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    暨南大学 2018 考研真题之 808 外国语言文学综合考试考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 I. Multiple choices. There are 20 questions in this part. Choose the best answer to each question. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. Both linguistics candidates and literature candidates must do this part. (20%) 1. There are altogether _ nations within the British Commonwealth nowadays.A. 45 B. 53 C. 55 D. 60 2. Christianity was first brought to England by _. A. the Romans B. the Celts C. the Anglo-Saxons D. the Danes 3. _ is not the reason for the very limited influence of Romans on Britain. A. That the Romans treated the Britons as a subject people of slave classB. That the Romans and Britons never intermarry during the four centuriesC. That the Romans did not like the BritonsD. That the Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons 4. England and Scotland are separated by _. A. the Thames River B. the Clyde River C. the Lough Neagh D. the Hadrians Wall 5. In 1337 the hostility between England and _ resulted in the Hundred Years War. A. France B. Spain C. Russian D. Ireland6. In Britain only about _ of the population are farmers but they manage 70% of the land area. A. 2% B. 3% C. 4% D. 5% 7. The goal of Roosevelts New Deal was to _. A. save the American economic and political system B. get America out of the depression C. weaken monopoly interests in America D. strengthen the power of the president 8. There are _ members in the Senate in the United States of America.A. 50 B. 73 C. 82 D. 100 9. Los Angeles, as one of the most attractive tourist spots, ranks _ as the place Americans most like to visit. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 10. _ is Americas leading center of heavy industry, which is most important in the production of motor vehicles and other transportation equipments. A. The Midwest B. The South C. The Mideast D. The North 11. The world famous Harvard University is in _. A. Maine B. Massachusetts C. New York D. Washington D.C. 12. _ of the American government has the power of final interpretation of the Constitution. A. The President B. The House of Representatives C. The Senate D. The Supreme Court 13. Quebec province in Canada has a strong _ culture. A. British B. German C. French D. Italian 14. The economic backbone of Canada includes _. A. agriculture B. entertainment industry C. fishing D. tourism 15. The Parliament of Canada is composed of _ and _. A. the House of Lords; the House of Commons B. the Senate; the House of Representative C. the Senate; the House of Commons D. the Senate; the House of Lords 16. _ first landed on Australia. A. Captain Cook B. Christopher Columbus C. Jacques Carter D. Willem Jansz17. In Australia, April 25th is known as _. A. Australian Day B. Anzac Day C. ANZUS D. Independence Day 18. A very important newspaper in New Zealand is _. A. Evening Post B. The Wall Street Journal C. The Globe and Mail D. The Sun 19. _ claimed that Australia and New Zealand belonged to Britain in 1770. A. Abel Tasman B. Christopher Columbus C. James Cook D. Amerigo Vespucci 20. Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because of _. A. Its shape B. its connection with Britain C. its abundant natural resources D. its rich green countryside II. Fill in the blanks with proper answers. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. Both linguistics candidates and literature candidates must do this part. (20%)1. Language is a means of _ communication. 2. A _ is a speech sound produced by a partial or complete closure of part of the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible friction. 3. Morphology studies the _ structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 4. Variable words may have _ changes as the same word may have different grammatical forms but part of the word remains relatively constant. 5. Word order refers to the _ arrangement of words in a language. 6. Sentences may be classified along the intersecting dimensions of structure and _. 7. The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to is known as the _ theory. 8. The idea that the meaning of a sentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined is known as the principle of _. 9. Psycholinguistics has its roots in _ linguistics on one hand, and in cognitive psychology on the other hand. 10. The sentence “Your claims are indefensible” is based on a metaphor “ARGUMENT IS WAR” in which ARGUMENT is conceptualized in terms of the _ domain of WAR. 11. William Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the English Renaissance. And of his great tragedies, _ is considered the summit of his art. 12. _s masterpiece Utopia is divided into two books: the first book discusses the social condition of England, and the second book describes an ideal communist society, Utopia.13. John Miltons _ tells how Satan rebelled against God and how Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden. The readers can easily discern the authors intention the exposure of reactionary forces of his time and passionate appeal for freedom. 14. Among the most impressive achievements of Victorian literature is the large-scale social-anatomy novel. George Eliots _ (1871-1872) is a distinguished instance in a group that includes Thackerays Vanity Fair, Dickens Bleak House, Mrs. Gaskells Wives and Daughters and Trollopes The Way We Live Now.15. _s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) is a story of the double personality in human nature and the struggle between the good and evil within a single person.16. With the active romanticists, symbolic pictures represent a vague idea of some future society; but with the escapists, these often take on a mystic colo, as revealed in _s The Ancient Mariner. 17. Washington Irvings “_” is a fantasy tale about a man who somehow steps outside the mainstream of lifehe goes to sleep before the War of Independence and wakes up after it, which reveals the narrators conservative attitude toward changes.18. Henry David Thoreaus _is a faithful record of his reflections when he was in solitary communion with nature, an eloquent indication that he not only embraced Ralph Waldo Emersons Transcendentalist philosophy but went even further to illustrate the pantheistic quality of nature. 19. African American literature attained to a higher degree of maturity in the spring of 1952 when _s Invisible Man which told an archetypal existential story of modern times was published. 20. J. D. Salinger wrote one novel, _, an influential book to come out of the postwar period. It depicts in eloquent language an adolescents disgust and despair at the fallen state of the adult world around him.III. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. Both linguistics candidates and literature candidates must do this part. (10%)Section A: Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False. If it is true, write T and if it is false, write F. 1. There are many languages in todays world that can only be spoken, but not written. 2. Human beings are capable of making all kinds of sounds and make them systematic.3. In most cases, the number of syllables of a word corresponds to the number of morphemes. 4. The external syntax of a construction refers to the properties of the construction as a part of whole. 5. The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its grammar and uses of vocabulary. Section B: Give the author's name and indicate the genre of the following works.6. King Lear 7. To the Lighthouse 8. “Of Studies“ 9. “The Fall of the House of Usher“ 10. Leaves of Grass IV. Choose SIX from the following terms and explain them briefly. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (30%) 1. displacement2. manner of articulation 3. allomorph 4. endocentric construction5. metonymy 6. entailment 7. American Naturalism8. Gothic novel9. ballads10. Local Colorism11. Stream of Consciousness12. symbol V. Answer the following questions: Section A for linguistics candidates and Section B for literature candidates. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40%)Section A:1. Do you agree that duality is one of the important design features of human language? 2. What is the relationship between phonetics and phonology? 3. Identify the syntactic categories of the words in the following sentences first. Then draw a tree diagram for each of them.


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