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    # 单词 解释1 pregnancy Collocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1 2Word sets 1 2Other dictionary examplesCorpus examplespregnancy /prennsi/ noun (plural pregnancies)uncountable and countablewhen a woman is pregnant (=has a baby growing inside her body):This drug should not be taken during pregnancy.her third pregnancyteenage pregnanciesa pregnancy test2 trail verb nounCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1 2Phrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplestrail1 /trel/ verb1. PULL2. WALK SLOWLY3. LOSE A COMPETITION4. FOLLOW SBPHRASAL VERBStrail away/offDate: 1300-1400Language: Old FrenchOrigin: trailler to pull after you, tow, from Vulgar Latintragulare, from Latin tragula sledge, net for pullingVerb form1 PULL intransitive and transitive to pull something behind you,especially along the ground, or to be pulled in this way:A plane trailing a banner was circling overhead.trail in/on/over etcShe walked slowly along the path, her skirt trailing in the mud.trail something in/across/through etc somethingRees was leaning out of the boat trailing his hand through thewater.2 WALK SLOWLY intransitive always + adverb/preposition to walkslowly, especially behind other people because you are tired orboredtrail behind/aroundSusie trailed along behind her parents.We spent the afternoon trailing around the shops.3 LOSE A COMPETITION intransitive, transitive usually in progressiveto be losing in a game, competition, or election:The Democratic candidate is still trailing in the opinion polls.trail (somebody) by somethingManchester United were trailing by two goals to one.trail in/home (=finish in a bad position)He trailed in last after a disastrous race.4 FOLLOW SOMEBODY transitive to follow someone by looking for signsthat they have gone in a particular direction:Police trailed the gang for several days.trail away/off phrasal verbif someones voice trails away or trails off, it becomesgradually quieter and then stops:She trailed off, silenced by the look Kris gave her.verb nounCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1Word sets 1Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplestrail2 noun countable1 a rough path across countryside or through a forest:The trail led over Boulder Pass before descending to a lake. NATURE TRAIL2 a long line or a series of marks that have been left by someoneor somethingtrail ofa trail of wet footprintsThe bus left a trail of black smoke behind it.The typhoon left a trail of devastation.3 a series of unpleasant situations or feelings that have been leftby someone or somethingtrail ofHe left a trail of broken hearts and broken promises.4 a sign that a person or animal has been in a place, used forfinding or catching them:The hunters lost the tigers trail in the middle of the jungle.Police tracked him to Valencia and there the trail went cold(=they could not find any signs of him).5 be on the trail of somebody/something to be trying to findsomeone or something by getting information about them:industrial spies on the trail of technological secretsPolice believe they are hot on the trail of a drug-smuggling gang(=they are close to finding them).6 all the places that a particular group of people visit for aparticular purpose:a town on the tourist trailcampaign/election trailpoliticians on the campaign trail7 the set of things that someone does to achieve something:New players should put the team back on the winning trail. blaze a trail AT BLAZE2(5), hit the trail/road AT HIT1(17)3 trap noun verbCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1 2Word sets 1 2 3Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplestrap1 /træp/ noun countable1. FOR ANIMALS2. CLEVER TRICK3. BAD SITUATION4. fall into/avoid the trap of doing sth5. keep your trap shut6. shut your trap!7. VEHICLE8. SPORT9. DOG RACELanguage: Old EnglishOrigin: træppe, treppe1 FOR ANIMALS a piece of equipment for catching animals:The only way to catch mice is to set a trap.He stepped into a bear trap covered in snow. MOUSETRAP2 CLEVER TRICK a clever trick that is used to catch someone or to makethem do or say something that they did not intend tolay/set a trap (for somebody)Mr Smith has walked straight into a trap laid by the Tories.fall/walk into a trapPolice had set a trap for hooligans at the match.3 BAD SITUATION an unpleasant or difficult situation that is difficultto escape from:Amanda felt that marriage was a trap.debt/unemployment etc trappeople caught in the unemployment trap4 fall into/avoid the trap of doing something to do somethingthat seems good at the time but is not sensible or wise, or toavoid doing this:Dont fall into the trap of investing all your money in oneplace.5 keep your trap shut spoken a rude way of telling someone to notsay anything about things