illusion.A. No such thing as a B. No such thing asC. No such n thing as D. No such a thing as a13. I n her time, Isadora Duncan was 一 一 一 today a l iberated woman.A. calling what we would B. who would be callingC. what we would call D. she would call i t翻译硕士英语 第 1 页 共 7 页14.Paul w部 lying on the lawn, his hands 一 一 一 under his head.A. crossed B. crossing C. were crossed D. we 毡 crossing15.By the time you receive this letter, I 一 一 一 一 一 一 for America.A. will leave B. have left C. would have left D. will have le负 16. We did hold a meeting yesterday, but you 一 一 一 一 so we did not inform you.A. did not need attendingC. did not need to attendB. neednt have attendedD. n巳 ednt attend17.The secretary identified 一 一 一 一 reports treated new issues as well as old ones.A. those B. which C. that D. what18.Most of 一 一 一 一 archaeologists know about prehistoric cultures is based on studies of material remains.A. these B. what C. which D. those 1 9. Fat cannot change into muscle 一 一 一 一 muscle changes into fat.A. any more than B. no more than C. no less than D. much more than20. Ever since the first nuclear power stations were built, doubts have一 about their safety.A. preserved B. survived C. suspended D. l ingeredII. Reading comprehen sion (40 points)Section I Multiple choices (20 points, 2 points for each)Directions 如 th必 section there are two passages 卢 /lowed by multiple -choice questions. Read the passages and then write your answers on the answer sheet.Passage ADorothy Thompson and Rebecca West were career women long before the term had been invented. In the 193邸 ,when Thompson and West were making their mark as esiablished professionals, a Gallup poll recorded that 82% of the American population believed women “should not have paying jobs outside the home“ if their husbands were employed. Yet both women worked consistently from their early 20s in occupations that were almost entirely male-dominated- Thompson as a 岛 reign correspondent and then a pol itical commentator; West as a literary critic,lauded novelist, historian and travel writer.Susan Bertogs biography, an accomplished synthesis of these two lives and the remarkable parallels between them, is also a history of the 20th cen阳 叩 , a study of female emancipation and literary culture, and an acute analysis of dysfunctional family life.The most striking similarity between Thompson and West is their seemingly innate self-belief and fearlessness. On her 27th birthday in 1920 the American-born Thompson sailed for England. With no contacts but with portfolio in hand, her goal was to gain credentials as a freelance repmter and make her way across Europe to witness the aftermath of therevol ution in 民 ussia. By 1927 she was l iving in Berlin as the first female head of a news bureau in Europe. West, thedaughter of an Anglo-Irish journalist who abandoned the family when she was eight, was a reviewer and essayist by the time she was 19, when “regard less of reputation” she published cutting critiques of established writers such as Arnold Bennett and George Bernard Shaw. West wrote consistently until her death at 90 in 1983, and was in the enviable position of having Harold Ross, the editor of the New Yorker, write to her, pleading: “Please write any story you want for L邸 , fact or fiction.“ In 1941 West published her best-known book, “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon”, a history of theBalkans and a meditation on the rise of Nazism.Ms Hertogs style is frequently novelistic, which is less irritating than might be anticipated. In her descr怡 tion of翻 译 硕 士 英 语 第 2 页 共 7 页 之Thompsons l ife in Berlin, for example, Ms Hertog assumes the voice of an omniscient narrator : “As Dorothy walked to the smal I office she kept on Motzstrasse, she remembered the first time she had met Rebecca .” Her writing style can be fanciful, as when Ms He1tog imagines the colour of Thompsons dress and how her hair might have been styled for herun-photographed first wedding. But it works well in the passages where the author a忧 empts to draw out the romantic and family dramas which so defined the lives of both women.When she was 21 West had an illegitimate son with H.G. Wells, 26 years her senior and then on his second wife, before marrying Henry Andrews, a banker, who was frequently unfaithful and suffered early from a form of dementia . Thompson was married three times and also had a son, with Sinclair Lewis, her second husband and winner of the Nobel prize in literatu1飞 Resentful of their mothers after lonely childhoods, both sons married young before abandoning their fi rst wives, pursued unrealistic ambitions, and, when they proved unsuccessful, demanded lifelong financial assistance.The danger of the book s title refers to the effects of their ambitions to be, as Thompson put it, “something no otherwoman has been yet“. Both women turned out to be poor parents, even if they came up to roughly the standard expected of worki ng fathers of the time; both chose work and travel over their child, sent them away to school and placated them with lavish g的 s. Ms He1tog poignantly renders the conflict between maternal instinct and the desire for realization ofambition, backed by a fear of diminished “intellectual lustre” and of becoming lost in a “cocoon of domesticity气Thompson and West undoubtedly chose work over family, but in doing so helped to break down barriers, not only for women journal ists but for al I working women.I . It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that 一 一 一 ·A. Dorothy Thompson took great pains to be a political commentator.B. Rebecca West established her reputation as a historian first.C. Thompson and West paid for their career success.D. Susan He1togs book is met with unanimous applause.2. