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    天 津 商 业 大 学 2018 年 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 试 题专 业 : 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学课 程 名 称 : 语 言 学 及 翻 译 ( 804) 共 8 页 第 1 页说 明 : 答 案 标 明 题 号 写 在 答 题 纸 上 , 写 在 试 题 纸 上 的 无 效 。Part I Linguistics (100 marks)I. Studying linguistics, we have come across a lot of technicalterms, some of which are listed below. Please write out themost acceptable definitions for each of them. (10 %)a) language; b) linguistics; c) morphology: d) duality;e) intercultural communication: f) sociolect; g) syntax;h) synonyms; i) pragmatics; j) speech communityII. Studying linguistics we have been acquainted with manylinguists, five of whom are listed below. Write out a phrasethat may best represent their contributions to linguistics.( 10%)a) Edward Sapir; b) Noam Chomsky; c) M.A. K. Hallidayb) d) H. P. Grice; e) Leonard Bloomfield专 业 : 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学课 程 名 称 : 语 言 学 及 翻 译 ( 804) 共 8 页 第 2 页III. Linguistics as a specified discipline has its own technicalways of operation. Try to fill the blanks to demonstrate yourtechnical sense of linguistics. (15%)1. Please give the corresponding sound segments according to thedescriptions:voiceless labiodental fricative: a)_;voiced alveolar stop: b)_front, close, short: c)_2. Prescriptive and descriptive represent two different types oflinguistic study. If a linguistic study aims to describe and analyzethe language people actually use, it is said to bed)_; if the linguistic study aims to lay down rulesfor “correct and standard” behavior in using language, i.e. to tellpeople what they should say and what they should not say, it issaid to be e)_ . Modern linguistics is mostlyf)_.3. What functions does language perform? Three main functions areoften recognized of language. The g)_ function, alsoreferred to differently as the cognitive, or referential, orpropositional function, is assumed to be the primary function oflanguage. The h)_ function, also called the专 业 : 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学课 程 名 称 : 语 言 学 及 翻 译 ( 804) 共 8 页 第 3 页emotive or attitudinal function, supplies information about the usersfeelings, preferences, prejudices, and values. And thei)_ function, also referred to as the interpersonalfunction, serves to establish and maintain social relations betweenpeople.4. There are 4 maxims in Cooperative Principle, namely, the maximof j)_, the maxim of k)_,the maxim ofl)_and the maxim of manner.5. Over the time many words remain in use, but their meanings havechanged. There are three processes of semantic change, namelysemantic m)_, (when the meaning of a wordbecomes broader, for example, the word holiday, which originallymeant “holy day” or “a day of religious significance”, but now itsignifies any day on which people dont have to work); semanticn)_(when the semantic change has narrowed themeaning of some words which are still used in Modern English, forexample , girl, once meaning “young person of either sex”, nowrefers to “young person of the female sex”) and semantic o)_ (when a word undergoes a change in meaning, forexample, the word inn refers to a small hotel or pub, usually an oldone, but now a well-known nice hotel may use inn as its name).专 业 : 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学课 程 名 称 : 语 言 学 及 翻 译 ( 804) 共 8 页 第 4 页IV. To be a student of linguistics, it is important to develop asense of critical thinking. Please answer the followingquestions to demonstrate your critical potentials. (35%)1. Language exists in time and changes through time. Thedescription of a language at some point of time in history is asynchronic study; the description of a language as it changesthrough time is a diachronic study. Which approach enjoyspriority in modern linguistics?And why?2. The distinction between langue and parole was made in the early20th century. Why was this distinction made?3. The classic semantic triangle was suggested by Ogden andRichards to explain the relationship between words and things.What is the shortcoming of this triangle?4. First consider the following sentence:Tom is rich but he is not greedy.Then answer the question: what conventional implicature canyou get about rich people from this utterance? And which word (orwords) helps you get such an implicature?