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    新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/英语专业考研辅导班: 2020 年南开大学英语语言文学考研真题回忆基础英语 734 真题回忆一、词汇填空 1*20=20(没有往年难,都挺简单的而且形式已经变好了的)get byluringliableevoke不好意思剩下的记不起来了,欢迎补充二、完形填空 1*20=20很基础的语法知识,只记得其中几个 in particular, instead of, 三、阅读理解 2*15=30共三篇,都是篇幅很短,跟历年真题篇幅差不多,也没太有生词,感觉六级难度不到。但是题目很巧妙,有时候两个问题可能是一句话或者是非常相邻两句话,需要仔细分析,不要掉进坑里。Passage 1:2019 年 6 月六级真题Professor Stephen Hawking has warned that the creation of powerful artifcial intelligence (AI) will be “either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity”, and praised the creation of an academic institute dedicated to researching the future of intelligence as “ crucial to the future of our civilisation and our species”.Hawking was speaking at the opening of the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence(LCFI) at Cambridge University, a multi-disciplinary institute that will attempt to tackle some of the open-新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/ended questions raised by the rapid pace of development in AI research. “We spend a great deal of time studyin history,” Hawking said, “which, lets face it, is mostly the history of stupidity. So it;s a welcome change that people are studying instead the future of intelligence.”While the world-renowned physicist has often been cautious about AI, raising concerns that humanity could be the architect of its own destruction if it creates a super-intelligence with a will of its own, he was also quick to highlight the positives that AI research can bring. “The potential benefits of creating intelligence are huge,” he said. “We cannot predict what we might achieve when our own minds are amplified by AI. Perhaps with the tools of this new technological revolution, we will be able to undo some of the damage done to the natural world by the last one-industrialisation. And surely we will aim to finally eradicate disease and poverty. And every aspect of our lives will be transformed. In short, success in creating AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilisation.”Huw Price, the centres academic director and the Bertrand Russell professor of philosophy at Cambridge University, where Hawking is also an academic, said that the centre came about partially as a result of the universitys Centre for Existential Risk. That institute examined a wider range of potential problems for humanity, while the LCFI has a narrow focus.AI pioneer Margaret Boden, professor of cognitive science at the University of Sussex, praised the progress of such discussions. As recently as 2009, she said, the topic wasnt taken seriously, even among AI researchers. “AI is hugely exciting,” she said, “but it has limitations, which present grave dangers given uncritical use.”The academic community is not alone in warning about the potential dangers of AI as well as the potential benefits. A number of pioneers from the technology industry, most famously the entrepreneur Elon Musk, have also expressed their concerns about the damage that a super-intelligent AI could do to humanity.1. What did Stephen Hawking think of artificial intelligence?新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/A) It would be vital to the progress of human civilisation.B) It might be a blessing or a disaster in the making.C) It might present challenges as well as opportunities.D) It would be a significant expansion of human intelligence.2. What did Hawking say about the creation of the LCFI?A) It would accelerate the progress of AI research.B) It would mark a step forward in the AI industry.C) It was extremely important to the destiny of humankind.D) It was an achievement of multi-disciplinary collaboration.3. What did Hawking say was a welcome change in AI research?A) The shift of research focus from the past to the future.B) The shift of research from theory to implementation.C) The greater emphasis on the negative impact of AI.D) The increasing awareness of mankinds past stupidity.4. What concerns did Hawking raise about AI?A) It may exceed human intelligence sooner or later.B) It may ultimately over-amplify the human mind.C) Super-intelligence may cause its own destruction.D) Super-intelligence may eventually ruin mankind.5. What do we learn about some entrepreneurs from the technology industry?A) They are much influenced by the academic community.B) They are most likely to benefit from AI development.C) They share the same concerns about AI as academics.D) They believe they can keep AI under human control.新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/第二篇不记得了,欢迎知道的小伙伴们补充Passage 3:某个地区老年人的市场非常广阔,许多高科技公司希望得到老年人关于自家产品的反馈。于是让一些什么人进驻到社区还是什么地方,收集老年人的反馈。这一关键就是取得他们的信任,让他们感觉不是在推销,才会愿意分享反馈。但是这个地区的老年人很多都是科学家退休者,熟练使用这些高科技产品对他们来说并不是难题。四、翻译英译汉:15*2=301.经济学人双语版-静心,出离 Turn off and drop outA vacation gives workers a chance to recharge their mental batteries. For Bartleby, this means reading books that do not have titles like “Beyond Performance 2.0” (sadly, a genuine example of a management tome). Heading to a new location allows employees to clear their thoughts. After all, there is more to life than spreadsheets and sales forecasts. To misquote Timothy Leary, the 1960s hippie guru, a holiday is time to “turn off and drop out”.It also means workers get more sleep by escaping the tyranny of the early-morning alarm. In addition, they no longer suffer the agonies of the daily commute: the cramped railway carriages or gridlocked roads. 度假让人在工作之余有机会为大脑充充电。对本专栏作者来说,这意味着拿来看的书不再是超越绩效 2.0(Beyond Performance 2.0)这类标题(抱歉啊,这可是一本经典管理学著作)。去一个全新的地方旅行可以让员工放空大脑。毕竟,生活除了数据表和销售预测还有其他东西。把上世纪 60 年代的嬉皮士大师蒂莫西·利里(Timothy Leary)的话改一改,假期就是“静心,出离”的时候。度假还能让人躲过清晨残酷的闹铃声,获得更多睡眠。此外,人们还可避过每日通勤中那拥挤的车厢或拥堵的道路。新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/2.网络阅读自问世以来就得到广大读者的喜爱,尤其是女性。网络虚拟书架的空间一直在扩大。仅在美国,不包括自行出版的作品,罗曼蒂克式小说的年销量就抵得过科幻小说和悬疑小说的总销量。这些公司正在尝试如何预测网络阅读的热点问题。(记不太清了,大概是两三百词左右)汉译英:20*1=20曾几何时,女性似乎比男性更迫切地要走进婚姻。然而,这种一概而论的观点在今天已不再适用。那么到底是女性的选择还是男性的选择在推动当今的“不婚浪潮”呢?文章认为,这很难说,但存在一些明显的性别不对称。比如,最近对适婚年龄未婚黑人进行的一项调查发现,寻求长期婚恋关系的女性只占 25%,而男性却占 43%。或许一些人在寻找潜在终生伴侣时不喜欢用供需这样的概念。毕竟,我们喜欢把自己,以及我们的伴侣,当成独特的个体,而不是替代品或退而求其次的选择。纽约时报文摘 | 婚姻市场的变迁:更多女性不想嫁人婚姻市场的变迁:更多女性不想嫁人The Declining Demand for HusbandsOnce upon a time women seemed more eager than men to marry. Today such generalizations no longer apply. Its hard to tell, but some gender asymmetries are apparent. For instance, a recent poll of unmarried blacks of prime marrying age found that only 25 percent of women were seeking a long-term relationship compared with 43 percent of men. Some people may dislike application of concepts like supply and demand to the search for potential lifetime partners. After all, we like to think of ourselves and our partners as unique individuals, not as substitutes or next-best choices.五、写作 30自己关于网络游戏的看法,对 teenagers,网络游戏 disadvantages outweigh advantages 吗?陈述观点


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