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A. West suffered from the breakdown of her family in childhood.B. There was enough evidence to prove Wests writing ability.C. West once wrote articles to criticize some well-known writers.D. West began to write a1ticles at a comparatively early age.3. Susan He1togs biography can be all the following EXCEPT _ .A. elaborate B. romantic C. imaginative D. narrative4. Thompson and West chose work over family because 一 一 一 A. they were afraid to become mediocre.C. the spotlights made them happy.B. they needed to b巳 conspicuous.D. they were tired of their family life.5. The best title for the passage is probably 一 一 一 ·A. Dangerous Ambition : Dorothy Thompson and Rebecca WestB. New Women in Search of Love and PowerC. Remarkable Dorothy Thompson and Rebecca WestD. Dorothy Thompson and Rebecca WestPassage Bln the grand scheme of things Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are normally thought of as good guys. Between them, they came up with the ethical theory known as utilitarianism. The goal of this theory is encapsulated in Benthams aphorism that “the greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation.“翻译硕士英语 第 3 页 共 7 页主It all sounds fine and dandy until you start applying it to paiticular cases. A util itarian, for example, might approve of the occasiona l torture of suspected terrorists for the greater happiness of everyone else, you understand. That type of observation has led Daniel Baitels at Columbia Univers让 ty and David Pizarro at Corractually do have a utilitar怆 n outlook on life. Their answers,just published in Cognition, are not comfortable .One of the classic techniques used to measure a persons willingness to behave in a utilitarian way is known as trol leyology.The subject of the study is challenged with thought experiments involving a runaway railway trolley or train carriage. All involve choices, each of which leads to peoples deaths. For example: there are five railway workmen in thepath of a runaway carriage. The men will surely be killed unless the subject of the experiment, a bystander in the story, does something. The subject is told he is on a bridge over the tracks. Next to him is a big, heavy stranger. The su均 ect is informed that his own body would be too light to stop the tr创 n, but that if he pushes the stranger onto the tracks, the strangers large body will stop the train and save the five lives. That, unfortunately, would kill the stranger.Dr. Bartels and Dr. Pizarro knew from previous research that around 90% of people refuse the utilitarian act of killing one individual to save five. What no one had previously inquired about, though, was the nature of the remaining 10%.To find out, the two researchers gave 208 undergraduates a battery of trolleyological te归 and measured, on a fou1币 oint scale, how utilitarian their responses were. Participants were also asked to respond to a series of statementsintended to get a sense of their individual psychologies . These statements included, “I like to see 币 st fights”,way to handle people is to t冠 ll them what they want to hear“, and “When you really think about it, l ife is not worth the effort of gtting up in the morning”.Each was asked to indicate, for each statement, where his views lay on a continuum that had “strongly agree“ at one end and “strongly disagree” at the other. These statements, and others like them, were designed to measure, respectively, psychopathy, Machiavel lianism and a person s sense of how meaning臼 I life is.Dr. Bartels and Dr. Pizarro then correlated the results from the trolleyology with those from the p创 ·sonality tests. They found a strong link between utilitarian answers to moral dilemmas (push the fat guy off the bridge) and personal ities that were psychopathic, Machiavellian or tended to view life as meaningless. Utilitarians, this suggests, may add to the sum of human happiness, but they are not very happy people themselves.That does not make utilitarianism wrong. Crafting legislation-one of the main things that Bentham and. Mill wanted to improve- inevitably involves ridi nl! roul!hshod over someones interests. Utilitarianism provides aplausible framework for deciding who should get trampled. The resu lts obtained by Dr. Ba,tels and Dr. Pizarro do, though, raise questions about the type of people who you want making the laws. Psychopathic, Machiavellian misanthropes? Apparently, yes.6. What function does the first sentence in the second paragraph serve?A. It further explains the theory of utilitarianism .B. It forms a cntrast to general cases of utilitarianism .C. It acts as the connecting link to bring up the theme.D. It gives an example to explain utilitarianism in particular ases.7. Which of the following statements is 卧 斗 CORRECT of the experiment?A. The su均 ect entered a hypnotic st创 e.B. Similar experiments had been done before.C. It found out something that is unknown to all.D. Trolleyology is a technique to analyze utilitarianism.8. The phrase “riding roughshod over” in the last paragraph probably means 一 一 一 一 ·A. reflecting upon B. resting upon C. trampl ing upon D. looking upon9. Psychopathic or Machiavellian people are expected to make the laws probably because 一 一 一 A. common people are tired of the current policy-makers.B. policy-making will be based on utilitarianism. C. they are good at making laws and policies .D. they are likely to bring up brand-new policies.翻 译 硕 士 英 语 第 4 页 共 7 页今第 5 页 共 7 页翻 译 硕 士 英 语I 0. The best title for the passage is 一 一 一 一 ·A. Utilitarian ism as Moral Philosophy.C. Utilitarian A Good Man?B. Util itarians Are Not Nice PeopleD. Utilitarianism and MoralitySec tion II Answer ing quest ions (20 point s, 2 poin ts.for each question)Directions: Read thefollowing twopassages and then answer IN COMPLETE SENTENCES the questions whichfollow each passage. Use only 均 formation from thepass ige you havejust read and write your answers on the answer sheet.Q ues ti ons I are base d on the fo llo w ing passage:This is not a good time to be foreign. Anti-immigrant patties are gaining ground in Europe. Britain has been fretting this week over lapses in its border controls. In America Barack Obama has failed to deliver the immigration reform he promised, and Republican presidential candidates would rather electrify the border fence with Mexico than educate the children of illegal aliens. America educates foreign scientists in its universities and then expels them, a policy the mayor of New York calls “national suicide”This illiberal tum in attitudes to migrati on is no surpri.se. It is the resul


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