专 业 : 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学课 程 名 称 : 语 言 学 及 翻 译 ( 804) 共 8 页 第 5 页5. First read the following passage:Tianjin to start winter heating early as cold front continuesXinhua | Updated: 2017-10-30 15:5TIANJIN - North China's city of Tianjin turn on its central heatingWednesday, 15 days earlier than in previous years, to combat a coldfront affecting the region.The city government made the announcement Monday.Temperatures in Tianjin have dropped nearly 20 due to the recentcold front, and the chilly weather has been accompanied by strongwinds.The city has adjusted the time to turn on the central heating severaltimes in the past.Then try to analyze the passage in terms of field of discourse, tenorof discourse and mode of discourse.专 业 : 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学课 程 名 称 : 语 言 学 及 翻 译 ( 804) 共 8 页 第 6 页V. Write two short essays on the following topics to demonstrateyour potential of doing linguistics. (30%)1. Read the following passage first and then try to compare thedifferences in addressing between Chinese and English-speakingpeople.In many English-speaking countries, people address each otherby just using their first names, e.g. Tom, Michael, Ellen, or Sophie.This is particularly true in the United States, where equality isgreatly valued on different levels of social life. Therefore, it is notstrange for a student to call his or her teachers by their first name ora mother-in-law to be called in the same way by her daughter-in-law,although some seniors may prefer to be called by their surname.2. The following two passages will reveal how language can vary inthe degree of formality:PassageA:It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in thelibrary has been declining alarmingly. Students are asked to remindthemselves of the rules for the borrowing and return of books, and tobear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue bookswill in the future be strictly enforced.专 业 : 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学课 程 名 称 : 语 言 学 及 翻 译 ( 804) 共 8 页 第 7 页Passage BThe number of books in the library has been going down. Pleasemake sure you know the rules for borrowing, and dont forget thatthe library is for everyones convenience. So from now on, weregoing to enforce the rules strictly.You have been warned!Passage A is obviously more formal than Passage B. Nowplease compare the two passages and try to point out, with examples,what makes Passage Amore formal.Part II Translation (50 points)VI. Please translate the following passage into Chinese. (25points)With decades of hard work, socialism with Chinesecharacteristics has crossed the threshold into a new era. This is a newhistoric juncture in Chinas development. This is what socialismwith Chinese characteristics entering a new era means: The Chinesenation, which since modern times began had endured so much for solong, has achieved a tremendous transformationit has stood up,grown rich, and become strong; and it now embraces the brilliantprospects of rejuvenation. It means that scientific socialism is full ofvitality in 21st century China, and that the banner of socialism withChinese characteristics is now flying high and proud for all to see. Itmeans that the path, the theory, the system, and the culture ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics have kept developing, blazing专 业 : 外 国 语 言 学 及 应 用 语 言 学课 程 名 称 : 语 言 学 及 翻 译 ( 804) 共 8 页 第 8 页a new trail for other developing countries to achieve modernization.It offers a new option for other countries and nations who want tospeed up their development while preserving their independence;and it offers Chinese wisdom and a Chinese approach to solving theproblems facing mankind.VII. Please translate the following passage into English. (25points)孔 子 学 院 (Confucius Institute) 是 中 国 在 世 界 各 地 设 立 的 教育 和 文 化 交 流 机 构 。 推 广 汉 语 、 传 播 中 国 文 化 是 设 立 该 机 构 的 目的 。 孔 子 学 院 最 重 要 的 一 项 工 作 就 是 给 世 界 各 地 的 汉 语 学 习 者 提供 标 准 的 教 材 以 及 正 规 的 汉 语 学 习 渠 道 。 全 球 首 家 孔 子 学 院 于2004年 在 韩 国 首 尔 (Seoul)成 立 , 目 前 已 遍 布 106个 国 家 。 孔 子 学院 有 力 地 推 动 了 中 国 文 化 与 各 国 文 化 的 交 流 与 融 合 。


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