that are secret:Just keep your trap shut.6 shut your trap! spoken a rude way of telling someone to stoptalking7 VEHICLE a vehicle with two wheels, pulled by a horse8 SPORT American English SANDTRAP SYN bunker British English9 DOG RACE a special gate from which a GREYHOUND is set free at thebeginning of a race BOOBY TRAP, DEATH TRAP, poverty trap AT POVERTY(3), SPEED TRAP, TOURISTTRAPnoun verbCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusThesaurus 1Activator 1 2Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplestrap2 verb (past tense and past participle trapped, presentparticiple trapping) transitive1. IN A DANGEROUS PLACE2. IN A BAD SITUATION3. ANIMAL4. CATCH SB5. TRICK6. CRUSH7. GAS/WATER ETCVerb form1 IN A DANGEROUS PLACE usually passive to prevent someone fromescaping from somewhere, especially a dangerous place:Twenty miners were trapped underground.Dozens of people were trapped in the rubble when the buildingcollapsed.Theres no way out! Were trapped!2 IN A BAD SITUATION be/feel trapped to be in a bad situation fromwhich you cannot escapebe/feel trapped inJulia felt trapped in her role of wife and mother.3 ANIMAL to catch an animal or bird using a trap4 CATCH SOMEBODY to catch someone by forcing them into a place fromwhich they cannot escape:The police trapped the terrorists at a roadblock.5 TRICK to trick someone so that you make them do or say somethingthat they did not intend totrap somebody into (doing) somethingI was trapped into signing a confession.6 CRUSH British English to get a part of your body crushed betweentwo objects SYN pinch American English:Mind you dont trap your fingers in the door.pain from a trapped nerve7 GAS/WATER ETC to prevent something such as gas or water from gettingaway:solar panels that trap the suns heatTHESAURUScatch to stop someone who is trying to escape, especially byrunning after them and then holding them: He raced after her, buthe couldnt catch her. | The police caught the bank robbers aftera car chase through the city.arrest if the police arrest someone, they take him or her to apolice station because they think that person has done somethingillegal: Wayne was arrested for dangerous driving. | The policearrested him and charged him with murder.apprehend formal if the police apprehend someone they think hasdone something illegal, they catch him or her: The two men werelater apprehended after they robbed another store. | The killerswere never apprehended. | All of the kidnappers were apprehendedand convicted.capture to catch an enemy or a criminal in order to keep them as aprisoner: The French king was captured by the English at the battleof Poitiers in 1356. | The gunmen were finally captured after ashoot-out with the police.take somebody prisoner to catch someone, especially in a war, inorder to keep them as a prisoner: 350 soldiers were killed andanother 300 taken prisoner. | Ellison was taken prisoner by theGermans during the retreat to Dunkirk.trap to make someone go to a place from which they cannot escape,especially by using your skill and intelligence: Police trapped theman inside a bar on the citys southside.corner to force someone into a place from which they cannot escape:He was cornered outside the school by three gang members.4 sink in sink in sinks in; sinking in; sank in; sunk inPHR-VWhen a statement or fact sinks in, you finally understand orrealize it fully.The implication took a while to sink in.5 privatize Collocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1Word sets 1 2Other dictionary examplesCorpus examplesprivatize (also privatise British English) /pravtaz/verb transitiveWord familyVerb formif a government privatizes an organization, industry, or servicethat it owns or controls, it sells it nationalize6 striking Collocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1 2 3Phrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplesstriking /strak/ adjectiveWord family1 unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticedstriking contrast/similarity/parallel etca striking contrast between wealth and poverty2 attractive in an unusual way that is easy to notice:a dark man with striking features3 only before noun not working because of being on STRIKE:striking auto workers be within striking distance AT STRIKE1(17)7 grain Collocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusActivator 1Word sets 1 2 3Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplesgrain /ren/ noun1. FOOD2. LINES IN WOOD ETC3. SMALL PIECE4. a grain of sth5. against the grain6. MEASUREDate: 1200-1300Language: Old FrenchOrigin: Latin granum seed1 FOODa) uncountable the seeds of crops such as corn, wheat, or ricethat are gathered for use as food, or these crops themselves:big sacks of grainLast years grain harvest was the biggest ever.b) countable a single seed of corn, wheat etc:grains of