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    浙江工商大学 2018 年 全 国 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 试 卷 ( A ) 卷考试科目 : 211 翻译硕士英语 总 分 : (100 分 考试时间 : 3 小时I.Vocabula and Structure (30 分 ) ( 60 min utes ) Section A: Muitipie Choice (每小题 0.5 分 , 共 20 分 )Directions: There G陀 40 sentences in this section. Complete them by choosing the bestfrom thefour lternatives.陈子ite your answer on the Answer sheet.1. I could hear nothing but the roar of the airplane engines which 一 一 all other sounds.A. overturned B. drowned C. deafened D. smoothed2. Susan has 一 一 一 the elbows of her sonsjacket with leather patches to make it more durable.A. reinforced B. sustained C. steadied D. confirmed3. Although we tried to concentrate on the lecture, we were 一 一 一 by the noise from the next room.A. dis仕 acted B. displaced C. dispersed D. discarded4. The reason why so many children like to eat this new brand of biscuit is that it is particularly sweet andA. fragile B. feeble C. brisk D. crisp5. Dont trust the speaker any more, since the remarks he made in his lecture are never 一 一一 with the facts.A. symmetrical B. comparative C. compatible D. harmonious6. They had to eat a( 叫 一 一 一 一 meal, or they would be too late for the concert.A. temporary B. hasty C. immediate D. urgent7. Having a(n) 一 一 一 attitude towards people with different ideas is an indication that o口 e has been well educated.A. analytical B. bearable C. elastic D. tolerant8. No form of government in the world is 一 一 一 : each system reflects the history and presents needs of theregion or nation.A. dominant B. influential C. integral D. drastic9. In spite of the 一 一 一 一 economic forecast, manufacturing output has risen slightly.A. faint B. dizzy C. gloomy D. opaq ue10. Too o丘 en Dr. Johnsons lectures 一一一 how to protect the doctor rather than how to cure the patient.11.12. Some felt that they were hurrying into an epoch of unprecedented enlightenment, in which better education and beneficial technology would 一 一 一 wealth and leisure for all.A. maintain B. ensure C. ce时ify D. console13. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations 一 一 一 一 一 ·A.homogeneously B. spontaneously C. simultaneously D. ingeniously14. Excellent films are those which national and culture barriers.A. transcend B. traverse C. abolish D. suppress答案写在答题纸上 , 写 在 试 卷 上 无 效 第 l 页 共 8 页A. loot to B. dwell onLocated in Washington D.C., the LibrC. permeate into D. shrug offary of Congress contains an impressive 一 一 of books on everyconceivable subject.A. flock B. configuration C. pile D. arrayA “ 1 A15. The law of supply and demand will eventually take care of a shortage or 一 一 一 一 of dentists.A. surge B. surplus C. flush D. fluctuation16. One third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, 一 一 一 一 in the San Francisco area.A. remarkably B. severely C. drastically D. predominantly17. After the terrible accident, I discovered that my ear becoming less 一 一 一 一 A. sensible B. sensitive C. sentimental D. sensational18. Now the cheers and applause 一 一 一 in a single sustained roar.rl. .1111且 也 lvU D. tangled C.baffled D. huddled19. Among all the public holidays, National Day seems to be the most joyful to the people of the count; on that day the whole country is 一 一 一 一 in a festival atmosphere.A. trapped B. sunk C. soaked D. immersed20. The wooden cases must be secured by overall metal strapping so that they can be strong enough to stand rough handling during 一 一 一 一 A. transit B. motion C. shift D. traffic21. Nowadays many rural people flock to the city to look for jobs in the assumption that streets there are 一 一 一 一with gold.A. overwhelmed B. stocked C. paved D. overlapped22. It is a well-known fact that the cat family 一 一 一 一 lions and tigers.A. enriches B. accommodates C. adopts D. embraces23. My boss has failed me so many times that I no longer place any 一 一 一 一 on what he promises.A. assurance B. probability C. reliance D. conformity24. The English language contains a 一 一 of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.A. latitude B. multitude C. magnitude D. longitude25. It was such a(n) 一 一 一 一 when Pat and Mike met each other in Tokyo. Each thought that the other was still in Hong Kong.A. occurrence B. coincidence C. fancy D. destiny26. With all this work on hand, he 一 一 一 out to play with his 企iend last night.A. mustnt goC. could not goB. wouldnt have goneD. shouldnt have gone27. Do you know by the time that you leave school your parents 一 一 一 一 $6000 on your education?A. will have spent B. will spendC. will be spending D. have spent28. They bought the house near the beach with a view 一 一 一 一 一 there when they retired.A. to move. B. for moving. C. of moving29. Suppose he never 一 一 一 一 ! What would happen?D. to movingA. come B. c创 1e C. will come D. would come30. Such mushrooms are rare; they cannot be found 一 一 一 一 in the