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    # 单词 解释1 latest adjective nounCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1 2 3 4Phrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus exampleslatest1 /letst, letst/ adjective only before nounthe most recent or the newest:all the latest gossipHis latest film is one of the funniest hes ever made.adjective nounCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesActivator 1Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entrieslatest2 noun1 the latest informal the most recent or newest thingthe latest inWednesdays session was the latest in a series of planningmeetings.the latest in . technology/equipment (=the most modernequipment)using the latest in medical technology2 at the latest no later than the time mentioned:I should be back by 11 o'clock at the latest.2 accepted Collocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplesaccepted /kseptd, kseptd/ adjectiveWord familyconsidered right or suitable by most people:Having more than one wife is a normal and accepted practice in somecountries.generally/widely/universally etc acceptedgenerally accepted principles of fairness and justice3 alleged Collocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplesalleged /ledd/ adjective only before noun formalan alleged crime, fact etc is one that someone says has happened oris true, although it has not been provedalleged offence/crime/incident etctheir alleged involvement in international terrorismThe alleged victim made the complaint at a police station in York.4 argue out argue out argues out; arguing out; argued outPHR-VIf two or more people argue something out, they discuss it orthoroughly in order to reach a conclusion or decision.If there's a dispute we argue it out.The question of divorce was discussed and argued out in the frankesttones.5 ally noun verbCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusWord sets 1Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplesally1 /æla $ æla, la/ noun (plural allies) countable1 a country that agrees to help or support another country in a war:a meeting of the European allies2 the Allies the group of countries including Britain and the USthat fought together in the First and Second World Wars3 someone who helps and supports you when other people are trying tooppose you:Ridley was one of the Queens closest allies.a staunch ally (=very close ally) of President Soaresa network of political alliesShe knew she had found an ally in Ted.4 something that helps you succeed in a difficult situation:Exercise is an important ally in your campaign to lose weight.noun verbCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusPhrases from other entriesCorpus examplesally2 /la $ la,æla/ verb (past tense and past participleallied, present participle allying, third person singular allies)Date: 1300-1400Language: Old FrenchOrigin: alier, from Latin alligare, from ad- to + ligare totieVerb formtransitive always +adverb/preposition to help and support otherpeople or countries, especially in a war or disagreementally yourself to/with somebodySome of the northern cities allied themselves with the emperor. ALLIED6 quiet down quiet down quiets down; quieting down; quieted downPHR-V-ERGIf someone or something quiets down or if you quiet them down, theybecome less noisy or less active. (mainly AM; in BRIT usually usequieten down)Once the vote was taken, things quieted down quickly.Try gradually to quiet them down as bedtime approaches.7 hostage Collocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusThesaurus 1Activator 1 2 3 4 5Phrases from this entryOther dictionary examplesCorpus exampleshostage /hstd $ h-/ noun countableDate: 1200-1300Language: Old FrenchOrigin: hoste; HOST11 someone who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the otherside will do what the enemy demands kidnap:The group are holding two tourists hostage (=keeping them ashostages).a family taken hostage at gunpoint2 be (a) hostage to something to be influenced and controlled bysomething, so that you are not free to do what you want:Our country must not be held hostage to our past.3 a hostage to fortune something that you have promised to do thatmay cause you problems in the futureTHESAURUSprisoner someone who is kept in a prison as a punishment for acrime, or while they are waiting for their TRIAL: Prisoners may belocked in their cells for twenty-two hours a day. | a prisonerserving a life sentence for murderconvict especially written someone who has been found guilty of acrime and sent to a prison. Convict is used especially about someonewho is sent to prison for a long time. It is more commonly used inhistorical descriptions, or in the phrase an escaped convict: Theconvicts were sent from England to Australia. | Police were huntingfor an escaped convict. | Low-risk convicts help to fight forestfires and clean up public lands.inmate someone who is kept in a prison or a mental hospital: Someinmates are allowed to have special privileges. | He was described bya fellow inmate as a quiet man.captive especially literary someone who is kept somewhere and notallowed to go free, especially in a war or fighting. Captive is arather formal word which is used especially in literature: Theirobjective was to disarm the enemy and release the captives. | She washeld captive (=kept as a prisoner) in the jungle for over threeyears.prisoner of war a soldier, member of the navy etc who is caught bythe enemy during a war and kept in the enemys country: My grandadwas a prisoner of war in Germany. | They agreed to release twoIranian prisoners of war.hostage someone who is kept somewhere as a prisoner, in order toforce people to agree to do something, for example in order to getmoney or to achive a political aim: Diplomats are continuing theirefforts to secure the release of the hostages. | The US hostages wereheld in Tehran for over a year.detainee/internee someone who is kept in a prison, usually becauseof their political views and often without a trial: In some cases,political detainees have been beaten or mistreated. | 23,531 peoplepassed through the camps between 1944 and 1962, including 14,647political internees. | the detainees at Guantanamo Bay8 maker Collocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusThesaurus 1Activator 1Word sets 1Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplesmaker /mek $ -r/ noun countableWord family1 a person or company that makes a particular type of goodscar/film/shoe etc makera quality furniture makera leading Japanese computer makermaker ofThe makers of the car claim that it uses up to 50% less fuel thanother similar cars.2 a machine or piece of equipment that makes somethingcoffee/pasta etc makerGrind the beans to suit your coffee maker.3 decision maker/policy maker/peacemaker etc someone who doessomething or makes something happen:Whos the decision maker in this department?health care administrators and policy makers TROUBLEMAKER, HOLIDAYMAKER4 meet your maker informal to die used humorouslyTHESAURUSmaker a company or person whose business is to make things to besold, either by hand or using machines: the countrys largest carmaker | We got a cabinet maker (=someone who makes furniturefrom wood) to redo our kitchen for us.producer a company or country that makes large quantities ofsomething to be sold - often used about raw materials such as oil,coffee, or steel: OPEC is an organization of 13 major oil producers.