rice2 LINES IN WOOD ETC singular the natural lines you can see in asubstance such as wood, which are the result of its structurealong the grain (=in the same direction as the grain)Cut along the grain of the wood.across the grain (=at 90 degrees to the grain)3 SMALL PIECE countable a single very small piece of a substancesuch as sand or saltgrain ofa grain of sandThere were crumbs and grains of sugar on the table.4 a grain of something a very small amount of something:The story wouldnt have fooled anyone with a grain of sense.There is a grain of truth in all folklore and legend.5 against the grain if something goes against the grain, it is notwhat you would naturally or normally do:Mary is always honest and it went against the grain to telllies.6 MEASURE countable the smallest unit for measuring weight, equalto about 0.06 grams. It is used for weighing medicines. take something with a pinch/grain of salt AT SALT1(3)8 reluctant Collocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusThesaurus 1Activator 1 2Other dictionary examplesCorpus examplesreluctant AC /rlktnt/ adjectiveWord familyDate: 1600-1700Language: LatinOrigin: present participle of reluctari to fight againstslow and unwilling OPP willing:She gave a reluctant smile.reluctant to do somethingMaddox was reluctant to talk about it.reluctantly adverb:Reluctantly, he agreed.THESAURUSunwilling/not willing not wanting to do something and refusing todo it: She's unwilling to admit that she was wrong. | Stuart was anunwilling participant in the shooting. | Put away any toys thechild is not willing to share, to avoid any problems.reluctant not willing to do something, although you may bepersuaded after a while. Also used when someone does somethingafter at first being unwilling to do it: He was reluctant to talkabout his childhood. | She gave a reluctant smile. | thegovernment's reluctant agreement to hold talks | a reluctant herogrudging given unwillingly used about admiration, respect,support, or an apology: He gave her a grudging apology. | He couldnot help feeling a grudging admiration for the old lady.be loath to do something to not want to do something, especiallysomething that you might have to do a rather formal use: He hasmore staff than he needs, but he is loath to get rid of goodpeople.9 referendum Collocations from this entryCollocations from the corpusThesaurus 1Activator 1Word sets 1Other dictionary examplesCorpus examplesreferendum /refrendm/ noun (plural referenda /-d/ orreferendums) uncountable and countableDate: 1800-1900Language: Modern LatinOrigin: Latin referre; REFERwhen people vote in order to make a decision about a particularsubject, rather than voting for a personreferendum ona referendum on independenceThe city council agreed to hold a referendum on the issue inNovember.THESAURUSelection an occasion when people choose a government or leader byvoting: the American presidential election | South Africa held itsfirst multi-racial elections in 1994.ballot /bælt/ an occasion when the members of an organization voteby marking what they want on a piece of paper, especially to makesure that it is secret: The result of the ballot showed that nurseswere not in favour of a strike.referendum /refrendm/ an occasion when everyone in a countryvotes on an important political subject: In the Danish referendum,the people voted no to joining the European single currency.the polls the process of voting in a political election usedespecially in news reports: 4,500,000 voters went to the polls ineight provinces to elect six governors.show of hands an act of voting informally for something by thepeople in a group raising their hands: May I have a show of handsfrom all those in favour of the proposal?10 premium noun adjectiveCollocations from this entryCollocations from other entriesCollocations from the corpusThesaurus 1Word sets 1 2 3 4Phrases from this entryPhrases from other entriesOther dictionary examplesCorpus examplespremium1 /primim/ nounDate: 1600-1700Language: LatinOrigin: praemium profit, reward, from emere to take,buy1 countable the cost of insurance, especially the amount that youpay each year:insurance premiums2 countable an additional amount of money, above a standard rateor amount:Consumers are prepared to pay a premium for organically grownvegetables.Top quality cigars are being sold at a premium.3 be at a premium if something is at a premium, people need it orwant it, but there is little of it available or it is difficult toget:During the Olympic Games, accommodation will be at a premium.space/time is at a premiumFoldaway furniture is the answer where space is at a premium.4 put/place a premium on something to consider one quality or typeof thing as being much more important than others:Modern economies place a premium on educated worke


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