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    浙江工商大学 2018 年硕士研究生入学考试试卷 ( A ) 卷考试科目 : 820 翻译与写作 总分 : 150 分 考试时间 : 3 小时Part One. Translation (80 分 /150):I.Translate the Following English into Chinese (20 分 ) :If success were easy, wed all be millionaires . In my case, it came in the midst of family “trauma” and indeed, “crisis”.Our late son, Giles, was an only child, a beautiful, contented baby. And then, at two and a half, like a changeling in a fairy story, he lost the little speech that hehad and turned into a wild, unmanageable toddler.Not the terrible twos; he was profoundly autistic and he never spoke again. Giles was th号 first resident in the first house of the first charity that I set up to pioneer services for autism. And then theres been a groundbreaking Prior s Court school for pupils with autism and a medical research charity, again, all for autism.Because whenever I found a gap in services, I tried to hel p. r like doing new things andmaking new things happen. And Ive just started a three鹏 year think tank for autism.2. Translate the Following Chinese into English (20 分 ) :夜 , 款款地来到高原 上 。 人儿回家了 , 鸟儿归巢了 , 辽阔的台地在夜幕的笼罩 下显得那 么宁静 , 好像从这里发出的任何细微的声波都会直达上苍 , 震得天上的星斗颤悠悠地摇晃一 下 , 并收回 一 些 民 短不齐的光芒 。夜是安静的 , 然 而 也 是 生 动 的 。 狗 儿 活 跃 起 来 了 , 他 们 悄 然 无 声 地 沿 着 院 子 围 墙 跑 着 , 不时地停下来支支耳朵 , 细 察 来 自 远 近 的 一 切 动 静 , 履 行 保 卫 主 人 的 职 责 。 鼠 儿 活 跃 起 来 了 , 不放过任何机会地往窝里拉拽着大意的人们没有安放好的食物 , 尽 量 避 免 发 出任何声响。猫 儿也活跃起来了 , 它 们 藏 好 了 身 子 , 然 而 耳 朵 和 眼 睛 都 在 紧 张 地 工 作 着 , 伺 机 捕 捉 这 些 夜 里 活 动 的 窃 贼 。3. Translate the Following Business English into Chinese (20 7女 ) :Dum ping is the sale of goods for export at prices below those set i n the prod ucers market. Dumping may prop up domestic prices in the export.ers country whi le assuring the uti lization of excess manufacturing capacity. Sometimes dumpi ng is used simply to gain or retain a foothold ina foreign market. Both dumping and subsidized exports are considered unfair trade competition. Third-world nations allege that dumping is used to keep their home industries from developing. The word dumping has another connotation as well. 1t is sometimes used in connection with the export of product that is banned for sale in the exporting country. Outdated food, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and veterinary products which cannot be sold domestically might be dumped in the export market. Toys banned because of the hazard they present to children, pesticides and herbicides found damaging to the environment, are sometimes sold for export.答案写在答题纸上 ,写在试卷上无效 第 1 页 共 3 页4. Please Translate the Following Business Chinese 坦 to English (20 分 ) :当 前 , 世 界 经 济 复 苏 乏 力 , 贸 易 和 投 资 持 续 低 迷 , 传 统 增 长 引 擎 对 经 济 的 拉 动 作 用 减 弱 , 新的经济增长点仍未形成 。 在 这 种 形 势 下 , 最 迫 切 的 任 务 是 引 领世界经济走出困境 。 中 国 推 进 “ 一带一路 ” 建设 , 就 是 要 聚 焦 发 展 这 个 根 本 性 问 题 , 释 放 各 国 发 展 潜 力 , 实 现 世 界 经 济 大融合 、 发 展 大 联 动 、 成 果 大 共 享 。 “ 带 一 路 ” 建设有利于充分发挥各国比较优势 , 扩 大 利益汇合点 , 培 育 发 展 新 动 能 , 促 进 各 国 经 济 耍 素 有 序 自 由 流 动 , 增 强 全 球 经 济 增 长 活 力 。 未来 5 年 , 中国将进口超过 8 万亿美元的商品 , 对 外 宦 接 投 资 将 超 过 7500 亿美元 。 其 中 ,将从沿线国家迸口 2 万亿美元的商品 , 对 沿 线 国 家 投 资 1500 亿美元 。 这 将 为 各 国 发 展 带 来 巨大商机 ePart Two. Writing (70 分 /150):1. Read the Following Passage and Write a Commenta ry on Post-2020 Vii on of APEC. You Are Required 臼 Express Your Viewpoints Clearly and Logically within 300 Words (30 分 ) :APEC Members to Draw Post-2020 Vision TogetherIn 1994, members of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) set a goal of liberalizing trade and investment among the developed economies by 2010 and developing economies by 2020, better known as the Bogor Goals.Over the past 20-plus years, the APEC members, though varied in development levels, have accomplished a lot in lowering tariffs, eliminating trade barriers, liberalizing trade and facilitating investments by taking the Bogor Goals as a guideline.Data shows that trade in goods in the Asia-Pacific region has witnessed a quadruple grnwth, while the absorbing foreign capital and outbound investment in th巳 region soared by 600 percent.Thanks to closer economic and trade ties a1丑 ong the APEC member people ther巳 are living a much mor巳 decent life.The members are now eager to prepare for a post-2020 blueprint by finding out new directions and drawing out new roadmap as the year of 2020 is now around the corner.The 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting hosted by China three years ago provid巳d enlightenment for the long-term development of APEC mechanism.Chinese President Xi Jinping, at the 2014 meeting, stressed that it meets the common interests of all members to foster an open ·economy in the Asia-Pacific featuring innovative development, interconnected growth and converging interests.To realize the goal, he urged the big APEC family to work together to build an Asia-Pacific partnership of mutual trust, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win progress, saying that this will inject new energy into the economic development of both the Asia-Pacific and the world. The Beijing meeting fell in the 25th ann iversary of APEC and 20th birthday of Bogor Goals.Xi urged the mem bers to fulfi ll “Asia-Pacific dream” by redoubl ing efforts to forge apartnership of mutual trust, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation. The blueprint envisaged by him is of great value for APEC cooperation.Vietnam, host of this year s meeting, has selected post-2020 vision as a key agenda. In orderto ensure that APEC members could reach consensus on new vision before 2020, exchanges will be organized and working group is expected to be set up to draft a report.The “Asia-Pacific dream” can also find an echo from the Chinese Dream . The Asia“Pacificregion wi ll enjoy new impetus brought by Chinas efforts to secure a decisive victory i n building a答案写在答题纸上 , 写 在 试 卷 上 无 效 第 2 页 共 3 页moder a socialist China.Starting from the reality, China will, guided by the Asia-Pacific partnership, explore thepost-2020 vision together with other APEC members by bearing a far-sighted horizon, taking all factors into consideration and pooling consensus.2. Write an Essay within 400 Words on the Following Topic (40 分 ) :What on Earth Is Wrong wi th the Chinese Higher Education System?Its a pity that a白 : er three years of excitement, fun and mind-blowing experiences in China, Jimilaoshi, a blogge飞 recentl y made a hard decision to leave and not study a doctorate program in China anymore. Among the reasons Jimilaoshi cited were he couldnt understand the cramming methods of teaching in Chinese university and “too psitive ” textbooks . Furthermo1飞 the culture that has been growing among Chinese scholars and students really bugs him.答案写在答题纸上 ,写在试卷上无效 第 3 页 共 3 页


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