world.A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere31. Being an efficient person, he 一 一 一 一 shopping on Sunday because the streets are full of cars and people.A. is strongly opposed to goingC. strongly opposesB. strong opposes against to goD. is strongly opposes to go32. He tends to criticize everybody and even 一 一 一 his good friends.A. come cross B. takes on C. gets off D. runs down答案写在答题纸上 , 写 在 试 卷 上 无 效 第 2 页 共 8 页33. There was no manA. whoadmired him for his success in his career.B. but C. that D. whom34. I would never have encouraged you to be majored in Finance and Economics 一 一 一 it would be so stressfulto you.A. had I known B. and had I knownC. should I known D. but I knew35. Many of the current international problems the world is now facing 一 一 一 一 ·A. misunderstanding between each otherB. are the result of misunderstandingC. are because of not understanding themselvesD. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other36. People hope that the scientists and the doctors will be able to 一 一 一一 the “incurable” disease ve soon.A. wear out B. put out C. wipe out D. tum out37. San Francisco is usually cool inthe summer, but Los Angeles 一 一 一 一 ·A. rarely is B. is rarely C. hardly is · D. is hardly38. Teaching and learning are the parts of the s缸 ne educational experience, but unfortunately they are often thought of 一 一 一 一 一 separate.A. as if B. being C. as D. like39. That e对 1ibit was 一 一 一 一 work of art that everyone wanted to have a look at it.A. such unusualC. so unusualB. such an unusualD. a so unusual40. The professor and his students set up a co叩 oration, borrowed money, and purchased a run-down house, the pu叩 ose 一 一 一 一 is to practice self-reliance by renovating it.A. to it B. to which C. that D. of whichSection B: Error correction (每小题 1 分 , 共 10 分 )Dir肌 : tions: Thefollowing pass ge contins ten errors, with one error in ech line. Pie se proofre d the p SS gend correct it in thefollowing w v. Writeyour answer on the Answer Sheet.line.For a wrong word, underline this wrong word and write its correct one in the blank provided at the end of theFor a missing word, mark its position with a “” and write this missing word in the blank provided at the endof the line.ExampleWhen 八 art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) Bit buys things in且 旦 i§hi旦 在 form and hangs them on the wall.(2) 也 担 坠 且For most men, talk is prima叩a means to preserve independence (41) and negotiate and maintain status in hierarchical social order. This (42) is done to exhibit knowledge and skill, and by holding center stage答案写在答题纸上 , 写 在 试 卷 上 无 效(43) 第 3 页 共 8 页through verbal performance such as story-telling, joking, conveying (44) information. From childhood, men learn to use talking in a way to get (45) and keep_attention. Therefore, they are more comfortably speaking (46) in large groups made up of people they know less well, in the broadest (47) sense, “public speaking . But even the most private situations must be (48) approached like public speaking, more than giving a report than (49) establishing rapport, which is quite different from the situation formost women when even the most public situations can be approached (50) like private speaking.II. Reading Comprehensions (40 分 )Section A: Multiple Choice (每小题 2 分 , 共 30 分 )(60 min utes )Directions: Read the following three passages and conlete the questions ifter them by choosing the best from thefour alternlives. Writeyour nswer on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Few companies are as creative as Google, which serves up innovations almost as fast 出 its popular search- engine serves up results. This week the firm unveiled a new version of its Chrome web browser and launched Fast Flip, which lets users scroll through the contents of an on-line newspaper in much the same way that they leaf through its pages in print. On September 301h the company will roll out another new product, Google Wave, for a test involving some 100,000 people. Billed 出 a revolutionary way to collaborative online, Wave is also the product of a new, more structured approach to innovation within the company.For years Google has had a fairly informal product-development system. Ideas penetrated upwards from Googlers without any formal process for senior managers to review them. Teams working on innovative stuff were generally kept small. Such a system worked fairly well while Google was in its infancy. But now that it is a giant with 20,000 employees, the firm risks stifling potential money叩inners with an increasing bureaucracy.To stop that happening, Google has begun to hold regular meetings at which employees are encouraged to present new ideas to Eric Schmidt, the firms chief executive, and Larry Page and Sergey Brin, its co-founders. It has also given some projects more resources and independence than in the past. Both moves are designed to ward