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    欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 1 页 共 34 页)1广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2018 年 考试科目代码及名称:613-英语水平考试(自命题) 适用专业:050201 英语语言文学友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!一、 Cloze 完形填空(30 题,每题 1 分,共 30 分)Passage OneDear Miss Brown,Thank you for your letter of 5 October, concerning faulty goods purchased in our store in Basingstoke.I am very sorry indeed that you were not satisfied with the celebration chocolates that you bought from our store. I can 1 your disappointment when you discovered that the chocolates were not as shown on the 2 and were, in 3 , all the same shape.Our company is always trying to improve the 4 of its merchandise, and we are very unhappy when one of our products does not 5 satisfaction.The manufacturers of our chocolates have 6 guidelines for production, which should 7 instances such as this from happening. Obviously our checking and packing procedures were not 8 , and we will discuss this with the manufacturers.In the 9 , I regret the disappointment you were 10 . As a gesture of goodwill, I have pleasure in refunding the 11 of the chocolates, and enclose a gift voucher that you can 12 in our Basingstoke branch.Thank you for bringing this matter to our 13 . I hope any future purchases you may 14 at our stores will be up to our 15 high standards.Yours sincerely,A N FergusonA N FergusonCustomer Relations1. A. know B. distinguish C. understand D. recognise2. A. packaging B. layer C. parcel D. envelope3. A. point B. fact C. honesty D. detail4. A. worth B. goodness C. quality D. grade5. A. meet B. supply C. present D. give6. A. straight B. pure C. immediate D. clear欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 2 页 共 34 页)27. A. prevent B. avoid C. forbid D. contain8. A. followed B. admitted C. confirmed D. engaged9. A. while B. meantime C. period D. space10. A. brought B. caused C. effected D. produced11. A. cost B. money C. amount D. bill12. A. employ B. operate C. apply D. use13. A. view B. attention C. sight D. regard14. A. move B. have C. make D. do15. A. ordinary B. usual C. common D. naturalPassage TwoDuring the last year, we announced the significant expansion of our plastic sheeting plant in Malaysia, which, together with the acquisition of the Indonesian factory, will approximately double the Groups manufacturing 16. The cost of this development is within 17 and will be approximately $5.6m, of which $2.7m was incurred during the previous year. It is on schedule to 18 increasing volumes from October this year. Following the 19 of plastic tubing manufacture from Germany to Thailand, we have effectively doubled the capacity of this facility at an 20cost of $12m. The project is set to cost less than the original 21 and is on target for increased production by June next year. In February, we announced our 22 to sell our factory in Ireland. This decision is in line with the Groups strategy of 23 on our core categories of branded products. In June, we announced investment in a new state-of-the-art UK manufacturing facility for specialist plastic components. This facility will be 24by the middle of next year and will increase the Groups capacity to manufacture products efficiently in-house. At the same time it will 25 about 200 new jobs in an area of high unemployment. The factory is to cost approximately $24m, towards which government 26of up to $4m are already available. Sadly, as part of this move, we announced the 27 of our Blackburn facility, which is due to take place in the early part of next year.As part of our commitment to effective external communications with all our stakeholders, in October we 28 the corporate website, which is now providing up-to-date information on the Group, and we look forward to receiving 29from users of the site. Existing product websites are now in the 30of being redesigned as part of the global rebranding strategy.16 A output B yield C total D mass17 A budget B income C account D fund18 A forward B transfer C advance D deliver19 A replacement B rearranging C relocation D redistribution20. A aimed B imagined C accepted D expected21. A guess B judgment C estimate D conviction22 A focus B object C intention D purpose欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 3 页 共 34 页)323 A concentrating B planning C attending D directing24 A running B implementing C executing D organizing25 A appoint B result C employ D create26 A scholarships B grants C allocations D gifts27 A finish B closure C ending D conclusion28 A dispatched B prompted C launched D effected29 A attitude B approach C outlook D feedback30 A practice B progress C process D procedure二、 Proofreading and error correction 改错题 (15 题,每题2 分,共 30 分)Market Research1. Market research involves in collecting and sorting facts and opinions from specific groups2. of people. The purpose of research can vary from discover the popularity of a political3. party to assessing whether is a product needs changing or replacing. Most work in4. consumer research involves interviewers employing by market research agencies, but5. certain industrial and social research is carried out by any specialist agencies. Interviews6. may be with individuals or groups and can last anything as from a few minutes to an hour or7. more. In some interviews, people may be asked to examine or try out products after8. giving up their opinion. Successful interviewers tend to like meeting people and should not9. only be shy of addressing strangers. Interviewers are usually expected to work10. unsupervised, organizing their own workload. Self-discipline is absolutely essential, and11. as are motivation and energy. There are no specific age limits for such a work, though12. many agencies prefer to employ older applicants with experience of meeting people.13. Market research agencies which frequently organize training, where trainees learn how to14. recognize socio-economic groups and practice approaching to the public. For information15. on market research training and qualifications, contract the Market Research Association.三、 Gap-filling 选词填空题(15 题,每题 2 分,共 30 分)It isn't just the beer that 1 to beer bellies. It could also be the extra calories, fat and unhealthy eating choices that may come with 2 drinking.A recent study found that men consume an 3 433 calories (equivalent to a McDonald's double cheeseburger) on days they drink a moderate amount of alcohol. About 61% of the caloric 4 comes from the alcohol itself. Men also report eating higher amounts of saturated fats and meat,and less fruit and milk, on those days than on days when they aren't drinking, the study showed.欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 4 页 共 34 页)4Women fared a bit better,taking in an extra 300 calories on moderate-drinking days,from the alcohol and eating fattier foods. But women's increase in calories from additional eating wasn't statistically significant, the study said.'Men and women 5 less healthily on days they drank alcohol, 'said Rosalind Breslow, an epidemiologist with the federal National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and lead author of the study. 'Poorer food choices on drinking days have public-health 6,' she said.The findings dovetail with controlled lab studies in which 7 generally eat more food after consuming alcohol. Researchers suggest that alcohol may enhance 'the short-term rewarding effects' of consuming food,according to a 2010 report in the journal Physiology those attending are expected to study it carefully and should be prepared to both ask and answer questions. Managers are best employed carrying out tasks directly connected with their jobs not attending endless meetings. In business, time is money and spending it in needless meetings that dont achieve anything can be very costly. Executives should follow the example of lawyers and put a cost on each hour of their time and then decide whether attending a long meeting really is the best way to spend their time.”11. What do most managers think about meetings? A. Meetings take up most of their working life.B. Meetings allow them to monitor decision-making.C. Meetings prevent them from establishing a routine.D. Meetings are the only way they know of achieving certain objectives. 12. According to the writer, an example of a valuable meeting is one whichA. allows colleagues to achieve a better working relationship.B. requires managers to discuss staffing needs with personnel.C. selects a suitable group of people to work together as a team.D. encourages staff to present ideas on improvements in management.13. According to the writer the agenda is important because it A. is seen by everybody before the meeting.B. helps to give direction to the discussions.C. contains items of interest to all those present.D. shows who should speak at each stage of the meeting.14. The writer says that people leaving a well organized meeting will understand A. the reason for their invitation to attend.B. how the decisions taken were relevant to them.


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