| Gold producers' shares went up by 50%.manufacturer a company that makes things in large quantities,especially in a factory: Clothing manufacturers have been feeling theeffects of the recession. | a plane manufacturershipbuilder/boatbuilder a person or company that makes ships orboats: a Japanese shipbuilder, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries | Hestarted out as a boatbuilder.9 cream noun adjective verbCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusThesaurus 1Activator 1Word sets 1 2Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplescream1 /krim/ nounDate: 1300-1400Language: Old FrenchOrigin: craime, cresme, from Latin cramum1 uncountable a thick yellow-white liquid that rises to the top ofmilk:fresh creamstrawberries and cream2 uncountable a pale yellow-white colour3 uncountable and countable used in the names of foods containingcream or something similar to it:cream of chicken soup4 uncountable and countable a thick smooth substance that you puton your skin to make it feel soft, treat a medical condition etc lotion:sun creamface cream5 the cream of something the best people or things from a group:the cream of Europes athletesThe students at this college are the cream of the crop (=the bestof all).COLLOCATIONSTYPES OF CREAMsingle cream British English (=thin cream that you can pour easily)double cream British English, heavy cream American English (=thickcream)whipping cream (=that becomes thick when you beat it)clotted cream British English (=very thick cream that you cannotpour)sour/soured cream (=with a slightly sour taste used in cooking)fresh cream Use about 100ml of fresh cream.thick cream British English Pour some thick cream over thestrawberries.whipped cream (=made thick and light by beating it)VERBSwhip/whisk/beat the cream (=make it thicker by beating it) Whip thecream until it is thick and light.serve something with cream Serve the apple tart warm with thickcream.CREAM + NOUNa cream cake/bun British English (=a cake with cream inside)a cream tea British English (=tea with small cakes called scones,that you eat with cream and jam)THESAURUSmedicine noun uncountable and countable a substance used fortreating illness: Certain medicines should not be taken with alcohol.| Has he taken his medicine?pill noun countable a small piece of medicine that you swallow: Shemanaged to swallow the pill with a sip of water. | The doctor gavehim some pills. | sleeping pills | diet pills | contraceptive pillstablet noun countable especially British English a small piece ofsolid medicine: She's now on four tablets a day. | a five-day courseof tablets | sleeping tablets | anti-malaria tabletsantibiotics/aspirin/codeine etc: The doctor put him on a course ofantibiotics. | Why dont you take some aspirin? | The tabletscontain codeine, which is unsuitable for people with asthma.capsule noun countable a small tube-shaped container with medicineinside that you swallow whole: a bottle of 500 capsules of vitamin C| I advised her to take four to six garlic capsules a day for theduration of the treatment.caplet noun countable a small smooth pill that is slightly longerthan it is wide - used especially on bottles and containers: In smalltype, the consumer is warned not to take more than one caplet perday.eye/ear drops liquid medicine that you put into your eye or ear:Remember if you 're using eye drops for your hay fever, leave yourcontact lenses out.cream noun uncountable and countable especially British English(also lotion especially American English) a thick smooth substancecontaining medicine, that you put on your skin: an antibiotic cream |antiseptic cream | skin creamdrug noun countable a medicine or a substance for making medicines:a drug used to treat malaria | There are a wide range of differentdrugs on the market.dosage noun countable usually singular the amount of medicine thatyou should take at one time: The dosage should be reduced to 0.5 mg.| Its important to get the dosage right.medication noun uncountable and countable medicine or drugs givento someone who is ill: He takes medication for his diabetes. | Sheson medication (=taking medication), having suffered from depressionfor a number of years.noun adjective verbCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusWord sets 1Phrases from other entriesCorpus examplescream2 adjectivepale yellow-white in colour:a cream-coloured carpetnoun adjective verbCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusWord sets 1Phrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplescream3 verb transitiveVerb form1 to mix foods together until they become a thick soft mixture:Cream the butter and sugar together.2 American English informal to easily defeat someone in a game,competition etc:We got creamed 456.3 to hit a ball very hard, for example in a game of tennis or cricket4 American English informal to hit someone very hardcream somebody/something off phrasal verb especially BritishEnglishto choose the best people or things from a group, especially sothat you can use them for your own advantage:The best students are creamed off by the large companies.10 running noun adjective adverbCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1Word sets 1Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesCorpus examplesrunning1 /rn/ noun uncountableWord family1 the activity or sport of running jogging:Did you go running this morning?New facilities include a pool and a running track.running shoes2 the running of something the process of managing or organizing abusiness, home, organization etc:Brian took over the day-to-day running of the company while hisfather was away.He praised the smooth running of the election.3 be in the running/out of the running to have some hope or no hopeof winning a race or competition:Whos in the running for the world title this year?4 make (all) the running British English informal to be the personwho makes most of the suggestions in a relationship, plan, activityetcnoun adjective adverbCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesCorpus examplesrunning2 adjective only before nounWord family1 running watera) if a house has running water, it has pipes which provide water toits kitchen, bath, toilet etcb) water that is flowing or moving:the sound of running waterRinse the vegetables thoroughly under running water.2 running commentary a spoken description of an event, especially arace or game, made while the event is happening:She gave us a running commentary on what was happening in thestreet.3 running total a total that keeps being increased as new costs,amounts etc are added:Keep a running total of your expenses as you go along.4 running battle/joke an argument or joke that continues or isrepeated over a long period of time5 running sore a sore area on your skin that has liquid coming outof it6 in running order a machine that is in running order is workingcorrectly7 the running order the order


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