off the conservatism that can set in as companies mature. “We are actively trying to prevent middle-agedom, ” explains Mr. Schmidt.Google Wave has benefited from this anti-aging treatment. The new software allows people to create shared content that is hosted on Googles se阿 ers online, or “in the cloud”. When they open Google Wave, users see three columns on their screens. The left-handed one contains users folders and address books, while the middle columnis a list of “waves“ - online conversations users have initiated or signed up to. Clicking on a wave displays itscontents in the right-hand column. People can post text, photos, web feeds and other things into a wave and exchange comments with one another instantly.The software excites tech folk, some of whom reckon it poses a threat to 沁 1icrosoft s SharePointcollaboration package. Inside Google the project has generated much enthusiasm too, plus some controversy. The Wave team deliberately distanced itself from Googles headquarters, choosing to be based in the company s答案写在答题纸上 , 写 在 试 卷 上 无 效 第 4 页 共 8 页合 ·n白 LVm6ba户 vsun r、 ,郎 、mmSydney office. And it insisted that its work be kept secret for a long time so its initial idea was not subject to picky criticism. Some Googlers felt this was a betrayal of the firms open culture. “Not everyone inside the company thought that this was upper cool, ” admits Lars R出 mussen, one of the two brothers leading the project, which was allowed to recruit dozens of software engineers to his ranks.That has not affected Googles enthusiasm for creating more such teams. Mr. Schmidt wants the number to grow from a dozen or so to perhaps 50. The challenge, he says, is to find leaders with the quality of Mr. Rasmussen, who previously worked on an initiative that evolved into the successful Google Maps.Some Google-watchers see a much bigger challenge. “Uoogle has been master fi.11 at coming up with a lot of ideas, but none of them has matured to become something that moves the revenue needle, ” says Gene Munster of Piper Ja佳 町 , an investment bank. In fairness to the company, that is partly because many of its popularinnovations, such as Gmail, have been given away to boost search-related advertising, which accounts for almost all of Googles revenues. But search has been suffering in the recession: in the second quarter of 2009 Googles revenues were $5.5 billion, barely 3% higher than the same period in 2008. Its time that the company needs tofind new ideas that can make a splash.51. Which of the following statements is true about Googles products mentioned in this passage?A. Chrome web browser imitates the way people leaf through real newspaper.B. Google Wave offers a platfo口 口 to exchange information among users.C. The originality of Google Maps comes from Mr. Schmidt.D. Gmail, which boost search-related advertising, is popular and profitable.52. Who of the following would probably hold a negative attitude towards Google Wave?A. Larry Page. B. Tech fold. C. Some Googlers. D. Lars Rasmussen.53. According to the passage, which of the following is the challenge that Google is confronted with?A. Its product-development system is not very formal.B. Few Googlers are devoted to making innovations.C. Every new idea will meet criticism inside and outside the company.D. Few ideas can make profits for the company in the recession.54. This passage mainly talks about Googles一 一 一 一 ·B. product-development systemD. search-related advertising55. Which category of writing does this passage belong to?A. Description.C. Exposition.B. Narration.C. Argumentation.Passage 2Itzik Galili really is an artist of the floating world. Born in Israel in 1961, he moved to Amsterdam when he was 30 and is shaping up as one of Europes most idiosyncratic choreographers. Mr. Galili holds dual Israeli and Dutch citizenship. He has three children in Israel and visits them every ten days. In addition to his native Hebrew, he also speaks good English and Dutch.Mr. Galili is highly regarded in Netherlands. Marking the tenth anniversary of the founding of his company, Galili Dance, a new show, “Heads or Tales”, has been receiving enthusiastic review as it tours the country. Fiercely contemporary, “Heads or Tales“ is full of gorgeous imagery, compelling ensemble work and aesting soles. One thing it is not, though, is balletic. Scenes include a naked man being showered with bits of paper, mendoing the pogo, and a man and woman engaged in tentative ballet while conducting a dialogue about genocide.答案写在答题纸上 , 写 在 试 卷 上 无 效 第 5 页 共 8 页t ·la obv 饲 uv LA CMr. Galilis artistic style is confrontational: athletic, unsentimental and often witty. He claims not to be specifically political, believing that politics and choreography rarely sit well together. But in “ For Heavens Sake”, a powerful piece that he first


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